scheid 09 afterparty vid ticks me off

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would you like another cookie and pat on the back?? y do u keep braggin about the ugly truck? I have alot of money tied up in crops and stuff that make me money instead of an ugly ass truck that sits in a garage and i cant keep douchebags from drivin in my fields with there trucks

Answering a question is not's...well...answering a question.
You seriously need to go back and finish high school. I swear you have the worst reading comprehension skills on the planet.

And don't go teasing me with cookies again. I already told you what kind I like and you sure haven't sent me any yet so quit making promises you don't intend to keep.
I was entertained watching ur truck hooked to a sled...:owned:

wow you retards really dont have anything better to do...truck pulled once for chits and giggles thats it. get over yourself. and if you must know theres another truck being built this winter simply because of your collective big mouths. now its not mine, its a very good friends'. maybe you guys should quit acting like tough guys and go spend some $ on your trucks. bc what u had this year aint gonna cut it...

im just saying
wow you retards really dont have anything better to do...truck pulled once for chits and giggles thats it. get over yourself. and if you must know theres another truck being built this winter simply because of your collective big mouths. now its not mine, its a very good friends'. maybe you guys should quit acting like tough guys and go spend some $ on your trucks. bc what u had this year aint gonna cut it...

im just saying

Is it gonna turn HUGE RPMS!!!??!!?!
Rich, I hear its TasyKakes you want to pick up in PA. NOM! And let me tell me you guys Rich is so big and scary, he nearly made my Co-worker crap his pants in Chicago. There was Shart. LOL
without us "old timers" you kids wouldn't have any events to go to at all. I can't remember going to an event put on by anyone even close to being under 30.
As for fitting in....I don't think the Amish like me much...they keep looking at me funny. LOL

went to 2 pulls put on by the local ffa group this year. for you city boys with pretty trucks that dont know thats future farmers of america and there all in high school. if it wasnt for farmers there wouldnt even be pulls. it all started with farmers hookin up there horses and then there tractors now its trucks.
Is it gonna turn HUGE RPMS!!!??!!?!

hahahhahahahahahah dude u kill me

but yes it will lol...but its not a CR

but if youve noticed we will be able to soon....brian, on the list for a standalone computer yet?

o and burn tire!:rockwoot:
went to 2 pulls put on by the local ffa group this year. for you city boys with pretty trucks that dont know thats future farmers of america and there all in high school. if it wasnt for farmers there wouldnt even be pulls. it all started with farmers hookin up there horses and then there tractors now its trucks.

ok I'm not in this at all but this is good reading... and uumm FFA no longer stand for Future Farmers of America... its just the National FFA Organization now:poke:

oh and I've only seen Rich one time and it was at Schieds this year... my old lady leaned over to me and said "Look at that guy!! He kinda looks scary...":hehe:
hey unbroken is that your wifes earrings your wearing in that picture?? or do u even have a wife?? and how the hell do you get a job with all those tattoos?
hahahhahahahahahah dude u kill me

but yes it will lol...but its not a CR

but if youve noticed we will be able to soon....brian, on the list for a standalone computer yet?

o and burn tire!:rockwoot:

Why does he need a standalone. P Pumped common rail baby! he beat ya to it.
went to 2 pulls put on by the local ffa group this year. for you city boys with pretty trucks that dont know thats future farmers of america and there all in high school. if it wasnt for farmers there wouldnt even be pulls. it all started with farmers hookin up there horses and then there tractors now its trucks.

Would it surprise you if I said I'm a former FFA member ? I was raised in small town Texas after all. I competed in Parliamentary Procedure at out state convention and won several awards over the years for various things.
I know all about the FFA

I should clarify....I've never seen a national event put on by 20somethings.
breaking news! man in black ford with cummins diesel is sweeping the country on a murdering spree! police think the rampage was caused by dumbasses on the internet.
ya but you was braggin earlier saying there wouldent be diesel competions if there wasnt u older people. u didnt get his point he was saying that there wouldent be any of this if there wasnt farmers that started the horse pulls then tractors and now trucks

Would it surprise you if I said I'm a former FFA member ? I was raised in small town Texas after all. I competed in Parliamentary Procedure at out state convention and won several awards over the years for various things.
I know all about the FFA

I should clarify....I've never seen a national event put on by 20somethings.
Would it surprise you if I said I'm a former FFA member ? I was raised in small town Texas after all. I competed in Parliamentary Procedure at out state convention and won several awards over the years for various things.
I know all about the FFA

I should clarify....I've never seen a national event put on by 20somethings.

it is suprising. THanks for clarifying. OK now back to the chit talkin.
ya but you was braggin earlier saying there wouldent be diesel competions if there wasnt u older people. u didnt get his point he was saying that there wouldent be any of this if there wasnt farmers that started the horse pulls then tractors and now trucks

Do me a favor, genius. Google the word 'bragging' so you'll finally know what it means because you obviously have no idea.
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