The worst truck pull I have ever attended

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Yea I get so tired of seeing a Drunk red neck yelling LETS SEE SOME SMOKE ( BURRPPP) then falls over and pisses on himself

so I am guessing that you were sitting where I was? where the guy was paid $300 to piss himself... thats the kind of RIDICULOUS stuff that turned that event into what it was... the people being foolish and immature and acting like they are in some field partying somewhere not like they were in public and needed to act like they have some manners
so I am guessing that you were sitting where I was? where the guy was paid $300 to piss himself... thats the kind of RIDICULOUS stuff that turned that event into what it was... the people being foolish and immature and acting like they are in some field partying somewhere not like they were in public and needed to act like they have some manners

You have got to be kidding me... paid to piss his pants? What is this world coming to?
it wasnt bad until they got to the 2.6 and 2.8 trucks, but what was up with them not letting us leave after we paid...

IF people would have read the rules before they came there would not have been a problem with tecking. Dont show up to pull any where if you dont have all the safty equipment. This is for you and the people who attend. This was the problem with getting people Teck. Every one want to argue with the teck guys . READ THE RULES.
You have got to be kidding me... paid to piss his pants? What is this world coming to?

not kidding in the LEAST! :bang HOWEVER, one of those guys wound up getting his teeth knocked out because one guy finally got sick and tired of their rudeness
not kidding in the LEAST! :bang HOWEVER, one of those guys wound up getting his teeth knocked out because one guy finally got sick and tired of their rudeness

Wow. I like a good time and a funny joke as much as the next guy and am not above stupid human tricks, but pissing yourself in a crowd of people? Wow. ...just freaking crazy
so I am guessing that you were sitting where I was? where the guy was paid $300 to piss himself... thats the kind of RIDICULOUS stuff that turned that event into what it was... the people being foolish and immature and acting like they are in some field partying somewhere not like they were in public and needed to act like they have some manners

Wow. I like a good time and a funny joke as much as the next guy and am not above stupid human tricks, but pissing yourself in a crowd of people? Wow. ...just freaking crazy

Timbeaux...Would that have won him a wrist band to the track?? LOL
We seem to do a fine job at Hillsboro and drawn in a huge crowd and alot of trucks and I'd be more than willing to help at any pull (Local or national, I have volunteered at several local ones over the years even though i didn't have too, to make sure the show went as planned) that is going on while I'm at home every 5 months.....But im not going to get into a pissing match with a person that only has one post on here and ive never had any dealings with.....Its hardly worth the effort on my part.....I never attacked anyone her personally in this thread (besides Scheid for their lack of preperation and poor handling of the tech inspection, I never said they was bad people, just bad promoters).....I really wanted to go to TS this year but sadly due to me having to cover for my other mechanic that was on vacation, I was working 100+ hours a week here in Iraq.....Either way I would of still had the same complaints.....
Mr. Stanforth:

Sir, I don't know you, but with all due respect I disagree with your comments reference Dan Scheid and his Staff being "bad promoters."

I have known Dan Scheid and most of his Staff for the last ten (10) years and have attended his Scheid Diesel Extravaganza Events since he started running them way back in the late 1990's. For the last four-five years, I have had the pleasure of going up there to personally help Dan and his Staff get ready for what I consider to be one of the best, if not the best diesel events in the U.S. each year and believe me, I attend alot of them Sir! Part of my assistance to Dan the last three years has been to help him and his Staff build the sled pulling track. From being there with him and his Staff and watching the sheer large numbers of trucks and tractors that attend his events as well as the huge crowds he has in the stands I just fail to see how you and many of the other CompD Members here can call Dan Scheid and his Staff "bad promoters?" Dan Scheid has not been doing these type of events for a year or two, but for MANY years. Also, I have watched last year and in years past, where he and his Staff take the time to do things like covering the track when rain was coming to have a good surface for the sled pullers and tractors. I know he did this, because I have helped him both put the tarps down and then remove them when the rain had stopped! I have also watched and assisted Dan in spreading many, many loads of water on the track before the event. Dan could order some of his Staff to do that job, but for the past two years, he was out there driving that water truck himself, while I was on the back working the water valves for him.

You are entitled to your opinion Sir, but calling Dan Scheid and his Staff a "bad promoter" is "off-base." The amount of negativity and personal attacks I have read in this thread is really troubling. But it seems to be a negative trend not only here but all across this country now.

Just my $.02

Mr. Stanforth:

Sir, I don't know you, but with all due respect I disagree with your comments reference Dan Scheid and his Staff being "bad promoters."

I have known Dan Scheid and most of his Staff for the last ten (10) years and have attended his Scheid Diesel Extravaganza Events since he started running them way back in the late 1990's. For the last four-five years, I have had the pleasure of going up there to personally help Dan and his Staff get ready for what I consider to be one of the best, if not the best diesel events in the U.S. each year and believe me, I attend alot of them Sir! Part of my assistance to Dan the last three years has been to help him and his Staff build the sled pulling track. From being there with him and his Staff and watching the sheer large numbers of trucks and tractors that attend his events as well as the huge crowds he has in the stands I just fail to see how you and many of the other CompD Members here can call Dan Scheid and his Staff "bad promoters?" Dan Scheid has not been doing these type of events for a year or two, but for MANY years. Also, I have watched last year and in years past, where he and his Staff take the time to do things like covering the track when rain was coming to have a good surface for the sled pullers and tractors. I know he did this, because I have helped him both put the tarps down and then remove them when the rain had stopped! I have also watched and assisted Dan in spreading many, many loads of water on the track before the event. Dan could order some of his Staff to do that job, but for the past two years, he was out there driving that water truck himself, while I was on the back working the water valves for him.

You are entitled to your opinion Sir, but calling Dan Scheid and his Staff a "bad promoter" is "off-base." The amount of negativity and personal attacks I have read in this thread is really troubling. But it seems to be a negative trend not only here but all across this country now.

Just my $.02


so I am guessing that you were sitting where I was? where the guy was paid $300 to piss himself... thats the kind of RIDICULOUS stuff that turned that event into what it was... the people being foolish and immature and acting like they are in some field partying somewhere not like they were in public and needed to act like they have some manners

Must of needed some fuel money for the ride home or bail money!
so I am guessing that you were sitting where I was? where the guy was paid $300 to piss himself... thats the kind of RIDICULOUS stuff that turned that event into what it was... the people being foolish and immature and acting like they are in some field partying somewhere not like they were in public and needed to act like they have some manners

Haha Yea that was very rediculous..I was sitting in the bleachers about 5 feet behind when all this was going down. Bunch of idiots. The guy paying the money later pissed off a fairly stout guy and ended up on his back getting punched in the face a few times, It was a bloody mess but very funny.
Yeah you should be able to find me unbroken at RPM fest! My truck should me rolling in on the same trailer as 2tone12V's truck!
so I am guessing that you were sitting where I was? where the guy was paid $300 to piss himself... thats the kind of RIDICULOUS stuff that turned that event into what it was... the people being foolish and immature and acting like they are in some field partying somewhere not like they were in public and needed to act like they have some manners

This is the crap I was talking about in earlier post. Once upon a time going to a pull meant a good family event and in some places it still is. I go to Maine every year in august to visit family and go to the same 2 day tractor pull that has gone on every year long before I was born and yes there is some drinking out in the back after the pulling but it is a family event never had a problem and never will. What I'm saying is we who have kids don't take them to the bar with us. These big events aren't about the pulling anymore. It is all just a big high school pit party the only difference is everyone isn't hiding it in a field or pit on the weekend but in a public setting where they can get away with it.

God almighty the sport isn't about the pulling anymore. Long gone are the days of going to a pull just for the pulling. Keep the beer at the bar or as a gathering after or a day before the pull but when we show up to pull or spectate lets concentrate on the real reason we waste our time and money and that is the sport of PULLING. Even though I didn't show up this year I have for sure read enough to know what went one and for those that say we need a solution for all that went wrong so it don't happen next year well here is mine.
Mr. Stanforth:

Sir, I don't know you, but with all due respect I disagree with your comments reference Dan Scheid and his Staff being "bad promoters."

I have known Dan Scheid and most of his Staff for the last ten (10) years and have attended his Scheid Diesel Extravaganza Events since he started running them way back in the late 1990's. For the last four-five years, I have had the pleasure of going up there to personally help Dan and his Staff get ready for what I consider to be one of the best, if not the best diesel events in the U.S. each year and believe me, I attend alot of them Sir! Part of my assistance to Dan the last three years has been to help him and his Staff build the sled pulling track. From being there with him and his Staff and watching the sheer large numbers of trucks and tractors that attend his events as well as the huge crowds he has in the stands I just fail to see how you and many of the other CompD Members here can call Dan Scheid and his Staff "bad promoters?" Dan Scheid has not been doing these type of events for a year or two, but for MANY years. Also, I have watched last year and in years past, where he and his Staff take the time to do things like covering the track when rain was coming to have a good surface for the sled pullers and tractors. I know he did this, because I have helped him both put the tarps down and then remove them when the rain had stopped! I have also watched and assisted Dan in spreading many, many loads of water on the track before the event. Dan could order some of his Staff to do that job, but for the past two years, he was out there driving that water truck himself, while I was on the back working the water valves for him.

You are entitled to your opinion Sir, but calling Dan Scheid and his Staff a "bad promoter" is "off-base." The amount of negativity and personal attacks I have read in this thread is really troubling. But it seems to be a negative trend not only here but all across this country now.

Just my $.02


HAHA!!! There is a suprizing post! :bang

I think the CompD crew and TS did make the best of the event. Heck an Impropto Crawfish eating challange in the middle of a rain storm......Fun! Better than sitting there getting wet, atleast i wona free pass out of the deal!

But i do have to call saw the 2 biggest guys in the crowd and called them up to do it!
You can't please everybody, but aside from these grumblings here, I think they put on a hell of a show, especially when half the event was canceled due to a handful of idiots demonstrating to a track owner that the diesel crowd is too irresponsible to be left alone in a campground. For what it's worth I think a big portion can be attributed to the fools that got the race canceled for everybody - I'm sure the announcement about not spinning tires was aimed at the people parked in the grass in efforts to preempt another destructive mess like the one that got the races shut down.

You can't compare it to the way things go with a local pulling association. You may have similar turnout, but you're also pulling probably several times a month so you can take care of issues week to week & nobody notices. These guys got a year's worth all at once. Where you're dealing with a group of "regulars" that knows the routine and knows each other and it goes smoothly, TS had people from all over the country, many that had never done it before. You can tech afterward because everybody knows the rules, but an event like this almost has to be teched before, because they cannot assume that everybody just knows the rules & will abide by them without endangering people.

All things considered, I think the TS crew did an admirable job of taking what could've been a crippling blow to their event & making the very best there was to be made out of it. They took something that probably required months of planning & re-organized it completely in about 2 hours - in those shoes, who here would've stopped amidst the 800 other things needing to be done and thought "wow, we need more port-a-potties since they're going to see twice the use we planned on"?

My hat's off to the whole TS crew for what they were able to pull off - a huge event with a crowd that I think ultimately left very happy despite the disappointment of losing the race track. Every person I saw in a TS Staff shirt looked beat to exhaustion, and they earned a huge pat on the back. :clap: Thanks for the good time TS - your hard work paid off IMO
Mr. Stanforth:

Sir, I don't know you, but with all due respect I disagree with your comments reference Dan Scheid and his Staff being "bad promoters."

I have known Dan Scheid and most of his Staff for the last ten (10) years and have attended his Scheid Diesel Extravaganza Events since he started running them way back in the late 1990's. For the last four-five years, I have had the pleasure of going up there to personally help Dan and his Staff get ready for what I consider to be one of the best, if not the best diesel events in the U.S. each year and believe me, I attend alot of them Sir! Part of my assistance to Dan the last three years has been to help him and his Staff build the sled pulling track. From being there with him and his Staff and watching the sheer large numbers of trucks and tractors that attend his events as well as the huge crowds he has in the stands I just fail to see how you and many of the other CompD Members here can call Dan Scheid and his Staff "bad promoters?" Dan Scheid has not been doing these type of events for a year or two, but for MANY years. Also, I have watched last year and in years past, where he and his Staff take the time to do things like covering the track when rain was coming to have a good surface for the sled pullers and tractors. I know he did this, because I have helped him both put the tarps down and then remove them when the rain had stopped! I have also watched and assisted Dan in spreading many, many loads of water on the track before the event. Dan could order some of his Staff to do that job, but for the past two years, he was out there driving that water truck himself, while I was on the back working the water valves for him.

You are entitled to your opinion Sir, but calling Dan Scheid and his Staff a "bad promoter" is "off-base." The amount of negativity and personal attacks I have read in this thread is really troubling. But it seems to be a negative trend not only here but all across this country now.

Just my $.02


People don't seem to understand that they would not be attending an event of this magnitude if it weren't for people like Dan Scheid. He brought diesel truck pulling to what it is today.
You can't please everybody, but aside from these grumblings here, I think they put on a hell of a show, especially when half the event was canceled due to a handful of idiots demonstrating to a track owner that the diesel crowd is too irresponsible to be left alone in a campground. For what it's worth I think a big portion can be attributed to the fools that got the race canceled for everybody - I'm sure the announcement about not spinning tires was aimed at the people parked in the grass in efforts to preempt another destructive mess like the one that got the races shut down.

You can't compare it to the way things go with a local pulling association. You may have similar turnout, but you're also pulling probably several times a month so you can take care of issues week to week & nobody notices. These guys got a year's worth all at once. Where you're dealing with a group of "regulars" that knows the routine and knows each other and it goes smoothly, TS had people from all over the country, many that had never done it before. You can tech afterward because everybody knows the rules, but an event like this almost has to be teched before, because they cannot assume that everybody just knows the rules & will abide by them without endangering people.

All things considered, I think the TS crew did an admirable job of taking what could've been a crippling blow to their event & making the very best there was to be made out of it. They took something that probably required months of planning & re-organized it completely in about 2 hours - in those shoes, who here would've stopped amidst the 800 other things needing to be done and thought "wow, we need more port-a-potties since they're going to see twice the use we planned on"?

My hat's off to the whole TS crew for what they were able to pull off - a huge event with a crowd that I think ultimately left very happy despite the disappointment of losing the race track. Every person I saw in a TS Staff shirt looked beat to exhaustion, and they earned a huge pat on the back. :clap: Thanks for the good time TS - your hard work paid off IMO

Well said Eric. Great meeting you by the way.
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