scheid 09 afterparty vid ticks me off

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As I sit here I watch this, read this, and think.

SDX and TS have NOTHING on our local rod run. Litteraly 300,00 + cars, muscle cars mostly. Constant burnouts, street racing, 50% of the cars are running open headers, drunks, girls riding around just to flash people (my favorite part). Its been going for 20+ years.

The only show that has been thrown out was the mini trucks, due to them dragging on the street and tearing up the roads.

Im not condoning this by any means. It just seems to be a part of these events. As far as comparing diesel events to TS or SDX, just stop it. Thats like comparing nascar to F1, 2 completely different demographs.

On show trucks vs. pullers vs. drag racers vs. street trucks.....

Ive been around all of those my whole life. Ive worked on show and race cars worth more than most folks houses. Anyone with a big wallet and an attention to detail can build a show car, its that simple.

Honestly, street rods are the nicest show cars around. And they disgust me, bunch of cookie cutter, whats the fad this week, trailer queens.
Ah Yes...
To be 23yrs old and full of such a bad case of testerone rage.

You have 3 trucks,we are all going to be really impressed with you for that.

BTW Azzhat...
I do know about your area and hometown.Let me see if I am correct here...Just east of Adamsville,North of Kennard and with a stiff wind blowing Northeast a tad you would fall into Conneaut and one that blows somewhat Northwest and your junk falls into Pymatuning.So I may know more than you think your not as much of a recluse as you think.

Anyone with a big wallet and an attention to detail can build a show car, its that simple.

So what are you trying to say here Roachie????
ANYONE with a wallet can build a show car/truck but you do not need to have one to build a competition vehicle?.Kinda backwards do you not think?.
I appreciate that, man.
People griping doesn't bother me...haters will always hate.
The guys that think it's as simple as driving for hours and just pulling and wiping down the tires have no idea what it takes to get ready for a show.
I agree...we put as much if not more time in to do what we do.
It's nice to know that someone get's it.

Huh? I thought you guys just slapped a coat of wax on, then hit it up with some tire shine when you got there? lol JK!!!!!!!!

While I do admit to poking fun at some of the show trucks, I will admit that I do have some understanding of how much time and effort it takes to make a show truck a show truck...the few times a month that I actually wash and wax my truck, and it's only so that the paint doesn't get completely tore up!
Ah Yes...
To be 23yrs old and full of such a bad case of testerone rage.

You have 3 trucks,we are all going to be really impressed with you for that.

BTW Azzhat...
I do know about your area and hometown.Let me see if I am correct here...Just east of Adamsville,North of Kennard and with a stiff wind blowing Northeast a tad you would fall into Conneaut and one that blows somewhat Northwest and your junk falls into Pymatuning.So I may know more than you think your not as much of a recluse as you think.

~you know an awful lot about another guy there bud.....:homo:

So what are you trying to say here Roachie????
ANYONE with a wallet can build a show car/truck but you do not need to have one to build a competition vehicle?.Kinda backwards do you not think?.

a competition vehicle doenst have to be built with brand new shiny parts, hell when i race my ktm, its 100% stock. guess what, i dont lose much. but its certainly no show bike....fairly simple.

BTW Azzhat...
I do know about your area and hometown.Let me see if I am correct here...Just east of Adamsville,North of Kennard and with a stiff wind blowing Northeast a tad you would fall into Conneaut and one that blows somewhat Northwest and your junk falls into Pymatuning.So I may know more than you think your not as much of a recluse as you think.

Have I seen you on NBC's How to Catch a Child Predator?:rules: No matter, you know so much, you know the cars shows, cruise ins, bike weeks that happen here in Conneaut Lake, worse **** happens here than anything compared to SDX, and I've been to most shows at the park, my cousin has a fully restored 70 Chevelle SS 396 thats there most of the time I know all about preping a show car, it just doesnt excite me. And when did I say I was a recluse, I've came to the conclusion that YOU CAN'T READ. I just said I'm not in this state 5 days a week, alot in the summer I'm not home period.
well you guys back east and down south are lucky most the car shows in the san fransisco bay area have been shut down due to gang violence. i wish we had it as good as you guys. i remember going to hot august nights on the main strip where i live but it only lasted 10 years and thats when the gangs started causing drama! damn low riders and scrappers
So what are you trying to say here Roachie????
ANYONE with a wallet can build a show car/truck but you do not need to have one to build a competition vehicle?.Kinda backwards do you not think?.

A show car can cost as much or more than a comp vehicle, it all depends on what level your at. You build a show vehicle, clean it, take it to events and park it. Thats all. Honestly, if your "show" vehicle ever see's the street its not gonna all it can be.

Competition vehicles after you build them take tuning, constant tuning, new parts to stay on top of the game, and all those new parts and tunes dont mean squat if you cant drive it. At best the only driving talents a show car owner needs is parking skills. And yes, in the long run a comp vehicle costs way more than a show vehicle.

Like I said, Ive been around this crap my whole life, 80% of the people that build show vehicles are tired of working on hotrods, or were a complete failure at competition.
I wouldn't say that exactly.

I've been quicker in the 1/4 mile than probably 95% of this forum. 8.63 @ 165
I've also owned a trailer only show vehicle. My 250 isn't the first truck I've owned to be in a Ranger was in Mini Truckin back in the late

I've seen both ends of the spectrum...I thought it would be fun to find a happy medium with everything...a showable daily driver that's still respectably fast.

At the end of the day....enjoying what you build is all that matters.
At the end of the day....enjoying what you build is all that matters.

What are the chances this statement will end the pissing contest??

We all do what ever is is we choose to do largely because we enjoy it, no matter what that course may be!

My truck can and has gone down the 1/4 mile...numerous times in it's life.
I just choose to play at the tracks close to home in case something grenades itself. Having a major break down in a state you don't live in s an ordeal I hope I never repeat again....maybe throwing a rod 700 miles from home made me gun-shy. No was a crappy deal that I don't wana deal with again.

While I haven't run any good ET's since I'm too lazy to bolt on slicks at the 112+ mph trap speeds tell me I could run a respectable ET if I ever do bolt on those slicks. Not bad for a truck that's over 7600 lbs with me in it.

Since my truck seems to be the topic of the moment again...let me tell you why I built if the way I did. See...I didn't want a 1 trick pony. Having a dedicated drag truck, sled puller, whatever does not interest me. I tried to build a truck that does multiple things well instead of 1 thing better than anyone else. Looks good, sounds good, goes fast....get the picture ? mod of the week is more stereo upgrades. $1700.00 3 way components that will eventually be in fiberglass door panels.....not exactly what you would do if you were trying to lose weight to drag race huh ?

My goal is to leave no part of the truck stock and untouched....I'm getting pretty close to reaching that goal. When the new paint and bodywork is done this winter I might be done.

Rich, I'm really not trying to bust your nuts here, but if ya put that kinda change into a few more driveline mods, you should be able to get it fairly bulletproof - at least enough to run it at some intermediate state of tune for drag racing with very little trouble.

If you did, it would shut a lot of people up even if it wasn't the qwickest thing in the world.

FWIW. But like you said, if you like it, that's all that's necessary.
Rich, I'm really not trying to bust your nuts here, but if ya put that kinda change into a few more driveline mods, you should be able to get it fairly bulletproof - at least enough to run it at some intermediate state of tune for drag racing with very little trouble.

If you did, it would shut a lot of people up even if it wasn't the qwickest thing in the world.

FWIW. But like you said, if you like it, that's all that's necessary.

Right now I'm focused on the new stereo install. It's getting the new front stage, rear stage redone plus a pass through with a pair of 13" JL subs. That enclosure with subs alone will probably add close to 300lbs more to the truck.
The new front 3 ways came in today and are close to 30lbs then I'll probably add about 20lbs to each of the 4 doors during the install...this pig will be 8000 lbs by the time the stereo is done. LOL

This winter the motor is coming out for a ported/polished head and a few other mods from Hellmann...that'll be done while the truck is being repainted.

My goal right now is to come out next year better than ever in all aspects.

It will go down the track again I'm sure...just not anytime soon.
I got sidetracked and missed this post. I'd love to give it a shot.
It would give the crowd something to watch in between rounds for sure.
As the day winds down in eliminations and fewer trucks are running...we need something to fill in to give the Pro teams time to get ready to run again. You can't ask those guys to hot lap their trucks ya know ?
Believe me...Timbeaux stresses endlessly over how to keep the crowds interest up in the later rounds of the day when the teams need their cool-down time.

A few gift certificates or something or a cash payout could hopefully get people motivated to show off in front of the crowd instead of in a parking lot.
Hell...the magazine guys are always there at the bigger could even get a mag shot out of the deal.

Sounds like a win/win to me.

I think this seems to be a reasonable idea. You have control over it at the track if you do this, plus it just might keep the crowd from getting bored like you stated. I think it will still happen offsite even if you do this, but then again you can't control what everybody does. I don't really mind watching people doing these things, as long as nobody is in danger. And apparently the property owners don't have a problem with it either, they could have blocked off their parking lots for customer use only for the weekend. Or paid a security officer to watch the parking lot.

I do think the guy that jumped on the pickup was a f_cktard, he was lucky he was not run over. He may have been before, and just doesn't remember what happened to him the last time.
X2. Great point.

Can't pull a sled?
Can't drive a truck down a straight piece of asphalt?
Can't figure out how to clean your truck?

Then burn your tires down. It's the special olympics of dieselsport. :doh:


Build a Monster Truck and crush gasser trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the guy in the white ford is a pretty dam good driver!!!$.02 Bet that everyone that fussed about the vid couldnt do that 180 back into the crowd safely.LOL
I think the guy in the white ford is a pretty dam good driver!!!$.02 Bet that everyone that fussed about the vid couldnt do that 180 back into the crowd safely.LOL

i could do it! just not when drunk like the guy in the vid. lol
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