The worst truck pull I have ever attended

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well then pm dennis or even better call him and take it up with him....dont jus complain about it on public forums,Do it in a professional way.
Man I have read about it all today. From drag racing being cancelled because of stupidity to poor track conditions because of mother nature and more stupidity to over flowing outhouses and no trash cans and various stuff being stolen. Whew what a weekend you all had.

This is why I consider myself "Small potatoes" when it comes to pulling. I have pulled tractors for I don't know how long and still do and have also pulled my trucks a few times and everything you all have talked about is why I keep pulling at no payout events. I always wondered why I kept wasting my time and money to go pull and just come home with nothing in my pocket but sometimes with a trophy. Heck now I know at least I got some trophies. I also know when I go to pulls I take my family because I want them to be a part of it. Heck my wife's paychecks have paid for some parts and I want my kids to get into the sport to. But even if I don't make a dime on pulling at least I and my family had a good time and I don't have to worry when I am out there on that track if some drunk dummies are going to start acting out around my family or causing a scene or making my wife feel uncomfortable.

I can live with long lines to take a leak or I'll go do it behind a vehicle. Doesn't bother me. I can live with putting my families hard earned money into a tractor or truck that I plan on pulling next weekend. I can live with coming home with a trophy or being bummed out because I didn't but the one thing I CAN"T live with is driving a long distance with my family in hopes of a good time and driving home pi$$ed and mad at myself because of the atmosphere I exposed to my kids that was caused by to much alcohol induced behavior which seems to have been mentioned many times over the past couple days on a few different forums here on Comp D.

Now I am not in anyway directing this toward any of the fellow members here as far as the alcohol goes. Sorry for the ranting on. I would love to meet up with a bunch of you guys because alot of you have helped me with advice and just things that you post on here but I guess I will have to wait and meet you all at smaller events.
. there were way too many problems unrelated to weather.

Agreed.. drove myself and three others 830 miles(one way), to what we all thought was going to be the event of the year. We still enjoyed the weekend away, but the lack of organization at the pulls was IMPO pathetic.

And of course the DoucheBags that vandalized Beech Bend need to be HUNG.

.....and drank alot of beer though.:Cheer:

I noticed that many people are bragging on how much they drank at TS. I'm not calling anyone in particular out, because I enjoy a FEW beers too. But, This is an ENORMOUS PROBLEM (and not just here) That needs to be dealt with too. This is supposed to be a "Diesel Event" not a 3 day KEGGER.:bang

Anyway, I would like to thank Dennis and the staff at TS for doing the best they could considering the circumstances.:clap:
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A bigger fair grounds and a good track building crew with experience would make a Huge difference in the out come of this pull!
Well I had a bit of bad luck I blew a boot around the 150ft mark, but it was the first hook of the year.

There is a lot of things that need to change to make this event run smoothly. I had one girl on a atv that about ran right into the side of my truck as she was holding a beer in one hand and driving talking to somebody. If I hadn't yelled at her she would have probably ran right into it. Drinking is fine as long as you can control it unfortunately nobody seems to be able to control it. Alcohol and idiots don't mix well...

Track Prep wow lets wait till an hour before it starts and dig for oil!
I thought there was a no ATV rule?
But that would mean that people would have to WALK.

BTW, of all the people that should have had an ATV, I never once saw Dennis riding one. I did however see him WALKING all over the place.
Like I posted in the other forums I don't understand what Dennis and Sheila were thinking bringing Scheid in to run the pulls , when they had a crew for the last two years that had ran it for them and it was just as big last year as it was this year , and they ran over 200 trucks down the track in less than 8 hours averaging a truck down the track every 3 minutes with one sled on a wet track . They already knew the issues as far as porta potties , crowd control , seating and knew how to build and maintain a track .

Its not Scheids fault solely for the screw ups at the fairgrounds , Dennis and his people had met with the fairboard several times previous to this event , its posted by TS in several previous forums , and they knew the problems from last year , so those issues should have been hit on the hardest for this year .
Yes they do a good job at Beech Bend because they know drag racing , put putting on a good pull is a total different animal . And I don't think they need a orginization to put a good pull they just need to recruit the right people that have the know how and want to do it to better the sport .
Here's what's up.
1.Truck pull scheduled at 6pm.

2.Idiots screw up drag strip. 5000+ people arrive at the fairgrounds early ready to eat, crap and drink at 9am.

3.Porta johns weren't supposed to be used at 9 am. They over flow. 5000+ people makes it hard to call in more porta johns.

4.Letting people come and go however they want makes for even more unsavory conditions. "Hey Billy Joe, lets go smoke some crystal then come back with our guns.

5. Largest diesel event in the nation I believe. LOGANSTANFORTH would not know what that involves since he has never put on the largest diesel truck event in the nation, and he wasn't there.

Any more questions?
Here's what's up.
1.Truck pull scheduled at 6pm.

2.Idiots screw up drag strip. 5000+ people arrive at the fairgrounds early ready to eat, crap and drink at 9am.

3.Porta johns weren't supposed to be used at 9 am. They over flow. 5000+ people makes it hard to call in more porta johns.

4.Letting people come and go however they want makes for even more unsavory conditions. "Hey Billy Joe, lets go smoke some crystal then come back with our guns.

5. Largest diesel event in the nation I believe. LOGANSTANFORTH would not know what that involves since he has never put on the largest diesel truck event in the nation, and he wasn't there.

Any more questions?

Yeah....why didn't they have you put on the show?:hehe::bang
Here's what's up.
1.Truck pull scheduled at 6pm.

2.Idiots screw up drag strip. 5000+ people arrive at the fairgrounds early ready to eat, crap and drink at 9am.

3.Porta johns weren't supposed to be used at 9 am. They over flow. 5000+ people makes it hard to call in more porta johns.

4.Letting people come and go however they want makes for even more unsavory conditions. "Hey Billy Joe, lets go smoke some crystal then come back with our guns.

5. Largest diesel event in the nation I believe. LOGANSTANFORTH would not know what that involves since he has never put on the largest diesel truck event in the nation, and he wasn't there.

Any more questions?

We seem to do a fine job at Hillsboro and drawn in a huge crowd and alot of trucks and I'd be more than willing to help at any pull (Local or national, I have volunteered at several local ones over the years even though i didn't have too, to make sure the show went as planned) that is going on while I'm at home every 5 months.....But im not going to get into a pissing match with a person that only has one post on here and ive never had any dealings with.....Its hardly worth the effort on my part.....I never attacked anyone her personally in this thread (besides Scheid for their lack of preperation and poor handling of the tech inspection, I never said they was bad people, just bad promoters).....I really wanted to go to TS this year but sadly due to me having to cover for my other mechanic that was on vacation, I was working 100+ hours a week here in Iraq.....Either way I would of still had the same complaints.....
Glad to hear no pissing matches. I was there. It was not an attack. But typing about what you would have done adds nothing to the forum.
I kept hearing that they changed the first hook to 4pm, then it went back to 6pm, or earlier if the track was ready.

Maybe TS next year should just be a gathering in a 100 acre field with a 5 acre beer tent, and no competition...Then everyone would go in knowing what to expect and can't complain about anything until they run out of beer.
This was my first time an here are some of my observations and opinion.

1. ATV's. I think that 90% of those that had ATV were side-by-sides and were NOT tearing up the place. There were a couple though who felt the need to go hauling aZZ back in the pits, not cool. Golf carts barely have enought power to spin tires. Some people needed them to push there trucks.

2. You should have been allowed to leave and re-enter the gates up until the start of the pulls. It works other places, why not here?? If i just bought something from a vendor (the people who help make these events happen) I don't want to carry it around (even if its a t-shirt).

3. RAIN. It was wet and muddy. Besides the track common sense would have helped keep the pits from become what they were. You don't jump head first into water, so Don't try and drive a your rig up the mud covered hill with out walking it or just find another place to go.

4. Alcohol. Banning that will just cause people to just sneak it in. The only incidents i saw alcohol cause a "problem" were two girls wrestling over some keys that ended up in the mud laughing and a couple of guys grappling and laughing about it later. They enjoyed the red.

5. Trash. It was everywhere, and I'm not really surprised with the lack of trash cans. I felt bad for everyone who used the back of peoples trucks for trash cans (and for those that just threw their trash into the back of whatever truck was next to you when you finished your Bud, you are douche bags)

I'll leave the comments about the actual pulling to myself since i have only ever hooked twice and DO NOT want to put my foot in my mouth.

i could of delt with the track and all of the other bs but the pulls really needed to start earlyer then what the did. after sitting around all day its no wonder there was so many drunks
As far as UNBROKEN i really hope you come to scheid you sound like a class act my friend! And im looking forward to meeting you!
I'll be at Scheid's and also RPM Fest in LaPorte, Indiana later this well as whatever else pops up that I can fit in.
You can introduce yourself...I don't bite....but I will tell you to your face the same things I say here.

BTW...did you even hook at TS ?

I kept hearing that they changed the first hook to 4pm, then it went back to 6pm, or earlier if the track was ready.

I was there al day and talked to Dennis about it...the start time was never changed. That could have excluded people that drove into town for the 6PM start time.
we had a rhino thier and many saw it parked right up between the grand stands. BUT Andy the passenger in the rhino has no use of his legs and is an AVID truck puller and has been to events since 2001, Thier was absoultly no way we were going to use his walker or wheelchair in that mess

they wouldnt let spectaters with coolers bring them in regardless of the contents, but i bet most of the pull trucks had colors ine the back of them loaded down. they were letting people in with big bags full of beer and not checking them. one younger girl, probably under age, as soon as she paid at the gate was on the phone with her friends back out at the truck calling them to put there beer in bags and bring it in that way. so stopping people from bringing in beer didnt realy stop any one from doing it. instead, we had to pay 1 dollar for a 12oz rc colla.

i didnt come just to drink like obviously alot of people did. when you have people asking for beer while they are on a stage giving stuff away is telling all the retarded dip****s thats its ok to drink. i was very unimpressed with that. if i wanted to here people begging for someone to get them a beer, i would have went to a bar. jmo
i didnt come just to drink like obviously alot of people did. when you have people asking for beer while they are on a stage giving stuff away is telling all the retarded dip****s thats its ok to drink. i was very unimpressed with that. if i wanted to here people begging for someone to get them a beer, i would have went to a bar. jmo

I would be the person that was asking for a beer up on stage, and there is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation as long as you don't cause trouble. Not sure why you are trying to compare me asking for a beer trying to get a laugh or two in a rainstorm to what kids were doing at the fairgrounds, but whatever.
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