Question for anyone..
I have been puzzled by this for quite sometime.. This quote came from the UDC tuning tips PDF under timing section, "A higher timing does: More power, lower EGT's, more smoke, better MPG and less boost.
Why does increased timing create more smoke??
One would think, it would be the opposite because of it adds more power (longer/complete fuel burn time) and better MPG (more efficient use of fuel)..
Randy Lawless
I think there are several reasons why. I think a lot of it comes from the pilot injection. The pilot injection greatly reduces the injection delay, and that can lead to more smoke. I also think it has something to do with our piston design in 04.5-07.
I do know that when I increased timing a little at low load/rpm I got a bit more smoke, but then I decided to increase it even more and 99% of the smoke went away. This is one of the reasons I built a timing calc, it to see when the fuel is injecting, not just taking a stab in the dark.
But even older, simpler, single pulse and fixed timing motors could see more smoke at peak torque from advanced timing.
Diesel Timing Don't use this to time a CR, just an example of effects.
I have gotten my setup to where it's a light haze at most, and then a light gray haze and not black (unless I try). I can live with that, as there doesn't appear to be any haze at cruise, empty or loaded, just under transient conditions and then not always.
For me the real answer will be in the oil. Before when I ran TM4 on my SJR it was hard on the oil, but looking at the samples of SW3 on the UDC I think I can see why. The cruise timing was retarded enough (based on stock tables) that I think there was a lot of spraying outside the bowl. I think with my current timing profile I am doing a better job containing it all, which should lead to less soot on the walls and thus in the oil. I sent a UOA off this week, so we shall see... fingers crossed.
You have the Jr and are working from the SJRV514B_URS01B version?
Are you aware of any SSR beta users working from the SSR59V411I_USS01B version?
I am following a few forum postings that are SSR related and do not see many people using the SSR version SSR59V411I_USS01B and am trying to figure out why?
I as of yesterday downloaded SSR59V411I_USS01B and want to try and get comfortable with this if it will be the version needed once UDC is released. I have ran all versions 1.5-1.7 and liked 1.5 the best for my truck.
1st pass with SSR59V411I_USS01B I am awaiting some feedback as to why no one seems to be using this before I go crazy with this version.
Thanks and looking forward to a usb dongle...
Yes I am. You have to run the latest software or UDC will not work. If you switch to UDC you won't be setting any of the other settings for SSR. You get the SSR base tune, but timing/duration/rail are all set in real numbers on a map. Basically at that point SSR gets you higher limits and a different base tune over the SO6.