scheid 09 afterparty vid ticks me off

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Obviously i dont post much but ive been around for awhile. For the most part i agree with unbroken on this situation. I havent had a chance to make it to TS or SDX yet. But from watching the videos i see all over the internet it is stupid crap like these burnouts and crap that give the diesel world a bad rap with these commuities we invade for a weekend. Im am only 23 and yea i like to drink and have a good time. But guaranteed if im drinkin you wont see me in my truck. IMHO if these cops are "letting" these things go on thats rediculous. It would be very easy for someone to get hurt or killed doin dumb azz stuff like that. (Ohh by the way i like your choice of Crown Royal XR Richard.) It dont matter if your drunk or not grow the F*** up and have some respect for these towns that allow these events to go on. Everyone likes to have fun but keep it in control and do it in the right spot. A parking lot in the middle of town isnt the right spot.

ha ha all you old timers on here whinning and crying about some kids having a good time cracks me up! If its to drunk out maybe you should put on your depends and just go to bed. Your on here bustin holmesfarm's ballz WTF ? he's what 22? but sounds to me like he's pretty well off for his age. what were you doing when you were that old? Or better yet what are your kids doing at his age? If you think farming is so damn easy how about you go buy a farm and make payments on over half a million dollars ? why dont one of you smart old timers that has nothin else to do figure up the payment on that ? throw in all the other exspenses of farming and see how far that gets you with your 70-80k sallary. My hats off to him:Cheer: and i think the black ford is ugly to. Merry f**kin chrismas
This thread is like a duracell battery, it keep's going and going. LOL
What I spent on this damned truck in 4 years could have almost built a Mod puller. LOL
You know me know I have too many teeth to be a sled puller. LOL
Not much use for a Mod puller in south Texas anyway.
Hellscummins...where ya at in northeast Ohio?
I'm in southwest Pa right now...maybe you can show me what I'm doing wrong ????
ya they just dont seem to understand and have no idea what its like.

ha ha all you old timers on here whinning and crying about some kids having a good time cracks me up! If its to drunk out maybe you should put on your depends and just go to bed. Your on here bustin holmesfarm's ballz WTF ? he's what 22? but sounds to me like he's pretty well off for his age. what were you doing when you were that old? Or better yet what are your kids doing at his age? If you think farming is so damn easy how about you go buy a farm and make payments on over half a million dollars ? why dont one of you smart old timers that has nothin else to do figure up the payment on that ? throw in all the other exspenses of farming and see how far that gets you with your 70-80k sallary. My hats off to him:Cheer: and i think the black ford is ugly to. Merry f**kin chrismas
Where you at? Thats my neck of the woods, working on the Turnpike, 31-38, and freezing to death.

The BEST places to have a Mod Puller is where there isn't any. The newbie crowds love them!!:cheer:
Prolly right, the tats and hardware would get you a beating if you ran the midwest circuit, eventually!!:poke:LOL
Hellscummins...where ya at in northeast Ohio?
I'm in southwest Pa right now...maybe you can show me what I'm doing wrong ????

just about an hour over the pa line not to far from youngstown. Come and get it! so did you drive your so called pretty lil truck in the snow down there?
If all these old timers had their way going to a diesel event would be like going to a bingo hall! Next it will be everyones p!ssed cuz somebody farted too loud while a pulling truck was spooling up. :bang

Hellscummins...where ya at in northeast Ohio?
I'm in southwest Pa right now...maybe you can show me what I'm doing wrong ????

Oh sh!t hes lookin for ya, don't kick his ass! Hes got tattoos! You don't even know!

If your in PA you are defiantly surrounded by the people you fit in with!
Actually I guess I'm in more central Pa. Kinda in between Pittsburg and Philly.
Gene...I was cussing you when I ran through that construction last Friday. It's not a friendly place to be dragging a large trailer. And y'all can all go to hell with these tolls. I paid 92 bucks in tolls from Chicago to here.
Actually I guess I'm in more central Pa. Kinda in between Pittsburg and Philly.
Gene...I was cussing you when I ran through that construction last Friday. It's not a friendly place to be dragging a large trailer. And y'all can all go to hell with these tolls. I paid 92 bucks in tolls from Chicago to here.

Oh? now you might be a little closer to me!
let it be known rich, that the original intentions of the pennsylvania turnpike was to have the booths taken down once the original cost had been paid....ya fuchin right.... the orange barrels are part of the turnpikes serene beauty:bang
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