The worst truck pull I have ever attended

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I was rolling at that.:hehe:

When I was there at 1ish they had the tractors out with boxes on the back doing god knows what. Sometime after that I seen one ripping or discing.

I dont think they started cutting the mud off until 4(?) at the earliest.

The original intent, and I agree it was the wrong one, was to prep it without cutting the mud off. After they worked it for a while they decided to do what they should have done in the first place.....actually they were TOLD to do it after the suggestions didn't work.
The worst part is that they brought two sleds in becuase it took so long to pull last year, looks like that worked out.
Well, we finally pulled out of the track at 4:30am and there was atleast 20 trucks left to hook........

Maybe someone should have been in the pit area organizing trucks so its not a gaint cluster????????

Friday was a great time. Everyone that stayed at the track made the best of it! Until we got REEMED because the grass turned into pure slime and had to pull a few trucks out.

Oh those Security guards are a JOKE!!!!!! I was standing right next to BBD when Scotts wife was trying to get him off the track. That poor Mule didnt have the power to get the truck rolling. Turned and asked the guard if we can give him a push to help him get rolling........."F$^% No!!!!" Seriously? I was standing with atleast 19 guys over 300lbs that would have taken 10 seconds to get him out. But we could only watch as his wife was trying as hard as she could to get him rolling!

Is it bad when the sled drivers have time to get out of the sled after a hook, got down the road to have a nice dinner, see a movie, take a nap, play bingo at the VFW, come back and the next truck still isnt heading tword the sled????

Oh but the Crawl Fish were AWESOME!!!!!!!
If you can do beter...go for it...but ragging on people that worked their asses off to get things together as best they could is childish and petty.
You sled pullers got it all figured can ALL do it better than anyone else.
You sure are a bunch of ungrateful sons of b1tches.

I say there's no way the TS crew could have won this one.
If they cancelled the pulls you'd all be crying...if they put the pulls on you still cry. least this way a few people won a few bucks.

It is also pretty childish to lumop ALL truck pullers into one group. Not everyone is acts the way you claim.
Very true.....and I'm pretty much just talking to the ones that act like that.
They seem to be pretty vocal in this thread.
With what the TS crew had to work with and had to deal with yesterday morning i dont think any one should be *****ing, they did the best the could with what they had. im with unbroken if you dont have anything positive to say about dennis trying to put on a show with what he had keep your mouth shut, id say we may not be there next year... $.02
If it sucked it sucked. Why sugar coat it? All the good intentions in the world can't make up for poor organization and planning...
I dont Blame Dennis or Shela one bit........

But wouldnt you think...hmmm... its 11pm and we have 150 trucks to pull, lets try to speed things up a bit guys........
Very true.....and I'm pretty much just talking to the ones that act like that.
They seem to be pretty vocal in this thread.

Get off your high horse show pony.

There are lots of pulls where it is done better. I knew when they announced who was running the show it would be an unorganized mess. There own pull is a joke. Why would be better at running TS's pull? Lots stayed home because of the this. When we brought up months ago we where told we did know what we where talking about.:hehe: Guess maybe we did. I mentioned that all this talk about geting drunk and driving that everyone thought was so funny was bad news a month ago. But again it was just pushed a side as oh we really did not mean it. Well maybe you did not mean it bought some read it and did it know your mad. Karma at it finest.:kick:
Leave the pulling the the pullers.

I dont for second think that the TS crew wanted any of this to happen. But you could see it coming. It is a shame. A huge waste of time for those that tired to put on a great show and ahuge waste of money for those that spend there time and money to get there for nothing.
I totally agree with LOGANSTAFORTH that for thie event to continue the it needs to become an Diesel event not a 3 day keggar with some black smoke in the middle.:eek:wned:
Johnboy folks...lets all give him a hand. A Moderator for a guy that hates everything about TS giving an unbiased opinion.
Well done, minion....:clap:
I dont for second think that the TS crew wanted any of this to happen. But you could see it coming. It is a shame.

I totally agree with LOGANSTAFORTH that for thie event to continue the it needs to become an Diesel event not a 3 day keggar with some black smoke in the middle.:eek:wned:

We have a winner :bow:
Johnboy folks...lets all give him a hand. A Moderator for a guy that hates everything about TS giving an unbiased opinion.
Well done, minion....:clap:

I'm a mod there & read here. I have no issues with either board & I feel the same way
Been going to TS for years. The event always went smooth until the sledpulling started.

I can only guess that the attendance kept going up & that alone will bring more problems. Then throw the sled crowd & it got huge...correct?
This was the first TS event I have been to. Ive been told the last 2 years that this was the event to go to. Before we left Indiana, I knew what the outcome would be with rain in the forecast. With that being said, Dennis and Sheila did what everyone else would have done with that many people coming for a show. The drags were out of thier hands, but with all the people that came despite of the weather, they wanted to make sure that we got to see a show, and we did. I realize the organization on Schieds behalf was poor, and that the facilites were very outgrown. We had our run in with the security officers too, yes the one had to be an ex military MP on a power trip, but we worked our issue out with them. I honestly had a blast, even though I was up till 5 watching the pull, and wading through mud, and I cant imagine the fun I would have had if the weather had been nice all week and got to see some dragging. Beer helped smooth things along. (At least for me it did, maybe not for the @ssholes that get drunk and stupid) I just hope the negative issues get resolved for next year, cause "WE WILL" be back next year. To all that helped the best they could, Thank You!! I personally seen Tim and Phil running around with their heads cut off too trying to keep things going. I talked to Phil and the poor guy needs about a week of sleep.
Johnboy folks...lets all give him a hand. A Moderator for a guy that hates everything about TS giving an unbiased opinion.
Well done, minion....:clap:

That is is total BS. Yes I am a mod on DuramaxDiesels (ie. McRats site) But I have have nothing against TS. I have never really dealt with them. I have talked with Sheila though. She was very nice to me. I do really like the fact that TS goes in such force to other events and not just their own.

You saying I have it out for TS, CompD or yourself is total BS. You just trying to spin things show pony. What I posted has nothing to do with Pat's like or dislike of TS. Nothing at all!

Keep trying show pony. *bdh*

They did the very best with the weather and the idiots at beech bend. I will be back for sure.
The ones complaining probally got their asses handed to them. Stop crying and put on your own pull. I hope you don't come back we don't need people like you in this sport.
We didn't get back to our hotel untill 5 a.m. slept for 2.5 hours and drove the 10 hours back to Michigan. We would do it again next weekend if we could.

Thanks TS see ya next year.
This was my first year attending this pull and honestly it will be my last. It was a complete cluster F**k! I was very dissapointed with the planing and the preperation of the track! Honestly the track was a complete of shi*! I understand that it rained a whole bunch, but there could of been better ways to accomplish what they were trying to do. All in all it was a blast outside of the pulls. I wish that i could see things in unbroken point of view but i cant get my head that far up my a**!!!!!!!!!! The security guards, HA what a joke. A bunch of old and young barstards on a power trip. Like I said before, Ill never go back to that again. I think that I speak for a whole bunch of people when I say that!
Oh yeah, one more thing. I agree with whoever it was in this thread that said we need to start taking things in our own hands with all these dumb@sses that are hot rodding and screwing around. We got pelted with mud last night from an a-hole in a 1/2 ton chevy in the pits cause he was dicking around. We went over to him and made it known that he needed to be resposible for his actions and he apologized. Although his tough buddies, and their mouthy @ss g/f's decided that they were gonna stand up for him, we resolved the issue......I think.
I sat inline for hours upon end, took 3 naps and was finally teched and told at 3:30am that my crossbolts were inadequate and got d'qd. Rules didnt state crossbolts had to be in the DP mine werent as I have very little room there. Worst organization Ive ever seen, I highly doubt I'll be back next year, I drove 9 hrs and spent who knows how much money to basically go muddin. Even if I woulda gotten to pull I still wouldnt go back. Not much to say that hasnt already been said...met some cool guys and drank alot of beer though.:Cheer:
it took forever to get through the 2.6 and the 2.8 classes..they were supposed to have 2 sleds going, but the 2.6 sled just sat there and waited for a truck to finally come...they should've had 2 lines of trucks. one for the 2.6 trucks and another one for the 2.8 trucks that way it would've keep the trucks going and get through them faster. Even though there were some problems i would still like to thank Dennis and all his staff for putting on a fun and awesome event! See y'all next year at TS!
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