scheid 09 afterparty vid ticks me off

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Why do these Fing idiots have to be rednecks? Personally I dont care but most of us country folks get called rednecks by those who dont know any better. lol Yes this retarded crap happens any where cars, trucks, performance, and testosterone meet up. The problem is the rest of them do not have hippies, tree huggers, and the rest of America biotching. Its funny they are quick to hate on our black smoke trucks, but most of us get better mileage than your average v6 or v8 on the road today. As for burn outs? Forget that noise. I only spend 200 bucks for a whole set of tires(mil oz 37s) and im still not going to get stupid on them. Its dangerous, stupid, and draws negative attention to US, all of us, and even worse, OUR SPORT. Personally I havent been to a huge event like Scheids. Not yet any how, But I read the editors notes in Diesel Power Mag every issue and can not count the times they have said how stupid it gets after these events. They also agree that eventually the sport will get shut down (not that they are the experts or anything). I love diesel. If its got a diesel in it then hell yeah. I have it all in my truck club. Show n Shine, pullers, dragsters, mudders, work trucks, and bone stockers. Im in it for the love of diesel, the sport, and everything to do with it. I would hate for these events to get shut down. So I dont think anyones crying, just pointing out the stupidty behind it. And why hate on each other, and talk crap about spelling? lol You kids are killing me. I enjoyed reading these posts and hope next time, cause I will be there, that we can all work together to keep the "stupid is as stupid does" factor down. It would be nice for all of us to be on here talking about how smooth it went. But we all know that isnt going to happen.
Dang some body delete that last post I put up. lol Im suprised I could even type the other night, let alone read all these dumb azz posts. lol Sorry about it guys. lol
I wasnt trying to insult anyone here, just pointing out that we cant really stop it, I think if it happens in a abandon parking lot or a open parking lot it shouldnt be a big deal. if someone on the actual rd is getting obligerant then yes they need to settle down, im sorry but thats what brings the crowds the after party, truck pulling is only so exciting....then what.
idk, i went to diesel nationals about 2 years ago I think at IRP and the cops let us go to a big industrial part and we all made a big circle with our trucks and messed around, the cops monitored us. I loved it. I agree that the video was a lil much but I think they should have a designated place that we can do this after an event.. I don't know, for me this is the best part. Not the drinking and being stupid but the hanging out and drinkin with other guys that own trucks and showing off the trucks a little.. But I get where everyone else is coming from.
lol man whos that guy in the blue mega cab doin the burnout right after the silver dually??? thats what i like to do and alot of other people so y do u guys have to b**** about it?? u dont see me going and b****** about what you guys like to do. I spent my money on my tires so i think i can do whatever i want with them
X2 on giving us a bad name. I like driving the crap out mine as well, but there's a place and a time for it. that didnt look like the place. But i was young once too. LOL
lol man whos that guy in the blue mega cab doin the burnout right after the silver dually??? thats what i like to do and alot of other people so y do u guys have to b**** about it?? u dont see me going and b****** about what you guys like to do. I spent my money on my tires so i think i can do whatever i want with them

Typical 18 year old response.
We dont give two sh*t's if you or your daddy buying your tires there's a time and place for having fun. What would you do if you was the one on the parking lot resealing it, your wallet might be big enough to buy your tires but i know it not big enough to fix the parking lot. N your ol man's wallet probably not deep enough to eighter. It would suck to for your ol man to have to sale the family farm to fixing your stupidity
We dont give two sh*t's if you or your daddy buying your tires there's a time and place for having fun. What would you do if you was the one on the parking lot resealing it, your wallet might be big enough to buy your tires but i know it not big enough to fix the parking lot. N your ol man's wallet probably not deep enough to eighter. It would suck to for your ol man to have to sale the family farm to fixing your stupidity
Your kidding me right?

I was 18 4 years ago so it would be a 22 yr old response thanks. If your so mature yourself maybe you should quit trying to argue with everyone on the computer and get a life. You think im dumb cause i burnt my tires off and thats what i like to do. Well i think ur pretty stupid for spendin all that money on a sound system but hey thats what you like to do

Typical 18 year old response.

Well my daddy doesnt buy my tires or my truck. In fact my dad thinks im stupid for fixin up my truck. Both my trucks are payed for and i dont have any loans or owe anyone any money. I rent my own farmland and drive a semi and scrap iron so my dad wouldent have anything to do with it so before you want to go mouth off on the computer when you dont know anything about me. It would suck for your ol man to have to sell all he has to get your ass out of debt for your stupidty also. Like i said you like to do what you want and i like to do what i want along with alot other people so stop your b******!!!!

We dont give two sh*t's if you or your daddy buying your tires there's a time and place for having fun. What would you do if you was the one on the parking lot resealing it, your wallet might be big enough to buy your tires but i know it not big enough to fix the parking lot. N your ol man's wallet probably not deep enough to eighter. It would suck to for your ol man to have to sale the family farm to fixing your stupidity
I was 18 4 years ago so it would be a 22 yr old response thanks. If your so mature yourself maybe you should quit trying to argue with everyone on the computer and get a life. You think im dumb cause i burnt my tires off and thats what i like to do. Well i think ur pretty stupid for spendin all that money on a sound system but hey thats what you like to do

Those that can't....hate.

I never said you were dumb, stupid or anything of the sort. I said yours was a typical kids you're entitled to do whatever you want because you want to and it doesn't affect anyone else so to hell with it.
As you grow older you'll realize that's not quite's called maturity. Something you obviously lack.
We dont give two sh*t's if you or your daddy buying your tires there's a time and place for having fun. What would you do if you was the one on the parking lot resealing it, your wallet might be big enough to buy your tires but i know it not big enough to fix the parking lot. N your ol man's wallet probably not deep enough to eighter. It would suck to for your ol man to have to sale the family farm to fixing your stupidity

lol alright unbroken and jordan james i give up you win im just some stupid little kid defending myself right. If you guys were so mature yourselves and had a set of balls you wouldent of ever bi***** and made such a big deal out of some people havin fun doin what they like to do. Maybe i should start a thread bi***** about how i dont like how loud your speakers are in ur fancy little black truck you got there and how u brag about it on here. My guess is the bank still owns your truck.... lol i dont see to many old people with loud systems and decked out trucks so just how old are you??? my dad is 56 and im pretty sure he would think ur immature for what you do
I'm 39 if it really matters. I've built custom cars and trucks for my whole life and have every intention of continuing to do just that. I'm not sure why you have a hard on about my stereo but since you seem so interested in it I just put in a 3 way component set and bought a new head unit that cost more than all the mods on your truck. LOL
That's the good thing about being older...I can go buy the things I want whenever I want. LOL

Any other childish shots you wanna take at a truck you're apparently jealous of ?
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