Texas Diesel Nationals April 10th 2010

ah you've met him I assume. lol real piece a work there. Now he has an unmarked car and I have seen him pull someone over is what looks to be his personal truck. :doh:

crzycowboy: PM is on the way. I really appreciate it

ah you've met him I assume. lol real piece a work there. Now he has an unmarked car and I have seen him pull someone over is what looks to be his personal truck. :doh:

crzycowboy: PM is on the way. I really appreciate it

we were working on a powerline that crosses 34 in that curve where he always pulls folks over. He pulls over like 5 peopple an hour right there. It's crazy
When are folks getting into town tomorrow? I'll be passing thru in the work in the afternoon. May get to come back later tomorrow night idk. Is there a test n tune going on tomorrow night or will everyone be hanging at the hotels?
According to the Motorplex schedule there is a test and tune from 7 to midnight on Friday. I plan to be there beating up the rental truck.

I see Brad must be bored on the long drive, if he has time to look up photos of a short bus!
Right now we are busting butt to be able to leave by 2am Friday morning. We plan on being in Ennis by 5-6pm. As long as the body shop has the dam front clip in primer, and the brakes bleed out, we shouldn't be sitting too bad. See everyone at the Quality Inn Friday night. If there is a test and tune, someone feel free to call me. 515-250-5121. We might try to do some launches or soft passes to see how everything is doing now.
Will be there Friday night say 9ish and probably too late for test and tune passes. Will just unload and park lil red with Mike then head to the hotel once stuff dies down.
If anyone wants to get some Breakfast before the races....we have a group hitting Hilda's for Breakfast (509 East Ennis Avenue) at 8AM ;)
can anyone do a test and tune or just the people entering? i would like to make a pass, but dont wanna race.
Truck is out of this race. Wish we could run but tranny is done for until rebuild. Was really looking forward to running the truck. Owe well 2 more local races I know of I hope I can make one at least. You guys have fun.....
Well our entire crew is on the ground, everyone made it in safe and sound. Off for some much needed sleep and off to the track in the morning to start setting up.
Until we're done LOL There's really no way to tell how late we'll be there... but you have fun in your class at the church Bus!!! :poke: :hehe:
seems like the time just is refusing to pass now. hour and a half of work left, then hammer down towards Ennis. this last hour and a half is going to take FOREVER.... :blahblah1: