UDC Sample Tunes


Thank You

Are you running an aftermarket PRV? If yes can you share who's? Are the aftermarket PRVs ordered for a specific opening pressure?

I am still running stock PRV and planning to do some testing once I finish installing my rail guage to try and determine how my CP3 and PRV are doing. Want to log some data before changing parts so I can tell how they help or not.

Thank You

Are you running an aftermarket PRV? If yes can you share who's? Are the aftermarket PRVs ordered for a specific opening pressure?

I am still running stock PRV and planning to do some testing once I finish installing my rail guage to try and determine how my CP3 and PRV are doing. Want to log some data before changing parts so I can tell how they help or not.

TC's wild rail and 30,000 psi PRV..

I run a Bio Fuel Lubricant "Diesel Maxx" with every fueling, it is suppose to be the the best lubricant on the market by their data that I have read.. Maybe John knows about it? I don't beat on my truck hard but, I don't baby it either, I just enjoy the fun to drive power it has.. I'm really about inefficiency more than the HP..
That's a new lube for me. I run Amsoil Diesel Concentrate every tank.

That S06 tune should be in the 425-450 rwhp range, and good power for towing. If the rail pressure map is 1/2 as good for towing as it is driving empty its going to be awesome!
My truck is a hobby that I try to keep up with but also have 3 young kids 13,14 and 16 very busy with sports year round. Have log book of every tank and changes ever made to my truck. Always trying for the best MPG I can while increasing HP. I have a VW tdi as my daily driver. Always trying to research and improve on anything I can. I also have used additives over the years.. Stanadyne, Amalgamated and the off the shelf brands when needed. Lubrication is critical to keep anything healthy. Will be sure to check on the Diesel Maxx product.

16 year old passed her permit Friday and drove home from RMV with my truck. That was scarey for the both of us. I think I had more fun with the ride than her...
16 year old passed her permit Friday and drove home from RMV with my truck. That was scarey for the both of us. I think I had more fun with the ride than her...

Lol! I hear ya.. my second and last wife (I love her to death, 14yrs my Jr.) comes from a motor head father and she likes to go fast (does that sound right? :D).. She's like a big kid, when I do my annual fly in fishing in Canada she always finds an excuse that she needed to drive the truck in my absence lol.. Thank God I can and do de-tune before I leave.. But that's doesn't stop her from trying to show off.. :eek:
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That's a new lube for me. I run Amsoil Diesel Concentrate every tank.

That S06 tune should be in the 425-450 rwhp range, and good power for towing. If the rail pressure map is 1/2 as good for towing as it is driving empty its going to be awesome!

The one I just posted? You think it'll tow okay? Or are meaning your SO6 sample? I just returned from a little jaunt on the highway with that tune and I'm very very impressed with it's manners and how aggressive it is.. It's unbelievable how clean and powerful it is, and the EGT's and drive pressures are very much in check.. So, Maybe it will tow okay, I'll get the 5th wheel out tomorrow and take a little ride if it's not snowing.. That tune feels more powerful than the one I ran at Norwalk Drag strip last summer (TNT-R SW3) and I was about 485 HP, 13.7 104 mph with a sloooow 60ft 2.55 sec then.. I'm thinking that this tune is pushing the 600 HP level, I need to Dyno this summer..

http://www.alterradieselmaxx.com/ (Web Site is A Dead End For Me) Oh Well! Maybe they went belly up.. Research I did showed it out performed Opti-Lube two fold..

Some Info I found "They create a concentrated mix of the lubricating substances from canola oil.

I was there once, and it actually is quite the product, I have yet to find any fuel additive that proves its worthiness as good as they do.

one 65$ jug treats 4000 gallons of fuel or some crazy number like that, and even diluted to that great extent they sill proved that the lubrication is exceptionally better than other additives."

Alterra Bioenergy is proud to introduce you to a product that demonstrates individual and corporate stewardship of our environment while filling a need of the diesel fuel consumer. Alterra Bioenergy is committed to providing a unique high-grade bioadditive for diesel fuel called Alterra DieselMaxx.

The diesel fuel additive market is growing tremendously, due in large part to a Federal Law requiring late model diesel vehicles to run on ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD). The ULSD fuel has less lubricity than previously sold diesel fuel. A diesel engine requires lubricity in the fuel to reduce scar wear and heat due to friction. The ULSD fuel creates a need for the lubricating agents found in Alterra DieselMaxx.

Alterra DieselMaxx allows the consumer to improve their vehicles performance and "go green" one tank at a time. Through intensive research Alterra Bioenergy has formulated a unique bioadditive for diesel fuel which adds lubricity to ultra low sulfur diesel fuel, boost cetane ratings, cleans injectors, all while reducing harmful exhaust. Alterra DieselMaxx is made in the USA from biodegradable, non-toxic and renewable resources.

Help your diesel engine "RUN CLEAN, RUN GREEN, RUN STRONGER, RUN LONGER" with Alterra DieselMaxx! For more information on Alterra DieselMaxx call 478-628-2600.
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Never mind I got your PM
Are you meaning your tune or the one I posted this AM?

2005 - HE351/A5K - ARP - Arson lll - 70HP Nozzles
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I read your post wrong, I bet that one you posted up is 600, it looks like a great tune.

My previous post was about the sample S06 I posted, sorry for the confusion. I need more coffee....
It's not your reading it's my lack of paying attention in English class.. Now everyone else suffers :)

Where do you purchase the additive from? Qty you add per tank?
I tried to search around and could not find any site with any info.

Also question regarding stock PRV.. Where do the stock PRVs pop at? Is it 25k
Thanks John..

Looking thru Randys sample and can see his Rail is higher than I think my stock PRV would like.

Am going to make some changes to the higher end before trying this one.
I just can't bite the bullet on more than stock pressure, I am not sure it's worth it for my application.

Where do you purchase the additive from? Qty you add per tank?
I tried to search around and could not find any site with any info.

Also question regarding stock PRV.. Where do the stock PRVs pop at? Is it 25k

I bought out the truck stop that slod (18+gallons) about a year ago no one was buying it and i got it for $10 each.. I researched the product before finding a retailer.. I couldn't find it online this morning either.. I'm thinking 26,000 psi on the PRV but not positive..
Thanks.. I have always wanted to use a Bio product.. Did a fair amount of research and was almost going to start making it from a restaraunt that I could use as much as they had from their Soy oil waste. Could not get myself to put that into the truck no matter how I filtered or processed it. Just looked horrible and like my engine to much. Too bad as I could get the waste oil for nothing.. Would had been bad for my waist if the exhaust smelled like chicken fingers also.. would always be hungry.
Here is a S06, 2004.5 – 2007 sample for those interested.. It is based off of my mildly modified 2005 5.9 CR, i.e., HE351/Aurora 5K, Arson III, 70HP Sticks, Air Dog ll-165, ARP Studs and 48RE for the important stuff..


This tune is mostly within the max parameters of the UDC Revo 9 sample with some modified areas in the Cruise Zone, the transition area (Valley) from Cruise into the Power Band to control smoke and turbo lag.. I used AH64ID’s S06 timing sample in cruising area.. My flat land cruising EGT’s @ 1800 (68 mph) are right at 500* (+ or – 20*), smokeless when aggressively rolling onto the throttle throughout the entire rpm band, a small amount of light grey haze on WOT pulls (Insanity05 can verify).. It is easy to drive with some authority if ya need it for the young WRX ricers, Oops! Did I say that, :hehe:.. This is more of a DD fun tune with a bit of efficiency.. This is not a tow tune but, you probably could tow light (up to 4-6k lbs.) if being responsible..

In summary, I would say this tune is a mild TNT-R SW7 or a TNT-R SW5 or an aggressive Revo 9 tune. It is a good starting point for those with similar modifications as mine..

* Max Timing is equal to TNT-R SW7 or Revo 9..

* Max RP is Equal to TNT-R SW7, (Revo 9 is 507 PSI less than TNT-R SW7 @ 25,493)

Use at your own risk, I will not be responsible for any damages to your engine or your lack of responsibilities..

Please feel free to criticize as needed both positive and negatively.. :kick: I will update as I compile/experience more drive time over the next few months (I don't drive it daily, mostly on the weekends weather permitting)..

Thanks to all that have contributed to the UDC threads and specially, thanks to AH64ID (John Jacobs) attention to detail in all of his Cummins Threads and Postings.. :bow: Enjoy, Have Fun, be Safe and Have A Happy New Year!

The below shown comparisons in "Pink" are the UDC REVO 9 Samples

Timing = UDC Revo 9 sample:

Rail Pressure = UDC Revo 9 sample with a touch of TNT-R SW7 on top

I just downloaded your tune into my Smarty file for future use, Thank you!
Do you believe it will perform ok on my 03? I am currently running TNTR/UDC SW7 all defaults except rp(3). Just haven't pulled the trigger on using my dongle yet...
I don't think the timing profiles of a 04.5-07 will transfer very well to an 03/04. The piston bowl designs have some different tolerances and likes for timing. Generally, as I understand it, the 03/04 like less timing at low fuel loads.
You can change any part of this you want to make it work how you want on your vehicle. I just tried this sample but left the rail pressure below 24k on the higher end as I am not sure my CP3 will keep up to this program. When I update my truck to handle more I can then turn it up. You can always try this and go back to the setup you are comfortable with also.

Just my opinion.. But I will say this tune is smooth and feels real strong. All I have done is try the lower and mid range at the moment, no WOT runs made and I like how it is working on my truck.
I don't think the timing profiles of a 04.5-07 will transfer very well to an 03/04. The piston bowl designs have some different tolerances and likes for timing. Generally, as I understand it, the 03/04 like less timing at low fuel loads.

Yes, I believe you are probably correct. What I do not understand is the original Smarty SW's(not udc)...they are not year specific, however they seem to perform equally well on 03's as on 04.5+ years. With the exception of timing as you stated, on the earlier TNTR tunes I could not run higher than timing 3, with this latest TNTR software I can run timing 2 without issues.

I guess I can use lawless's tune as a starting point, as Revo software did a better job of spooling my chargers at low rpm's, over the TNTR software. Then tweak some timing out if needed.
Using the Lawless as your starting point. Compare your existing UDC file and CMP over only the sections of the timing section you want from your file to the Lawless version.

The use of CMP to copy sections from a compared file are very handy when doing exactly what you are hoping to accomplish.