The worst truck pull I have ever attended

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I sat inline for hours upon end, took 3 naps and was finally teched and told at 3:30am that my crossbolts were inadequate and got d'qd. Rules didnt state crossbolts had to be in the DP mine werent as I have very little room there. Worst organization Ive ever seen, I highly doubt I'll be back next year, I drove 9 hrs and spent who knows how much money to basically go muddin. Even if I woulda gotten to pull I still wouldnt go back. Not much to say that hasnt already been said...met some cool guys and drank alot of beer though.:Cheer:

All based on the tech guy. It's his call unfortunatly, it says: "Exhaust:
All vehicles must be equipped to direct exhaust upward. Two 3/8 inch diameter bolts must be placed through the exhaust pipe in a cross pattern within one inch of each other as close to the turbo as is practical."
I would be pissed like you.
To sum it all up, the 3 things that contributed to the event being a wash in order:

1. No organization, the show ran very slow. An effort was given to the track prep, but was too little, too late. A perfect show, would of lessoned the other issues immensely. Fault, Sheid??

2. Bad facilities, wasn't even enough if half of everyone showed. Not enough seating, not enough porta-****ters, not enough food, not enough garbage cans, other than the area where the spectators were parked and the dyno was running, the place was a dump. Fault, who choose this site, TS??

3. Rain, yes it made track prep difficult, and hard to get around the pits, but it's the least of the problems. Fault, mother nature.

The problems are done and over, but now more importantly, how to fix it for next year.

1. Hire a pulling and drag racing organization( NADM, NHRDA).

2. Need much larger facilities (O'reilly raceway park would of worked out nice).

3. Cross your fingers and hope it doesn't rain.

The only way I'm going to entirely put the blame on TS or Sheid, is if they don't take anybodies suggestions, and try make next year the best event ever.
From a business owners point of view... I appreciate all that Dennis and Crew did this weekend. They had a "worst case scenario" happen and had to make some very big decisions, very fast. I was there for the racing but after getting over that disappointment, I tried my best to make the best of it and I still had a lot more fun then staying home all weekend.

We have got to do something about the fans that only come to drink and raise hell.. I dont know how to fix it but they are going to ruin this sport for us....
as well as all the completely retarded first time drunk pullers. I ripped about 4 different peoples asses for trying to get their truck in line that was number 85, 96 etc when we are trying to line up the first 10 trucks.. I mean come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did common sense go.. this stuff isnt that hard to figure out.

We are going to loose our big events because its too big of a risk to put them on due to drunk fans and idiots behind the wheel trying to prove they have power but were to darn scared to compete.

the track is all that can be blamed on the rain.
nothing else can be blamed on the rain, how would rain make for a shortage in $H!TTER$ it wash them away??
We have got to do something about the fans that only come to drink and raise hell.. I dont know how to fix it but they are going to ruin this sport for us....
as well as all the completely retarded first time drunk pullers. I ripped about 4 different peoples asses for trying to get their truck in line that was number 85, 96 etc when we are trying to line up the first 10 trucks.. I mean come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did common sense go.. this stuff isnt that hard to figure out.

We are going to loose our big events because its too big of a risk to put them on due to drunk fans and idiots behind the wheel trying to prove they have power but were to darn scared to compete.


Yea I get so tired of seeing a Drunk red neck yelling LETS SEE SOME SMOKE ( BURRPPP) then falls over and pisses on himself
I don't think anyone was blaming the lack of crappers on rain.

I do agree though, last year at the pulls I got there a little late expecting to find a place to sit but was surprised that there were so few places for people to sit. I couldn't believe it was that crowded and just figured that it was unexpected. Then come to find out it's was going to be at the same place this year? Now I thought I read somewhere that they were looking at that situation and trying to change the venue for pulls right? So maybe they didn't have much of a choice. I think we all can agree though that there are some major changes that need to take place for this event. We all knew it was going to happen one of these days!
I'm thinking:
Two day event, all drags one day, all sled pulling the next. I don't like care for it when both drag and pulling is scattered across two days. Some people only like one thing or the other. Like IRP the last several years they've done both things both days. Something like Scheid does, where it's pulls day one, drags day two or vice versa.
Obviously they need more crappers. It's no fun when you've been drinking a bunch of beers and gotta go like a racehorse. I don't remember trash being an issue last year, at least not inside the grounds where the pulls were happing. Maybe it's because I couldn't see the ground due to the slew of humans strewn about every square inch.
More police. Yeah, most of use don't really want the cops showing their presence and ruining our fun, but I'll take it any day over people getting out of control and causing things like this to happen.
And don't ban alcohol. I really don't like it when people blame things on alcohol. It might be a factor, but people are still going to act fools when they get together in large groups. Like I said, more cops or people to control this stuff would be better.
I don't care how/what happened...... I think that everyone should start off by saying "Thank you" for the event. I'm sure most of you would have before it started. Everyone is so accustom to having everything 'just so' that they forget we are human, we make mistakes.

As for mods on ANY board.... it is a THANKLESS JOB. Give'm a little slack, like I'm give'n Johnboy right now. LOL
John boy is right! Sorry that a few of us arent affraid to hurt ppls feelings!

Thankyou TS for pocketing my hard earned money, and wasting vacation time! Thankyou! and good luck next year.

As far as UNBROKEN i really hope you come to scheid you sound like a class act my friend! And im looking forward to meeting you!
i just read every post in this thread, i never seen one person blame any of the people from ts for the crappy pull. from what i gathered it is all being pointed at scheid for delaying the pulls with there extreme fine tooth teching they were doing.
the portashi^^ers were no where near the mud so the rain had nothing to do with the lack of them. the fix, more of them
the not letting people back in when they still have there ticket in there hand,because they have to move there truck or need something back out of it. had a friend say he need medicine out of his truck and they told him he would still have to repay to get back in. luckily that wasnt the truth and was gonna die because of it. that needs changed some how.

for as many big names as i seen there and was realy looking forward to, it was very boring from the get go. way to much time between pulls. when you absolutly love to watch truck pulls and you get bored doing that, there is a problem.
they need a bigger place for this to happen. there has got to be some place that has a better seating arangement.
they waited till 5 or later to decide to take every thing off the top. need people who know what they are doing to work the track to make it better.
John boy is right! Sorry that a few of us arent affraid to hurt ppls feelings!

Thankyou TS for pocketing my hard earned money, and wasting vacation time! Thankyou! and good luck next year.

As far as UNBROKEN i really hope you come to scheid you sound like a class act my friend! And im looking forward to meeting you!

Don't shart yourself when you do.
Guys I hate to see these threads, and this board turn into a whipping post for Dennis, Sheila, and TS Performance. Some of you guys are acting like Dennis had a personal agenda out to ruin the weekend for everyone, and is now laughing all the way to the bank. I dont believe that is the case at all.

That being said I think there are definitely some things that need to be reviewed and changed before next years event (particularly the sled pull) if there even is a next year.The main source of problems was the weather of course, but there are only so many problems that can be attributed to the less than desirable weather conditions. Instead of bashing and personal attacks I think i'll just leave some constructive criticism and call it good...

1. The event has grown to the size that the SOKY fairgrounds facility is no longer adequate to meet the needs of both pullers and spectators. It simply is just not big enough IMO to handle the influx of trucks and people.

2. Making people pay again upon RE-entry is ridiculous. Issue wristbands or stamp hands and let people come in and out as they please.

3. Some serious changes need to be made pertaining to organization. The rate at which trucks pulled was painfully slow. I think it was about 30 minutes between the last mod truck and the start of the 2.8 class, and several times there was 5-10 minute between hooks.

4. There needs to be some sort of enforcement of an alcohol policy, and a greater presence of legitimate security in general. It will probably upset many but these events are turning into one big booze fest and its gettin out of control. If I was a bettin man I would bet that the d-bag that ruined the racing for everyone was intoxicated at the time they decided to destroy the place.
John boy is right! Sorry that a few of us arent affraid to hurt ppls feelings!

Thankyou TS for pocketing my hard earned money, and wasting vacation time! Thankyou! and good luck next year.

As far as UNBROKEN i really hope you come to scheid you sound like a class act my friend! And im looking forward to meeting you!

Run an event of the caliber TS has been and then say some words.
I dont blame Dennis and Sheila one bit for this (besides hiring Scheid, but i can understand cause he is their engine supplier), i think they did a great job moving everything over to the fairgrounds and trying to keep the event running.......

but how come there has been no answers to any of these gripes......
I would like to know the idea of the reentry policy, if it was to prevent the drunks from terrorizing the down throughout the day it was a great idea. It also kept people at the pull, after the towns get tired of everybody racing and blowing smoke all over the place, since most of the fans can't control themselves, this was a step in the right direction. Was it perfect, no, did it keep the trucks from racing around town all day?
What a waste of time. If you were not there you can imagine it like this:

1. Enter a prison and give everyone a Dodge that blows smoke.

2. Send them all into the courtyard with 8 inches of mud.

3. Feed them drugs and beer all day long and sit back and watch!

The end result would be similar to what I seen at TS 09.

The unprofessional conduct by the staff and attendants made the entire diesel community look bad. Now we all need to go do a little PR work to try and make it better.
Wow It cracks me up listening to all these people b1tch and moan...Yes this event was unorganized and a mess, due to some major short notice problems(I still had a blast).... but Dennis and the whole crew that put this on knows this and knows what went wrong and what they need to fix for next year....and trust me dennis and sheila will do everything in there power to fix each and everyone of these problems for next year to get this event back on track to the great event that it it doesnt help anyone by everybody making the same post b1tching and moaning and being rude about the problems at this event. Everybody there seen the problems and they know about theres no reason to put it all over the internet about how you had to wait in line at the sh1tters to drop a duece....cause 90% of the people here dont give a rats a$$...and for those of you that have already marked this event off your calendar for next year this is the first time this events ever had major problems such as these and I bet anything it will be the last so i would re-think that if i was you...cause the ts outlaw 2010 event will kick major a$$ cause the crew will learn from the problems and mistakes!....But i just wanna end this by thanking dennis,sheila, and the whole crew that put this on for making some sh1tty conditions into a goodtime....because I would rather have a truck pull that lasted until 5 a.m. then to not have a truck pull at all.
Wow It cracks me up listening to all these people b1tch and moan...Yes this event was unorganized and a mess, due to some major short notice problems(I still had a blast).... but Dennis and the whole crew that put this on knows this and knows what went wrong and what they need to fix for next year....and trust me dennis and sheila will do everything in there power to fix each and everyone of these problems for next year to get this event back on track to the great event that it it doesnt help anyone by everybody making the same post b1tching and moaning and being rude about the problems at this event. Everybody there seen the problems and they know about theres no reason to put it all over the internet about how you had to wait in line at the sh1tters to drop a duece....cause 90% of the people here dont give a rats a$$...and for those of you that have already marked this event off your calendar for next year this is the first time this events ever had major problems such as these and I bet anything it will be the last so i would re-think that if i was you...cause the ts outlaw 2010 event will kick major a$$ cause the crew will learn from the problems and mistakes!....But i just wanna end this by thanking dennis,sheila, and the whole crew that put this on for making some sh1tty conditions into a goodtime....because I would rather have a truck pull that lasted until 5 a.m. then to not have a truck pull at all.

it needs to be said now because a bunch of things where unchanged from last year seems like they really fixed those problem which are the same ones that everyone is *****ing about now. but yes we did have a good time not as good as last year
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