The worst truck pull I have ever attended

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when you spend hard earned money and vacation time on something that's a total letdown, it's understandable to be gun-shy.

the only diesel event I ever attend is Houston because it's less than an hour away. it has gotten worse and worse every year, but it only costs me about $100 in fuel/fees/etc.
Man so one year the event just so happens to get screwed all to hell and automatically everyone says to hell with it they'll "never" be back? Ya'll are so quick to throw in the towel. What happened to second chances? There comes a time when what is working stops working and it needs fixed, then guess usually starts working again!! So how about helping to fix it instead of just tossing it aside and finding something new?

I understand the frustration of everyone this year. I was hoping and praying I could go this year but I could not make it. Obviously I'm not quite as bummed about it knowing what happened to both the drags and the pulls, but this is not going to deter me from going down next year provided they put on a show again. Now if perhaps no lessons are learned from this year and next year's show is not as bangin' as previous years then I think it could be safe to say goodbye to what is known as the TS Outlaw event. That's said because I've been the last two years and they blew away anything I'd ever been to.

I do agree with those that got cold and needing a jacket or sweater. Last year was the first year I stayed for pulls and one of the leading reasons I left early was because I was friggin cold. I was standing there shivering, but there were a few girls standing around with THO so I stuck it out as long as I could.:rockwoot: Still though, if you've got a jacket in your truck you shoud be able to go get it. They should have the blacklight with the invisible print on your hand.


This event is too close to home for me not to go. Next year we all might be praying for rain, but the track might turn out to be perfect
Could of been organized better, but that is what happens when an event grows to the size that it is. For those of you cheering about thunder in muncie, there is a good chance could turn into a similar situation. You can't run 200 trucks at just any county fair. It could have been ran better, but hats off to the guys for trying to put together a pull. Remember until you have ran a pull that runs 200 trucks through and has 5000+ people there, should probably think twice.

About teching after you pull, it is nice, but you will get lots of people whining. You will have people pushing the rules, and if the get DQ'd for a turbo or something that is a judgement call, you can't bump to the another class. Both ways have their issues.

155 trucks, 5 hours, Hillsboro Ohio, Highland County Fair, Sunday, September 1st, 2007.....about the same amount of spectators on the hill and in the pits there too, along with easily another 100+ trucks that didnt even pull in the pits.....since we started doing the Sunday pull in 03 we have never been under 100 trucks and all but 2 years we have been over 120.....weve brought trucks from Kentucky, WV, Indiana, Michigan, PA, and Tennessee, we even had some guys drive up from Nashville just to WATCH....

the rules have been listed for how many months.....very rarely does someone get disqualified at our pull unless its a gross and blatant rules violation, because they know how hardline we are with the rules and they know to show up legal or keep it loaded on the trailer......and we are more than willing to inspect any truck before hand and listen to any complaints or suggestions before we pull......thats the purpose of the drivers meeting......

oh and we dont make a dime from it.....
I think that TS made the best out of a bad situation with the rain and the idiots that f up'ed the drags. I mean there crew ran all day back and forth thying to get stuff together. Not sure what happened at tech but you kinda have to tech them as they go across the scales and to pull. If you teched them earlier you would have people running 3.0 turbos because they had time to take the reducer out and crap like that so you have to tech as they come across! Hopefully they will have it again next yr. Like some others said we are damn lucky to have even had a pull with all the rain around here the last 3 weeks. Hell last weekend they had a 3 day race at beech bend thad got rained out. You all should thank TS for not just calling the pulls after what happend. Just my .02
The TS event started out as an open house appreciation day with a drag race. TS themselves aren't sled pullers but added pulling by popular request. After the trashing of the drag strip Dennis tries to salvage the weekend. Do you have any compassion for the guy? No, you get on the internet and whine. I'd like to see it go back to open house & drag race. Ya'll can take your pulling and support elsewhere.
Try the fairgrounds bathrooms, that place was a pond.

Did anyone ever see a trash can? I didnt.

And why wouldnt they let people in after they paid and came back
for the first few hours?

We got our Tech card at 12:30 we didnt even get to tech until about 2:15 am! Not only that we needed to leave to get diesel and they wouldnt let us leave. So tell me this what was the point in the ticket's after you paid and everything?

Also we heard that a certain vendor was not allowed to go to his vehicle to get his display and was charged everytime he went through to bring stuff in.
I didn't shove my "fot" in anything. I saw the part I watched one see it another way.
The real that sledpullers will freaking whine about any and everything untill they're blue in the face.

Was it perfect ? Hell no, far from it....but they tried to get it together for y'all to do your thing and you just wanna kill them for it.

Sorry if I'm not in the best mood after the other issues this weekend....but you god damned babies just kill me.

I'm sure I'll see some of you at RPM Fest later this month....and I'm sure you'll be crying about that one too.

Screw it....I'm going back to bed.....

Hmmm...all this really stings coming from a magazine truck owner (i.e., always a spectator). :homo:

The rest of these guys have been to pulls and know how good ones are put on...something you apparently are totally unfamiliar with. :doh:
i agree could of been better organized but i also think that the donuts int the pits and parking and f up drag strip bull chit people bust there hump organize big events get sponsors and then wana trash everything wonder why no one wants anything do with diesels people really need use there dang heads sometimes
The rain made it a bad situation. It is not that that I think people are unhappy with. The pull was supposed to start at 6. They were tearing up and working on the track at 1 pm. The track need all of those hours to dry. The pull started late. I am ok with that. Time to dry. I don't know how many 3.0 trucks there were but it took almost 3 hours to run them. How many hooks were there in that class, 15 or 20. 20 in 180 minutes or 1 every 9 minutes. Unacceptable!!! So now it it almost 9:45 at night and they run the Mod trucks. Which I really wanted to see. So at around 10:30 they got the 7 mod trucks run. We left at eleven p.m. after the pit side vendor shut down at stopped serving BEER.

When we run our pulls we keep a 3 minute hook time average or 20 hooks an hour. This pull was like 6 or 7 an hour. Worst ran pull on the side of organization that I have ever seen. They couldn't even find the 5 guys that needed to come back and rehook for the 3.0 class. After like 10 minutes the trucks had to back down the track to get hooked to the sled. Then one puller didn't even have his helment. It was like nobody knew what was going on. I could live with all the other issues if they would have pushed the trucks down the track. But since even the pulling was boring to watch it was the worst ran pull I have ever been to.
So what would have happend if the drag race would have happend? What kind of cluster f***k would that have been?
I think there are 2 important lessons here to be learned. #1 The event should have been canceled on Friday and rescheduled due to weather. You can't have a good event one day after getting 2 inches of rain and especially not when it has been raining for a whole week. People would most likely have been happier to wait for a good show than to suffer through "the best we can manage". Sure there are some people that take off special so they can attend that couldn't deal with a reschedule but you are better off making most happy than trying to please everyone. #2 Scheid is into most things for the money more so than the participants of viewers. They are not a good choice to have run a event if you want everyone to leave happy. They also never have had any really good dirt guys and don't do a real good job with the tracks. There should be no more than 3 minutes from start of hook to start of next hook at a big show like that, you just can't afford it. Sadly it take guys like Gene aka Sledpuller and I who don't coddle people to make an event work. It takes guys being forceful and sometimes not so nice to keep things in order. Discipline doesn't come from being nice I am afraid. Hopefully the lessons have been learned and it will be a better event in the future. Sometimes you are better off giving in to mother nature.
unbroken just feels as though he has to defend everybody and keep a smile on his face and this is a horrible habit. When events are this big they need to run perfectly otherwise things like this happen such as the event not being over until the sun comes up. There were obviously mistakes and reason to talk about them because thats what these type of internet sites are for, to talk about things. I also dont think it was your place to call the pullers whiners when you are neither a puller or a racer. The only group you fall under is a diesel groupie. If you actually competed in something and were apart of the event you might be whining too.
Folks.......look. Had the race happened the pulls would have been set-up a little better because they would have not had the traffic. However, TS stepped up to the plate and moved EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to the short order.....without much help.... with about 50x as many people as they thought they would move at ONE TIME!

I don't how they did it..... I really don't. I'll tip my hat to everyone that helped out. Try'n to keep people happy isn't a fun job.

Oh yeah, if you go to a pull with intentions of pulling and you don't know what the rules are --WAKE UP! Every time you pull in the box and don't pass tech it makes things SLOWWWW, that's for EVERYONE not just you. PLEASE remember that the next time you want to do this....

Just because you "show up" at school doesn't mean you get an A. Just because you stay an extra 4 hours every day doesn't mean you get a *free pass*. You need to understand WTF you are doing and then and only then will you get a passing grade. .....think about it.
The Tech part really hurt not bad with 3.0 and mod but when 2.6/2.8 came up caused I watched, it slowed down , not cause of the tech but somebody didnt have something in the rules so now u got people talking so there is minutes going by , you almost need 1 guy for each major rule like engine, drivetrain, safty and hitch and what not and most of the smaller pullers like myself probaly hoped they wouldnt tech the small things that we dont usally see around these parts but I saw at least 5 to 10 trucks get kicked out cause of cross bolts . I had mine but they were under the cab I saw some saying they couldnt pull if they were behind the cab either way it was a tough time..And this crap I see all the time , tech guy plugs then say hey yr to big then he says what no way then he gets another tech guy and they sit over there for ever talking about it what to do
I think that TS made the best out of a bad situation with the rain and the idiots that f up'ed the drags. I mean there crew ran all day back and forth thying to get stuff together. Not sure what happened at tech but you kinda have to tech them as they go across the scales and to pull. If you teched them earlier you would have people running 3.0 turbos because they had time to take the reducer out and crap like that so you have to tech as they come across! Hopefully they will have it again next yr. Like some others said we are damn lucky to have even had a pull with all the rain around here the last 3 weeks. Hell last weekend they had a 3 day race at beech bend thad got rained out. You all should thank TS for not just calling the pulls after what happend. Just my .02

no you dont.....we've never done this and never had a problem.....and thats running 8 classes of gas (the gassers are harder to tech than the diesels) and diesel trucks.....the trucks leave the track after unhooking from the sled, they immeadiately weigh out (weighing in is optional and saves us time, though most do), then they go to the back pits and set til the techs get there, we have never had a problem and never had a big complaint from anyone......ask anyone (alot of people here) that have run with us at hillsboro over the years......

i make sure every single truck that pulls is in line and where its supposed to be......i have a list of every persons name, truck make/color and where they are from, in that particular class, once that class is lined up i start on the next, if i cant find a driver or he is not with his truck, he pulls last, im not holding up the show cause someone cant find their truck.....why arent the trucks staged by class,
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