scheid 09 afterparty vid ticks me off

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just about an hour over the pa line not to far from youngstown. Come and get it! so did you drive your so called pretty lil truck in the snow down there?

I drove my aforementioned 06 Dodge up here. My Fummins stays under lock and key at home to keep the douchebags of the world from touching stuff that isn't theirs.
You'd do the same if you had that kinda money tied up in something.
But don't think for a second it can't do snow. I had a place in Chicago for a couple of's seen plenty of snow. I drove it from Houston to there last Christmas in some of the most abominable weather known to man. She fired right up in 30 below windchill temps and it doesn't have a heater grid or a block heater. Actually that kinda surprised me too. LOL
well if you make so much money then y are you bitc*** about 92 bucks??????? and dont say hell that offends me im jewish

Actually I guess I'm in more central Pa. Kinda in between Pittsburg and Philly.
Gene...I was cussing you when I ran through that construction last Friday. It's not a friendly place to be dragging a large trailer. And y'all can all go to hell with these tolls. I paid 92 bucks in tolls from Chicago to here.
If your in PA you are defiantly surrounded by the people you fit in with!
without us "old timers" you kids wouldn't have any events to go to at all. I can't remember going to an event put on by anyone even close to being under 30.
As for fitting in....I don't think the Amish like me much...they keep looking at me funny. LOL
without us "old timers" you kids wouldn't have any events to go to at all. I can't remember going to an event put on by anyone even close to being under 30.
As for fitting in....I don't think the Amish like me much...they keep looking at me funny. LOL

Isn't Dennis Perry pretty young yet?
You know me know I have too many teeth to be a sled puller. LOL
Not much use for a Mod puller in south Texas anyway.

you might want to watch talkin that way around here. Your awful close to W.V. right now. they might only have one tooth but there awful proud of it.
well if you make so much money then y are you bitc*** about 92 bucks??????? and dont say hell that offends me im jewish

It's the principal of it god dammit. In Ohio I paid I 25.00 to leave the state. In Pa I paid 11.25 to enter the state. Those booths are about 3 miles apart.
I think anyone would find it rediculous to pay over 36 fukking dollars to drive 3 miles on a sh!tty road. If they don't they can go to hell.

Did I miss any? My intention is to offend everyone. :D
would you like another cookie and pat on the back?? y do u keep braggin about the ugly truck? I have alot of money tied up in crops and stuff that make me money instead of an ugly ass truck that sits in a garage and i cant keep douchebags from drivin in my fields with there trucks

I drove my aforementioned 06 Dodge up here. My Fummins stays under lock and key at home to keep the douchebags of the world from touching stuff that isn't theirs.
You'd do the same if you had that kinda money tied up in something.
But don't think for a second it can't do snow. I had a place in Chicago for a couple of's seen plenty of snow. I drove it from Houston to there last Christmas in some of the most abominable weather known to man. She fired right up in 30 below windchill temps and it doesn't have a heater grid or a block heater. Actually that kinda surprised me too. LOL
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