Ts date set for 2012

I heard a joke once about some wood with a hole in it...........................
But you do sleep with racoons! :)

Yes....yes I do. LOL

(picture to clarify for those un-edumaketed in my pet)
How destructive are they? How the heck do you keep them entertained?

They are smarter than dogs and they don't bark. Perfect pet. You keep them from being destructive by putting them in a huge outdoor pen while you're gone. :D
He looks fat and slow. Marley's (avatar) a one bunny a year kinda dog.

Had a 50# malamute took out a few coons in her day. They are nasty things for sure!
ill be there just have to book a room, where can i find 2.8 rules for sat?. this will be a first time for me