scheid 09 afterparty vid ticks me off

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here I switched computers is this better. I hope I didnt offend anyone else on the internet????

''cant we resolve this issue with conflict''
You didnt capalize the h in here at the beginning of the sentence and im kinda offended now.....

here I switched computers is this better. I hope I didnt offend anyone else on the internet????

''cant we resolve this issue with conflict''

What I just read, is the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever read. At no point, in this rambling incoherent thread, was anyone even close to anything that could be considered a rational argument. Everyone on Comp D is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Billy Madison
here I switched computers is this better. I hope I didnt offend anyone else on the internet????

''cant we resolve this issue with conflict''

Yeah, you did miss the "H". :)

It's just hard to read. I didn't mean upset. It's just annoying if your job requires a computer and you see that all the time when one can easily help not do it.
What I just read, is the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever read. At no point, in this rambling incoherent thread, was anyone even close to anything that could be considered a rational argument. Everyone on Comp D is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Billy Madison

Lol, that's awesome. One of my favorite parts of that movie.
This hole thread is nothing but a dick measureing contest and a complete waste of internet space. I vote to shut it down. None of this will change anything that goes on. People are too stubborn for that. Resolve these conflicts by not allowing any more post. Unless you guys like to argue then i guess have at it. Tim
you guys make me feel young again!lol im only 23 and this farm kid is nowhere near as mature as my left asscheek! i dont understand how you can be 22 and be debt free??? looks to me like some punk got inheritance money that he didnt deserve... oh btw its never a good idea to threaten someone you no nothing about. i personally am going to find were you live go to your door call your girlfriend ugly and punch you in the dick hoping it will prevent any unwanted births.

on a side not can someone shut this thread down so i stop coming on and looking to see what he says next.
p.s unbroken i was joking about the threats... (kinda) so dont ban me! lol
If you saw no rational arguement in this whole thread then you also need to brush up on reading comprehension. LOL

I guess I need to learn text typing then maybe the younger guys can understand easier. LOL
you guys make me feel young again!lol im only 23 and this farm kid is nowhere near as mature as my left asscheek! i dont understand how you can be 22 and be debt free??? looks to me like some punk got inheritance money that he didnt deserve... oh btw its never a good idea to threaten someone you no nothing about. i personally am going to find were you live go to your door call your girlfriend ugly and punch you in the dick hoping it will prevent any unwanted births.

on a side not can someone shut this thread down so i stop coming on and looking to see what he says next.
p.s unbroken i was joking about the threats... (kinda) so dont ban me! lol

Easy, you have nothing to begin with and rent everything you use. :)
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