The worst truck pull I have ever attended

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I see lots of factors involved here. For one, the weather didn't help things at all. Second, the facility being used is far from what is needed for an event of the size this thing has grown to. Finally, there needs to be some better organization involved.

Kudos to Dennis and Shiela for putting on the event.

Here are some suggestions of changes that might help. I don't know what can be done about a different facility, but more room, and a flatter site would be a major improvement. Next, tech all trucks for major items before the event. Granted, if someone wanted to cheat, slugs can be pulled out of turbos after this kind of tech, but the simple solution is to impound the top 5 for a retech after the event. Any truck that moves into the top 5 get's pulled into a parking spot, and no one is allowed to touch it until after the retech. Also, safety rules can be resolved well ahead of the event. The only tech that should be done at the scales is weight, measure the hitch, check bumpstops if the rule applies. Third, call trucks to the line in small batches. Say, 10 at a time, once the first 5 are accross the scales, call the next ten, etc.
I didn't shove my "fot" in anything. I saw the part I watched one see it another way.
The real that sledpullers will freaking whine about any and everything untill they're blue in the face.

Was it perfect ? Hell no, far from it....but they tried to get it together for y'all to do your thing and you just wanna kill them for it.

Sorry if I'm not in the best mood after the other issues this weekend....but you god damned babies just kill me.

I'm sure I'll see some of you at RPM Fest later this month....and I'm sure you'll be crying about that one too.

Screw it....I'm going back to bed.....

well u can tell who has never been to a real truck pull but that was my first diesel event and i have watched anitques pull faster than that pull went. To everyone that didnt see. but around 4:00 they were cutin the grass off the track
6:00 they was packin mud
then around 7:00 they decided that they would take a dozer and road grader and trim off the mud then 8:00then the pull starts then between every hook what they got to take a smoke break wtf not to mention not lettin anyone back out to the gate that was frekin sorry as hell i think if ur gonna plan a big event do ur reserch first when u go to a real pull the track is prepped at least a day in advance that was ridicouls. Beer is fine at a event like that just state like every pull ,No Alcohol ,and everyone is descret about it and not actin like a buch of damn fools lot of people have familes and children and the pits there was a wetweather spring to all the muddy mess i am not winning i am purely stating the facts and sled puller dont whine the track is a big part and big factor of the event what do u have to worry about drag racin "is the truck gonna run", didnt see ur big bad ford do anythingLOLLOLLOL
I dont blame the event organizers for some of the problems. the rain really F***** the situation up... but 4 port a jons for that many fans. rude ass gate workersand security. i mean come on..

as far as tech goes. scheid can shove it. Bunch of rude A** HOLES.. ill never be back to TS ever.. and probably wont be at scheid either just because of the fact the same C*** Suckers will be there too!

Im never one to complain about things like this, but man oh man. there were way too many problems unrelated to weather.
Wow. I guess there is no need to kick myself for not going now.

I can't imagine Dennis and Shiela putting another event on after all the sh!t being said. Do any of you know were they where during all this? I bet they had their hands full.
As for the porta johns, I bet they couldn't get enough of them in there if it was that muddy.
Trash cans, maybe the guy in charge of that had to rush over and help park people 6hrs earlier than they were supposed too.

Alot of you guys are sounding like you think this is how Dennis and Shiela wanted things to turn out. Couldn't be farther off base.

How about facing the fact that 50% of people in this sport are jacka$$'es and the other 50% don't have the FRIGGIN BALLS!! to keep them in line.

How dare some of you say what you've said without putting on a show this big for yourself and then dumping 2-3 inches of rain on it the day before. Add in the drag cancellation; bet many would have been crying in the corner by the time it was all over.
Hind sight is always 20/20, yes they should have just cancelled, but then how many of you guys would have just *****ed and moaned about that.

This is the most pathetic thing to happen in diesel motorsports in more ways than one.

I dont blame the event organizers for some of the problems. the rain really F***** the situation up... but 4 port a jons for that many fans. rude ass gate workersand security. i mean come on..

as far as tech goes. scheid can shove it. Bunch of rude A** HOLES.. ill never be back to TS ever.. and probably wont be at scheid either just because of the fact the same C*** Suckers will be there too!

Im never one to complain about things like this, but man oh man. there were way too many problems unrelated to weather.

man i wanted to see ur truck pull but after the the 5 min breaks after every truck pull i had enough when the ohio cat truck pull good lookin truck tough man
I dont think nobody is blaming them, and they shouldnt it wasnt there fault at all, it all really comes down to the rain, most everything bad that happened was due to the rain and mud... again not blaming no one, just stating the facts things were not very organized, i drew #88 to pull in the 2.6 class, most places when i draw a number thats the order i pull in, i waited forever till a guy parked next to us told me they were just takin ya as you got in line, so i went and got in line about 12:30, i ended up pulling at about 3:30
as soon as the last drop fell, no matter the time of day or night, there should of been a grader out there with a ripper on its nose cutting the top foot of dirt up and letting the water soak in, then go out and disk, and disk, and disk, and disk, take lunch and disk some more then come back and disk it again, then roll it over a few times with the grader then pack it down.......if there was still grass on the track the day of the pull then it was poor track prep, they should of been there working that track several days in advance, even though it rained.......

i can understand the drag race getting cancelled and rain always makes things harder, but when there is no bleachers, no bathrooms, no way to go in and out and you got to be stuck inside the gates for 18-22 hours all night, no food for 8 of those hours, and a horrible track.......that is just bad planning......

but my question is this.....

lets say there was no rain and the drag race went on as planned and all of those people left the drag race and went to the sled pull, now we all know ALOT of people went home instead of going to the sled pull, now how many more people would of been at that pull if everyone came......and what would of been the outcome......

the answer is this........things would of just been much worse cause there would of been ALOT more people and it would of caused longer lines to get in and those people would of missed the first classes pulling, food would of went quicker, bathrooms filled up faster, so on and so forth......

what im trying to say is that this was pretty much doomed from the get matter the variables......there was too many people and not enough space to put all of them......add in weather and alot of other negatives and you get a horrible wasted weekend......
Dennis is not responsible for the pulls so dont go off blaming ts performance. im very close friends with them and Dennis was very pissed and mad about the drags. but after the weather we had the past 2 weeks its lucky the pulls even went on. Scheid diesel is the one who put on the pulls so again dont blame ts performance. and whoever is stupid enough to wonder y they made an annoucement to not spin tires is because look what happened at beech bend. it will be a surpise if there is another ts performance outlaw drags and pulls
Wow. I guess there is no need to kick myself for not going now.

I can't imagine Dennis and Shiela putting another event on after all the sh!t being said. Do any of you know were they where during all this? I bet they had their hands full.
As for the porta johns, I bet they couldn't get enough of them in there if it was that muddy.
Trash cans, maybe the guy in charge of that had to rush over and help park people 6hrs earlier than they were supposed too.

Alot of you guys are sounding like you think this is how Dennis and Shiela wanted things to turn out. Couldn't be farther off base.

How about facing the fact that 50% of people in this sport are jacka$$'es and the other 50% don't have the FRIGGIN BALLS!! to keep them in line.

How dare some of you say what you've said without putting on a show this big for yourself and then dumping 2-3 inches of rain on it the day before. Add in the drag cancellation; bet many would have been crying in the corner by the time it was all over.
Hind sight is always 20/20, yes they should have just cancelled, but then how many of you guys would have just *****ed and moaned about that.

This is the most pathetic thing to happen in diesel motorsports in more ways than one.


Simple fact of the matter don't try to turn this into a one man show... Suck it up and call up NADM and have them help you. Dan Scheid and crew tech guys absolutly horrible. Had the attitude towards the 2.6 and 2.8 class like we were unimportant pullers and just didn't need to be there. (On a side note though it was 5am in the morning and I am sure they wanted to leave also) Gene and them guys at NADM would of run this alot better. You can't just cancel a pull of this size a reschedule it for next week. The gate crew was horrible too. Went to go get a bag of ice for Air to water Intercooler and went to come back in and they said no even though you could see our truck from the gate. We pulled pass them anyways... Big ordeal brought 8 seceurty gaurds over which they were a joke also. Pull was just horrible... I do feel for te damage on the race track that is just reidiculous and hope that person gets what they deserved. I was very disappointed in not seeing some of those trucks run.
the problem with the pull itself, i blame solely on Scheid from what i can gather, as in poor track prep, poor planning, and poor organization.....everything outside the track and pits......well.....
Im not gonna blame TS performance, Dennis, or Sheila for what happend. Most of what happend was out of their control.

The fact of the matter is it did happen.

Whoever was in charge of the track prep needs to not ever be allowed to do that again.

Same goes for the dipstick schied crew for handleing the pullers like they did.

Why the hell it took so long for the sleds to hook still baffles me.

And the whole pay to get in after you have already paid and left to get crap is INSANE. Those gate workers wouldnt even let one of the guys from II walk out of the gate to get some shirts.

About the beer: I havent seen that many drunks in one place in my life. I was seriously getting pissed a several of them screwing with the HSG's. Yall' know Im very loose on anything said about them on here. Think about how much and what it would take to piss me off. Although some that were with me were just as drunk.

Just some "NO ALCOHOL" signs should have been enough to make people keep it discrete.
I my self will be back only on a few conditions. Change of venue, and if the Scheid crew isn't running the show.
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Blame scheid? Are you kidding me! There pull is nothing like this! Its just how TS is set up!

Whinners huh? Well im pretty sure that every single truck that hooked to the sled last nite and this morning is pretty pi$$ed off right now, but that ok we are all whinner's!

Whoever thought that you would be able to disc up that slop a few times and then roll it in is in fact an idiot.
I have my reasons for not liking the setup that the Scheid crew had. Bull**** rules and techs being ass's. And to my knowledge, the shied crew was the ones who were prepping the track.
so when did the pull actually end...was it 5am or what...we stayed and watched the first few 2.6 and 2.8 pullers then got the heck out of there...
We finally left a 4am and they were still pulling so I don't know how long it still went on.

Scheid rules
Well it looks like scheid was kinda making up rules as they went! Total BS! Next year bring in NADM! Or just dont bother!
I'm surprised because the Scheid event in Indiana has always been smooth. Of course they have way more room for what is going on and the rules there are not the same as TS.
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