Swole's Infamy of Carnage Continues!!

Don, your not arguing with other vendors or vendor's mouthpieces, I have nothing to gain by sending people to Exergy Engineering. I will always be opinionated about the companies I would recommend. You cannot argue with the facts in black and white.
Don you rate your injectors in hp, but what lpm or hole size is say, a 4.0 or a 6.2 flux injector????
I'm not going to say right now... The injectors are going to be re-assebled a few other test before its all said and done. I have contacted Don with some of the visuals and he can comment if he would like. Im not looking for hand outs here, i bought these kinda used from a reputable compD member and they were rebuilt before i got them. So i guess i could be screwed too, we'll see.
Don you rate your injectors in hp, but what lpm or hole size is say, a 4.0 or a 6.2 flux injector????

Thats one of the main reasons i sent them out... i wanted a map for these injectors. When the truck is up and running i wanna know were i can go %/lpm up or down with another set. But as you all can see below i won't be doing buisness with F1 any more.
I can think of a few initials for F1 now.
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Well every one I heard back from Don... Basically he told me to screw off! That was hell of a deal for ya Kai! (im not blaiming you)
I purchased these injectors from Kai a few months back. When i purchased them they were in your possesion getting rebuilt cause i guess the numbers or leakback was off (from what i remember). I was told that April prefered i paid Kai for the rebuild but gave me a "at cost" price, thats what i did. I then had them shipped to my engine builder at Farm Truck Diesel ( Danny Witt ). The injectors have been boxed ready to go into my new built motor since. I ran into a wall waiting for some other parts when i decided to spend some insurance money and send the injectors to a 3rd party (Exergy Engineering). I just recieved an email from the lead Bosch Engineer who personally did a visual and he had sent me the following:
Hi Joel,

Sorry for not getting back sooner.

I have done the initial inspection and hope to have them run across the test stand tomorrow or Monday for baseline. Depending on what we see in calibration I may flow test the nozzles and do some spray visalization work to get a better idea of how even the fuel distribution is from the modified nozzles.

One of the nozzles is visually different than the other 5. I suspect an error was made in nozzle installation as the one nozzle does not have oval holes like the other 5. Flow is likely much lower so at the least we have saved you the trouble of installation of an error. Pics attached inj 1 oval hole, inj 2 round hole (smaller)


Gregg Spoolstra

Performance Engineer

Exergy Performance
4936 Kendrick Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512 - USA

Direct: (616) 551-4326
Office: (616) 551-4330
Fax: (616) 551-4331

All 6 bodies are rebuilt. We did the work for cost to the original owner. I suggest you go to another vendor for your nozzles.

I wonder what Hamilton would say about our cams? Wait, we have the answer already.

I wonder what trans shop 1 would say about trans shop 2? We all have the answer to that as well.

Ever take your Dodge truck to Ford for warranty work?

See the problem here?

This could be handled in a much better manner. Not in some open forum where the haters and other injector sellers can start more crap. I could have made you up a new ovate hole injector to replace the one that has round holes easily. Those will stomp the f'n guts out of any other injector for the 03-04 engine Good luck.
I'm sure the flow calibration and the spray vizualization will be spot on with those holes...
I would have been happy with a "hey sorry bout that, send em back and i'll put a matching nozzle on there for ya" or somthin like that instead of telling me HE doesn't trust me.
Sorry im not in a circle of nut swingers!
this may be off topic ... cause i havent read all 26 pages.. im good for 3... lol.. but a rattle clattering sound, coming frm the firewall area behind the ac controls .. ...well last time i heard something like that and a huge white plume of smoke.. was a bad turbo... lol..snapped the shaft, destroyed the bearings/seals.. and all the oil just poured into the exhaust causeing a white plume of smoke.. but back on topic... that woulda been the first thing i woulda checked.. turbo!.. but newayz... carry on guys...
I asked you what we could do... Exergy had no clue of any of this... Main objective i wanted from them was what lpm or flow rating are these injectors. Of course they made the observation...who wouldn't? Instead of answering a couple questions you bailed, blaiming me! All of this was kept to my self untill you said F off, look at the posts time vs our emails.
We did the reman on all 6 injectors. I recall helping on this project myself. We did an "at cost" job for Kai.

When we do the reman, we use a stock nozzle to calibrate the injectors. This allows us to measure the injected quantity correctly for all injectors. I never even looked at the Flux nozzles. I assumed they were fine. After the reman job we installed the Flux nozzles and shipped them out. It is, of course possible there was a mistake or that we installed an incorrect nozzle. I dont know, but I dont trust what a competitor says either.

You seem to have an axe to grind? Why else would you post about sending our injectors out to another company and then post about the results again? All this does is stir up trouble. We even did the reman work for cost!!

I think you would find yourself much happier with another brand or offering from another company. I dont trust you and you obviously dont trust me either. Why continue the business relationship here? I cant make an injector that Exegy is happy with. Every injector they have ever received from us has been "bad" in one way or another.
Every injector they have ever received from us has been "bad" in one way or another.

Maybe you have somethin to learn

I'm done:blahblah1:
Back on the original topic now:
David how about those injectors buddy..huh? You excited? I bet they will be GREAT!!!
Let me be clear about this from my dealings with Exergy, they do not bash other people/company's products. They give you the information you would like to know, the conclusion to be made is the customer's. Gregg actually made a few positive remarks about the Mach 4.5's I listed information on earlier.
just because a shop is putting new tips on a body, doesnt mean they cant INSPECT IT FIRST... When you go get new tires put on wont the tire shop tell you that you have a bent rim....

...Oh and the other shop isnt just saying there is a prob with the injector, THEY SENT A DAMN PICTURE!!!

Joelc79- I have the same prob with guys that work for me, you tell them to wash the truck, and they wash the truck... But leave the rims dirty.

Soup Nazi- I dont know for sure, but maybe Joel was in the process of starting to do business with you, but just wanted to have your work double checked. There is nothing wrong with this. EVERYONE does this in the business world. But it is a good thing he did have it checked cause the job was not done correctly. maybe tell your install guys to better inspect anything theyre workin on.

IMO- I am the same way as Joel, i will only get burned by a shop once. There are no second chances. As soon as i get crapped on i spread the word. It is not my job to double check stuff, THATS WHY YOURE GETTING PAID!!