Springfield, TN Street Legal Truck Pull - Sept. 3

Sux I wont be making it down to pull with you guys. Got home sunday evening and Union hall called and im workin a shutdown at TVA 6 days with 10 hr shifts. Im really needing to hook the truck up to sled beens it had major problems at SDX truck was sick cause my mp8 took a dump and wouldnt fuel past 2200 rpm's. O well gna try to make Bardwell Ky on Sept. 19 I'll post up details in a few.
Well i was lookin forward to seein' you pull again but guess you have to go when they call.
yea i have to go, gna send the mp8 back to TS in the morning. Beens its a shut down with overtime im debating on getting a few goodies for inside the motor as long as my banker (wife) gives me the go ahead and try to have it in by sept 19. If i get the go ahead just means she'll want the go ahead for the mall.
yea i have to go, gna send the mp8 back to TS in the morning. Beens its a shut down with overtime im debating on getting a few goodies for inside the motor as long as my banker (wife) gives me the go ahead and try to have it in by sept 19. If i get the go ahead just means she'll want the go ahead for the mall.

What kind of work do you do? Talked to a guy from World Testing today that said he was just testing some welds for TVA, and he had to fell about 200ft. of the 400ft. he was testing. lol Although, come to think of it. I believe that was some stuff for a dam. Can't remember which one he said though.

Back on topic. I am still planning to be there, but not quite sure if I'm gonna pull or not though. Very undecided.
Well I'm going to take off early now so I should b there in time
Hey, I just heard this was cancelled!

What's the deal?

ON EDIT: I found a number for the fair. It ain't cancelled. Lady said she don't know who started the rumor.
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Hey, I just heard this was cancelled!

What's the deal?

ON EDIT: I found a number for the fair. It ain't cancelled. Lady said she don't know who started the rumor.

wouldnt surprise me if they did cancel it, they can be ass holes, trust me
It is NOT cancelled. I just talked to one of the guys working on the track and he said it looks GOOD.

just heard they had the grater blade on the track, guess ill be headed that way shortly
Someone call me please and see if I can get a few extra minutes. 757-345-1971
had a great time guys.I think I got everybody on video. im goin to Florida this weekend so i will post up the video sometime next week.
Freakin' awesome night! Set a personal best distance...that didn't come within a half mile of PSDTrav, JD4440, or DMAX233! Hope everyone had as good a time as me. It was good to meet some of ya'll as well.
That was what all the tracks should look like. Cudo's to 'em. Had a great time. Good to put a face to the name Shep.

I also set my personal best tonight. But like you said, wasn't anybody gonna touch Trav, JD, or Dmax.
It is NOT cancelled. I just talked to one of the guys working on the track and he said it looks GOOD.

That's the best that track has been as long as I've been pulling

had a great time guys.I think I got everybody on video. im goin to Florida this weekend so i will post up the video sometime next week.
Thanks Justin; Great time!
Freakin' awesome night! Set a personal best distance...that didn't come within a half mile of PSDTrav, JD4440, or DMAX233! Hope everyone had as good a time as me. It was good to meet some of ya'll as well.
Had a blast of course. This EFI kicked some butt tonight!
Did I forget to mention Joe tried to run over our flag guy ?? Flippin' hillarious there !
Did I forget to mention Joe tried to run over our flag guy ?? Flippin' hillarious there !

Yeah, that was while I was fightin with the camera, I wanted a vid of Joe and one of Barry. But I missed Joe grading the end of the track with the camera.