im not getting you at all man.listen to me truck defuels around 3-3100 rpm' much that i can feel it when it happen's on the sled pulling, just quarter actually about to get my hands on a BD, so this whole issue will be behind me soon.all i want is a DL that fuels to its rev limiter.i dont need 4k rpm's just something that fuels to 3500.
im not getting you at all man.listen to me truck defuels around 3-3100 rpm' much that i can feel it when it happen's on the sled pulling, just quarter actually about to get my hands on a BD, so this whole issue will be behind me soon.all i want is a DL that fuels to its rev limiter.i dont need 4k rpm's just something that fuels to 3500.

dude. I'm not trying to fight with you about it. I'm sorry you're having a issue. I've only stated that my truck doesn't seem to have the problem of those that have complained about defueling.

This shouldn't have anything to do with it but, I set my limiter to 250mph anytime I dyno. On 3 different dyno runs ( same dyno, same operator )... my truck has gone to 165mph without defueling.

Same thing at the track.... limiter to 250
well i know mine was set at only 135, but i just moved it to could be alot worse you know.
dude. I'm not trying to fight with you about it. I'm sorry you're having a issue. I've only stated that my truck doesn't seem to have the problem of those that have complained about defueling.

This shouldn't have anything to do with it but, I set my limiter to 250mph anytime I dyno. On 3 different dyno runs ( same dyno, same operator )... my truck has gone to 165mph without defueling.

Same thing at the track.... limiter to 250

Triton. . .what is the build date on your '07? just curious.
well i dynoed again with the new turbo and injectors and it fell strait off right above 3k. iam getting a dragonslayer cp3 from wicked before long to see if that will help. ill get my graph up tomorow
it wont help the defuel, but your graph will ramp up quicker,a steeper least thats what mine did when i installed the stage3 floor it.we are gonna need marco to fix this.
well i dynoed again with the new turbo and injectors and it fell strait off right above 3k. iam getting a dragonslayer cp3 from wicked before long to see if that will help. ill get my graph up tomorow

Dual CP3 did not help me either.
well hell ive got a meeting so itll be tomorow before my graph is up. i think the only reason it pulled to 3100 this time is that it took that long for the cp3 to recover and get me spooled completely. i pulled until the dyno shut me down showed 3500 on the tach but the graph shows different.

the pull in red is the smarty only. i think the other two pulld higher because with the mp8 on the cp3 couldnt keep up so it had to pull higher in the rpms
haha yeah i wasnt very happy with the graph. but the numbers are about were they should be for just the smarty tuneing.
how much hp do you think is being left on the table because of the defueling thinking 30-50 hp.
Idk. I figure there's quite a bit. We are goin to rent a dtno after I get my cp3 and if they've got it fixd ill dyno with the old software then upgrade it and dyno again. There's no reason that with a new cp3 I can't push up in the 670s well unless I don't get the defueling stopd. I've expressed my concerns to bob and how I love my smarty and don't wana change programers but still no luck getn anything fixd. One guy said to go to the pod version and it'll fix it but idk. Mayt have somethin else to try with the smarty
how much hp do you think is being left on the table because of the defueling thinking 30-50 hp.

None. Without headwork, you're already making peak power. Extra RPM's aren't going to do anything for peak power at this point.
Peak power? There is no way iam maxd out on power. We've got a 06 that is runing the same basic setup except he's running a super phat shaft 62 and he's make 655 on fuel only. Ps he's only at 45 psi to so he's got more left in it.
HEADWORK, what the hell are you talking about.thats ridiculous.were gonna need headwork for the extra 40 not interested in extra rpm's, the 4k tune. i run the TNT.all i want is the smarty to fuel up to where it supposed to. 3500rpm's..........headwork lol lol.:bang
Doesn't look like headwork will do the trick. the power will still fall off, but not dropping off like that if the the head is the restriction. it would be as gradual as it is from 2600rpm down to 3500rpm would it not? It's like he took the foot off the peddle (well, the defueling did it for him) to lose 100hp all of a sudden.
Doesn't look like headwork will do the trick. the power will still fall off, but not dropping off like that if the the head is the restriction. it would be as gradual as it is from 2600rpm down to 3500rpm would it not? It's like he took the foot off the peddle (well, the defueling did it for him) to lose 100hp all of a sudden.

So what should a good full fueling graph look like???

Most of the time when you reach peak power in the curve the curve begins to make a downward until you reach redline...with a fully fueled TNT/R tune should the graph be flat from peak power till redline???

I guess I am not understanding what the graph should look like??? No flamming please...just a question!!!
So what should a good full fueling graph look like???

Most of the time when you reach peak power in the curve the curve begins to make a downward until you reach redline...with a fully fueled TNT/R tune should the graph be flat from peak power till redline???

I guess I am not understanding what the graph should look like??? No flamming please...just a question!!!

Assuming the dyno operator kept his foot to the floor, that 100hp drop is a defuel. I'm sure during that 100hp drop the EGT's and boost fell off dramatically.

Fuel + heat = power right? If there is a lack of fuel, there is a lack of heat, just because you are over some magical RPM number, doesn't mean the motor dissipates heat better right? Does that sound logical?

So if the above statement is logical, depending on how EGT and boost reacted to 3200rpm, it would be safe to assume something is pulling back. Infact, I would assume the heat would go though the roof should the head and/or turbo can't handle the RPM's. Maybe a little smokey too.

In my case with the TNT/R on 4000rpm, doesn't matter the program, typically #7. Keep in mind, I'm doing high speed runs here on the road. On the dyno it was making a funky vibration. Brakes on the dyno were rubbing as it turned out later when spinning them fast, I'm sure I'm down a few HP because of this too! ;-) . Any who. at 3600 is 129mph for my tires and gearing, the truck isn't accelerating anymore. EGT's fall down from over 1600 to 1000-1100 and and boost is 30. that's what needed to maintain 129 for 30 seconds apperently and naturally I'm not over coming anything to 130 or more . The tach is dead nuts on 3600rpm.

I could feel a small decline in acceleration rate too coming up on 3600rpm. Again, while driving on the road doing stupid stuff like this, you can't pay attention to everything. But the very lack of boost and EGT at those speeds while not able to pull past 3600rpm has to mean something. To me is logically shows lack fuel..

Before the TNT/R, the limit was 3700rpm for me. In fact it's that right now for me as I've put the TNT on the truck. if I recall correctly I can get close to 3500rpm, but the last time I ran the TNT or 4.11, It was a few turbos, injectors, cp3 and other things ago. I'll get a high speed run as soon and report on the differences between the TNT/R and TNT.