the dongle comes with a license on it, you lock it to your truck via vin and off ya go, the demo software becomes live, and you can write files to the smarty.
Understood... I still need usb dongle.. With a license on it..
Then I can play..

I just want to play..
Well I have made a few more tweaks to the tune, but can not run them yet , waiting on parts to fix fuel leak first. Also heading a few hours south for the rest of the week for work, so will be away from computer and truck.
I am impressed with the ease of use, and the concept, just waiting on hard parts to fix a leak before I do any hard charges.
BOB / Marco Can we pre buy the dongle so it ships faster when released? I'm sure alot would be in line for this option!! We have faith in you!!
with the amount of documentation up on the site as far as instructions, user guides, and the look of completeness of it all, I would only guess that it is c lose to being put on the market. No inside info, just an opinion based on what I see.
got my last part on the way to fix the leak, then it will be time to do some tune adjusting, and testing.
got my last part on the way to fix the leak, then it will be time to do some tune adjusting, and testing.

Good to hear your getting it sorted out. Have you messed around anymore with the tuning?

Bob, Marco today's pay day.......
I have adjusted a few things in maps after lookin g at them, decided on a cap for rail pressure, and a max for timing, the strangest thing is the maps down low for timing, they sure look weird, and can not help to think that there may be a reason for it, and trying to wrap my head around whats going on in the motor at those points before i get too crazy and work on them. This is the map, pretty much as it came out of the SSR unit to import to UDC and adjust. the rest of the maps to the right are all good, no dips or dives

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How in the world are you supposed to adjust a 3D (dynamic) injection timing map on the flat like that?

Do you have to punch in value for each cell?
yes each cell, but its no where's near as bad as that sounds. Each section is a part of the map, based on engine load. 74, haven't you looked at the demo software? no new surprises from what that shows.
You have to wear 3D glasses that comes with the dongle. :hehe:

AHHHH! I should have known :hehe:

yes each cell, but its no where's near as bad as that sounds. Each section is a part of the map, based on engine load. 74, haven't you looked at the demo software? no new surprises from what that shows.

Honestly, I downloaded the demo software when UDC was first released to the public because of a friend of mine was on the fence about this or EFILive.

When I opened up the demo software and started poking around I thought it was very dificult to see and to me, understand as I already had EFILive. It seemed like some of the tables were inverted and all of the blending and masking tabs and the functionality of the software was Mickey Mouse. I didnt last long messing with the demo and soon after deleted it from my computer.

Im not knocking you guys because as of now its the only thing you've got.
timing was about 20 low, and 30 high, to be honest I had only put the settings in with the latest SSR version to be able to upgrade the unit to UDC capability. TM was set conservatively.