up coming truck pulls pa or md

Selinsgrove has a sctpa pull on the 19th with a pro street class.
I hope the kempton pull is a little better organized this time.
kempton is a street diesel class only. $15 hook fee i believe and payout is 50,30,20 i think and a trophy. The pull is being put on by the fair to pull in some money so they can have a fair next year. They lost alot of money the last 2 years with rainouts or thats how i understood it at the meeting i was at. They are also having street gas 4x4, 11,500,13,500,and 15,500 farm stock classes, and street semi's.
whats a good phone #for labonan pulls?? I had Brians but lost it:bang
ill be there with my white ccsb dirty, got the points lead hoping to do good.
How is the buck with rain? Do they cancel pretty often or not so much?

Reason I asked about Keith is him and i live in the same town.

I talked to the office at the buck and they said it is still on. as of 11:30 am
I just checked the website for the buck and it is cancelled. Possibly rescheduled for the 26th. I just called lebanon and they are still on as of now.
the buck is cancled for this evening as of 1:00. and rescheduled for the 26th
Where is this pull in Lebanon? how far from baltimore? I am loaded and ready to pull, hate to unload it and do nothing all day
from 695 -83n split it is about hour and forthy five min. it is off of rt72 the track is like the buck.