Truckers, lets see your rigs!

Gonna be serious for a minute fellas, dash cams are worth every. Single. Cent. I had a confrontation with one of the locals tonight that ended in a brawl, without my dash cam footage of him provoking me and causing me to damn near run off the road, I'd probably be in jail right now, I'll try my damnedest to get the video uploaded in the AM
Gonna be serious for a minute fellas, dash cams are worth every. Single. Cent. I had a confrontation with one of the locals tonight that ended in a brawl, without my dash cam footage of him provoking me and causing me to damn near run off the road, I'd probably be in jail right now, I'll try my damnedest to get the video uploaded in the AM

I cant agree more had a friend in an accident that rear ended a car and ended up in the death of little girl. Long story, but it was not his fault as the car pulled on the interstate and stopped in front of him loaded (legal) but if it was not for his dash cam he probably would have spent the rest of his life in jail.
Gonna be serious for a minute fellas, dash cams are worth every. Single. Cent. I had a confrontation with one of the locals tonight that ended in a brawl, without my dash cam footage of him provoking me and causing me to damn near run off the road, I'd probably be in jail right now, I'll try my damnedest to get the video uploaded in the AM

I'm guessing someone who lives on the Rez?

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*salty language warning**
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Wow puckin amazing. I drive a 27,000 lb service truck around Columbus ohio. It amazes me the people that will cut you off and brake check you. They don't realize how dangerous that is and how fast I could end a life by not being able to stop fast. These aren't sports cars people! People never seem to amaze me. When he opened my door like he did to you that would have been his last breath. I would have shot the guy. Plain and simple.


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I'm guessing someone who lives on the Rez?

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It was south of Tioga on one of the county roads
Wow puckin amazing. I drive a 27,000 lb service truck around Columbus ohio. It amazes me the people that will cut you off and brake check you. They don't realize how dangerous that is and how fast I could end a life by not being able to stop fast. These aren't sports cars people! People never seem to amaze me. When he opened my door like he did to you that would have been his last breath. I would have shot the guy. Plain and simple.
I was empty at the time but that's still 35-40,000 pounds and dickface was in an impala, he was bent about my driving lights being on, (wtf are they even for then?) And decided to escalate the situation, my 1911 was on the passenger seat ready to go but he got the door open so fast and I was out of the cab swinging before I even knew it
It was south of Tioga on one of the county roads

I was empty at the time but that's still 35-40,000 pounds and dickface was in an impala, he was bent about my driving lights being on, (wtf are they even for then?) And decided to escalate the situation, my 1911 was on the passenger seat ready to go but he got the door open so fast and I was out of the cab swinging before I even knew it

I'm not about to try to make a bad situation any worse, but the minute that phuck hit my step and/or opened the door, my gun woulda been in my face. No doubt about it.
I'm glad he just got his ass beat and at least got to go home. The last thing I want to do is put someone in the morgue, but force my hand and that's what I will do
Yes sir I do!

Well I'll be damm, I never put two and two together even after seeing the pics of his red truck. He and I ran around a lot when was living up here in Maryville and he went to school with my ex-wife Amber. Small world indeed I guess.
I'm glad he just got his ass beat and at least got to go home. The last thing I want to do is put someone in the morgue, but force my hand and that's what I will do

I understand, but at that point, who knows if the guys is on his last freakin brain cell or gacked out and about to try and end your life. I'm not a bad arse, hey I'll pull my gun on this guy and show him how bad I am. I've never had to use it, and I'll use it when it's my last resort. If he wanted to yell and scream, so be it. The minute he touched the truck or attempted to touch me, things would have got different. I in now way wish to end someone's life, but I do wish to keep mine.

Yes sir I do!

Well I'll be damm, I never put two and two together even after seeing the pics of his red truck. He and I ran around a lot when was living up here in Maryville and he went to school with my ex-wife Amber. Small world indeed I guess.

Jace is a stellar guy. Really like him. It's a small world for sure.
*salty language warning**

Sounded like an obnoxious local trying to take out his frustrations on everyone that drives.

The ones that pull out in front of you then drive ten or 15 under for miles or follow so close they disappear.

Some locals with an agenda to prove are just as bad as some young guys driving company rigs and some of the truckers they gripe about
The new latest thing people do to me are bright light me from behind. It's like they don't think it effects me. I have had so many people come up on my rear flying up with there bright lights on and won't turn them off. I don't understand it. I also have been having people pull right out in front of me because they absolutely can't be behind a truck. Then drive under the speed limit only to turn off on the next road. Drivers these days are amazing. 75% of people I pass now are texting or have there phone doing something. Its crazy driving now a days.
A little advice on a dash camera. DO NOT get one that shows your speed and I do not recommend one that records GPS location. If the speed limit is 65 and you just happen to be doing anything over that and are in an accident they will use that against you. I have one and made sure all that crap is off.
My camera doesnt record speed or location, just what it sees. I'm gonna try and get the video loaded of what happened leading up to the altercation, he's swerving all over trying to keep me from passing and brake checking me and chit. It was intense for a few minutes
My camera doesnt record speed or location, just what it sees. I'm gonna try and get the video loaded of what happened leading up to the altercation, he's swerving all over trying to keep me from passing and brake checking me and chit. It was intense for a few minutes

I even killed the audio on mine. Don't need everything I say durning the day recorded.
Since we're on the subject, I'll share my story

Last summer I had guy pull out in front of me in my spreader truck (pic of it a few posts back). Long story but I laid on the horn he brake checked me, I followed him for 5 miles at 35mph till I turned to get fuel.

I was sitting in the cab, door cracked doing paper work while fueling when the door flew open. He pulled me out of my truck and proceeded to beat my a**, I took a good couple hits I got a couple in but wasn't getting any where but beat. I took the puzzy way out and got close enough to the cab to grab the 5lb hammer off the floor, he took off to his car and left.

I left with a broken nose 2 broken ribs and crushed pride, the dive station didn't have a camera at the diesel pumps so nothing came of it. I wasn't doing a thing wrong i cant speed (50mph limited), these pos drivers now a days blame us and drive like they own the road its BS!!

Sorry for the book guys.