Short bed swap.

The one i had made for the dually was around $400 but i didnt have a damn thing for it they provided everything new. It was pourin down rain that day too the dude got his tape measure an crawled up under it on the trailer anyways got his measurements and made it right then. They cut the first one down when i still had gearvendor on it an likr bus said around 150 for new u joints an shortening what i had.
The one I had made was 150 for a whole new shaft. Guess I talked to a different guy! Lol.
oh yeah me too ive seen this truck grow and helped with most of it so im really anxious plus it will get all these damn parts out of my shop
Well I spent a whole bunch of money with Zach last night and got some t shirts! He threw in a free head cam springs and push rods too LOL parts should be trickleing in next week. Got a teaser photo for you guys the bed was placed on the fame to make some spare room and still needs some of the frame trimmed off in the rear so it will sit flat. For color I'm thinking a montego blue with some pin striping. I need to get some time off so i can work on this dang thing but almost have all the parts now!