Truckers, lets see your rigs!

Bout like single round headlights on a pete for me. :kick:

Oh... I see what you did there... :-|

Like this? Lol
Well.......I'm gonna be getting back in a Pete in a couple weeks
Well I have an offer on the table to go run a dump truck for a man. Now I don't know what to do. I couldn't find a driving job but now that I have one, I've had two other offers.
Well I have an offer on the table to go run a dump truck for a man. Now I don't know what to do. I couldn't find a driving job but now that I have one, I've had two other offers.

My dad always said that you got to go where the money is. Plain and simple
Good deal... Question for ya. How much more weight can you haul vs a guy with hopper flats?

depends on what their lightweight is, with 1/2 a tank of fuel 70,000 pounds puts me at 105,500

My condolences. :Throwup::lolly:

Actually I guess not, I wanted it bad but some other shiitbrick beat me to it, I guess I'll just have to do some more mods to the ol kaydubya
My dad always said that you got to go where the money is. Plain and simple

I don't live by that motto. You can make money and work for a real prick and that's no bueno to me. I have my own truck here, my boss is a good guy and truly doesn't act like he's anymore than a friend. He keeps up the maintenance on out stuff without hounding on him. I like working for him and I don't know if I get paid decent or not but I like it here so I just don't think I'll be leaving for that job. It's only 25% of what the truck makes which doesn't sound like anymore than I make. I do put in several hours a day/week to make what I do but it's not that bad.
In the driving world (I'm new, 22 yrs old) I don't think following money is a good decision. You get a record of jumping jobs as then I think you'd be hard to hire. I know I would be hesitant to hire someone who has been driving for lots of people in a short time.
I think I'm just gonna hold out till I can buy my own truck.
Well I have an offer on the table to go run a dump truck for a man. Now I don't know what to do. I couldn't find a driving job but now that I have one, I've had two other offers.

If it's a clear cut better deal go for it, but I said this to T once you get the reputation of a job jumper it will be harder to get a job than it was to get your first one. Just my $.02
I've stayed where I'm at because basically I'm at the top of the pay scale for the type of work I do, I drive a damn nice, well maintained truck, my boss is cool as hell and basically let's me do whatever I want with the truck. I'm happy where I am so I see no need to go anywhere else, that's what it comes down to for me.
I've stayed where I'm at because basically I'm at the top of the pay scale for the type of work I do, I drive a damn nice, well maintained truck, my boss is cool as hell and basically let's me do whatever I want with the truck. I'm happy where I am so I see no need to go anywhere else, that's what it comes down to for me.

That is the best place to be.:Cheer: