top 2.6 truck at schieds?

winning 2.6 truck? state?

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So is there really a difference between a stepped cover and a bushed 2.6 charger?
If you allow stepped covers you might as well allow bushings.
There is no difference I was there during tech to see what is coming through , One guys turbo wouldnt pass cause the plug fell through he said no way. So the tech guy said go get a bushing , as long as it was 3/4 deep

Kevin did u run a step cover ? Joe said yr turbo is 3.1 just wondering
A bigger charger in a smaller cover or a bushing will create more vacum, and pull more air to the motor. If you took the exact same truck w/ a 2.6 charger and than switched to a bushed 2.8 or 3.0 charger and pulled again the bigger bushed charger would win as long as the truck had enough fuel to push the bigger charger. How many of the 2.8 trucks do you think was running a 3.2 or larger charger bushed down?? I would be willing to bet that alot of them was.

Thank you, now im starting to understand!
Do to the issue with the sled on the 2.8 side, I think that was why they had everyone redraw for positions in the finals.

Luck of the draw for the qualifications, luck of the draw for the finals.
There is no difference I was there during tech to see what is coming through , One guys turbo wouldnt pass cause the plug fell through he said no way. So the tech guy said go get a bushing , as long as it was 3/4 deep

Kevin did u run a step cover ? Joe said yr turbo is 3.1 just wondering

I was being sarcastic in my question. Hopefully next year there won't be stepped covers of bushings allowed.
There is no difference I was there during tech to see what is coming through , One guys turbo wouldnt pass cause the plug fell through he said no way. So the tech guy said go get a bushing , as long as it was 3/4 deep

Kevin did u run a step cover ? Joe said yr turbo is 3.1 just wondering

No I ran a bushing, and who is joe and how would he know what I have. If it is the tech. guy he should not be telling other competitors what others have. No it is not a 3.1. If your turbo is a 2.8,3.0,3.1 or ever 3.4 with a 2.6 bushing or stepped cover it will meet their rules. Yes it is a stupid rule but it is the rules. Should it be changed next year YES.
I was shocked at the hood stack in the 2.6 class. I didnt even realize they allowed it in the 2.6 class till i reread the rules. Boy i bet thats fun to drive on the street. :rockwoot::st:
I was shocked at the hood stack in the 2.6 class. I didnt even realize they allowed it in the 2.6 class till i reread the rules. Boy i bet thats fun to drive on the street. :rockwoot::st:
If your talking about the Black and grey two tone...yes he drives it on the street daily
I think Evan didnt show up due to the turbo rule, and i may not either next year if its the same. And also i think Evan will pass any tech anywhere. Hope the winner feels real good about winning.

But Congrats to the TRUE 2.6 guys!:clap:

and Congrats to Matt Williams! KY truck wins two years in a row!

maybe I misunderstood this?
I think you did, cause under the scheid rules, any turbo would fit as long as you have a bushing? So why wouldnt Evans pass, if it passes NADMs rules for a 2.6 turbo that doesnt allow bushings, as well as our rules in KY, and the circut they have in OH.

I meant, that the turbo rules was BS that they allowed bushing trucks into the class.

Bad Call on the the Scheid Crews part.
Wes runs Evans runs top trucks I hook with them alot it sucks but I would not choose to get beat by any other trucks cause they do it straight up without cheating! Evan had other things to attend it has nothing to do with the charger and the sad part is that half of you that are complaning that he is a cheat have not seen his charger apart like I have cover and wheel and by far nothing special........
I actually agreed with your statement, I would just take it a bit farther. If every pulling sanction had a standard set of rules, that made it a requirement to use within a small guideline the same size turbocharger, this would increase innovation in every other aspect of their build. An engine build would become much more specific, with much more detail put into each component and how they worked for the application, therefore driving innovation. You would have to work for every inch over many competitors, rather than figuring out how to bend the rules to edge out a few competitors.

Exactly...sorry I misinterpreted your statement.
I was glad to qualify but not happy at all that I drew first hook for the finals. I goofed on my first attempt and the truck kicked up into neutral on the 2-3 shift. I wanted to drop to last because I knew the track would get better like it always does, but they would only allow me to drop to 3rd hook???
Joke...cough...turbo...cough...pulling order...cough...BS!...cough

Let's see, do I agree with everything about this weekend? No.
Will I be there again next year? Most likely.
Pulling again? Most likely.

Congrats to those who won according to the rules. Hopefully next year, the ones writing the rules will act like they have a clue as to what's going on in the rest of the country. Never has there been a movement to pull all sanctioning bodies of pulling together to have a more unified rule set to turn around and have the biggest pull of the year completely ignore what should have been the closest, most competitive bunch of pulling nationwide with the best of the best in one showing in each of the classes that truly compete year round.
just sounds like the same as the TS BS! Great pull alotsof trucks and crappy rules and organazation.