Smarty UDC: how the f*** do you use it?

If you are tying to intimidate stainless.... It will work keep it up. He is just a skinny little bean pole who is a bad arse on the Internet.

Instigator LOL

That is what I was thinkin'....I just hope someone has the video of his face when Stainless steps out of a truck. :hehe:

The last time was quite hilarious. LOL

I have a home inspection first thing then I have to register my new bike, after that I'm free. If you feel like driving north to Foco feel free, but I'm not driving an hour to hang out.
Ya when I did my auto to manualswap i got alot of questions answered online, and I've dealt with bob before and he kinda left me hangin with no help. I'd run something else but it does the best with my truck.
Its troo wut the'y sAye, if your'are knot frum Montana. Yoo're a city slicker. And no I'm not trying to "intimidate" anyone. I wanna see if he's as cool and badass as he talks. I'm assuming you all think your fast as the space shuttle so you talk big with your words. People say black smoking unnecessarily gives this sport a bad name, but realistically it's pricks like you who do that... Just saying haha

Your right, I'm sorry for wasting your time. I shouldve thought twice about asking a question on a site based on question asking and info sharing.Could you direct to the right part of the site where I can get accurate info about the UDC from knowledgable individuals?

Steve, WUnderwood the friendly moderator here.

A few things:
1) why is your birthday in 1991? that makes you a young pup in my book. Might want to put away the attitude and read, listen to what people say, and learn how to spell and use punctuation.

2) would you like a new avatar?

3) want to hear my Montana joke?

goes a little like this:
1) yes, I paid cash for this truck.
2) no, I was just helping that sheep through the fence.
3) yes, i won this belt buckle
Why did Montana raise the minimum drinking age to 25?

They wanted to keep alcohol out of the high schools
Let me guess you've been racing common rail cummins since before I was born huh ? :) just cause I'm young don't mean I'm dumb jive turkey
At first I was trying to ask for help and info on a program. But once I realized the amount of dumb southerners and hot headed cocky assholes were on my thread I figured I'd have some fun and see how many people can get mad at my spelling :) I'll send you guys a message when I'm gonna post something else so you know to fill it with random insults and 7th grade grammar lectures
Cause I can shift it unlike you probably. Judgin by your truck in your sig, I hope you stick with an automatic, don't need that time getting any slower :)

An automatic will ALWAYS be faster than a stick:poke:

And like what has been stated, if you can't figure out the UDC demo program, you should stay away from trying to tune your truck with the real UDC.

Just words of advice from someone older than your father:poke:
^Well said sir! Listen to this guy.

Cause I can shift it unlike you probably. Judgin by your truck in your sig, I hope you stick with an automatic, don't need that time getting any slower :)


I keep that time as a good baseline. I gotta know where I came from to know how much I improve my ride.

Automatic... :doh:
Cause I can shift it unlike you probably. Judgin by your truck in your sig, I hope you stick with an automatic, don't need that time getting any slower :)

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! way to spell like a half-wit

You could put a nice automatic in your truck and run a full second faster in the 1/4 mile than you do now.

How do you build boost on the line? :confused: how do you maintain boost between shifts? :confused:

can we escort this newb to CF please? :doh:
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! way to spell like a half-wit

You could put a nice automatic in your truck and run a full second faster in the 1/4 mile than you do now.

How do you build boost on the line? :confused: how do you maintain boost between shifts? :confused:

can we escort this newb to CF please? :doh:

Second? ha! 2 seconds in my case. You're not going to shift a nv5600 with a SBC dual disk to hold any sort of power fast. Wish i tried a valair DD.
Clearly your all as dumb and you seem :)
1. I've had the smarty for years and if you would've read the posts you would've seen it said I'm talking about the demo and I haven't even tried to use it yet.
2. When did I say I know everything?
3. It seems to me asking for help on the site just makes everyone whose wasted the last 7 years of there life playin around on the site lash out at people who are new and actualy need help. If you read the first 2 comments I'm asking for help, then if you scroll stainless dick nose Pipes in with unnecessary bull crap... Then all you compd "veterans" have to join in and just fuel the

Before the twins I was doing 14 flat at 98 mph with a 6 speed. It's not had to load it up to build boost and launch in third. Where I'm from running an automatic instead of a 4500 5600 or g56 makes you a ***** and usually you can't win ****.
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Clearly your all as dumb and you seem :)
1. I've had the smarty for years and if you would've read the posts you would've seen it said I'm talking about the demo and I haven't even tried to use it yet.
2. When did I say I know everything?
3. It seems to me asking for help on the site just makes everyone whose wasted the last 7 years of there life playin around on the site lash out at people who are new and actualy need help. If you read the first 2 comments I'm asking for help, then if you scroll stainless dick nose Pipes in with unnecessary bull crap... Then all you compd "veterans" have to join in and just fuel the

Before the twins I was doing 14 flat at 98 mph with a 6 speed. It's not had to load it up to build boost and launch in third. Where I'm from running an automatic instead of a 4500 5600 or g56 makes you a ***** and usually you can't win ****.

That's it? 14's? Jebus you're a slow POS. Damn, I'm in the 11's and I'm still slow as snail snot.