Who would be interested in a CNC ported head?

Would you buy a CNC ported cylinder head?

  • Nope, no interest at all.

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • Sounds exactly like what I have been waiting for!

    Votes: 27 73.0%

  • Total voters
I for one don't think the setup and R&D costs will ever be recovered if you are starting at this time. From what I see on hints and reading between the lines, we are right around the corner from aftermarket heads, including aluminum ones.

If I can buy an aftermarket head that will flow as much or more as a "cnc" ported one, for about the same price, and then if I want to have it ported to flow a ton more. Why would I waste my time with the stock head at all?

If you think you can have it setup, and punch out enough heads in a few short months to make it worth your while, then go for it...
Greg this is Comp D (Diesel) not Comp Gas crap. Do you have someone casting Cummins heads with extra meat in them?

The comp gas crap you talk about is in reality called Competition eliminator, and most of the innovations in the diesel world are coming from Comp guys, or people associated with comp.
When I started racing diesel over 7 years ago, I was ridiculed for advocating head porting; now the big pulling engine shops are looking at porting with a vengeance. Greg at ZZ laughed at my bringing him a diesel head as well, , now he has a 3 months lead time to get his quality of cylinder head.
Greg is from a comp background.

The list of comp people involved in diesel is long , and not well know , but these people and shops has changed the face of the diesel world
Look at Camshafts, there are still people who are so terribly misinformed as to think that a stock cam is good enough.
The head casting I speak of are cast every day and generally available, the modified casting will look just like the stock head, in fact the ports will be exactly stock, and if you didn’t know what to look for then you could not see a difference.
I’m not here to make the latest head to sell to the public, the head will be available to head porters, and they will be able to sell them to the racing public. This head is a reality, and will be available very soon. It’s going to be a cube head as well, meaning no machining except on the four sides
So you're gonna use the Chinese castings like others are?
I'm not saying at ALL that that's a bad thing...they are known to have smaller water passages allowing much more porting in that area.
Is this a new "program" for you Greg or are you jumping in behind Kirk and Dealers on their head "program" ?
I have some 12 valve , and 24 valve head coming with modified water jacket cores

no I just have them cast with thicker water jackets

YOU yourself are having new heads with modified water jackets ?
Bullsh!t Greg...you're using Chinese castings.
Don't sell them as something you had built.
Looks just like the ones I mention in my last post...right down to the epoxied in brass tubes.
So you're gonna use the Chinese castings like others are?
I'm not saying at ALL that that's a bad thing...they are known to have smaller water passages allowing much more porting in that area.
Is this a new "program" for you Greg or are you jumping in behind Kirk and Dealers on their head "program" ?

what head program, there is no such place , if your talking about who I think you are , its just a hobby shop behind the dealership, will never be any thing more , and hasen't tuned out a single head in a long time . and the way things are going, never will. the truth is they copyed the head Chris Franks did for me when I was putting together Project X . that head, after it cracked , was cleaned up and given to your Buddy west of here.

I have my own resources for these heads, as I allways have in all on my programs. but I know you want to make some kind of bash any time you can, why don;t you just read along if you can't contrubute anything meaningfull
YOU yourself are having new heads with modified water jackets ?
Bullsh!t Greg...you're using Chinese castings.
Don't sell them as something you had built.
Looks just like the ones I mention in my last post...right down to the epoxied in brass tubes.

just go away, and take you bashing with you .

yes , im doing this , its somthing I have done for years. your spend too much time listen to others.

you have never seen any of the parts I work on , and never will , and I know now your motavation for bashing , your swinging on my former freinds nuts and trying to promote his hobby shop .
Because you're wrong.
That "hobby shop" has some pretty interesting things going on.
Your ties were severed with that "hobby shop" so you'll take a shot at them any chance you get as referenced in your above post.

Admit it...you're using the same damned Chinese casting they are.
You said yourself you can barely afford to run the NX dragster, yet you can afford to have a completly new head casting done ?
just go away, and take you bashing with you .

yes , im doing this , its somthing I have done for years. your spend too much time listen to others.

I didn't listen to others, Greg.
I saw with my own eyes.
Just admit you're using the Chinese heads and I won't post anything else in this thread but I'm not gonna sit and let you fool people into thinking you have your own heads built. You haven't...period.
you have never seen any of the parts I work on , and never will , and I know now your motavation for bashing , your swinging on my former freinds nuts and trying to promote his hobby shop .

Since you edited that in....

I have seen your parts. One of your cams is in my truck, remember?
Second...I'm not promoting nor swinging on anything....I'm just not gonna sit quiet while you try to pull the wool over peoples eyes with another big claim.

CHINESE HEADS, Greg....admit it.
No you’re the liar here, there I said it you are a petty liar, that uses your position on this forum to prorogate you agenda. I have spent enough money on the dragster to buy a fairly good house. The shop you speak of is just a hobbies shop, with the remnants of most of the programs I do for the last 15 years. But you will promote anyone that can farther you vendetta against me,

And Yes I have worked on getting head castings for the Cummins, I redid the water jacket cores and sent them back overseas. Your buddies wouldn’t have a clue on how to do this. But keep on posting, and ruining the threads . Im done on this thread

come on the rest of the dog pack, mess up a good thread ,
Since you edited that in....

I have seen your parts. One of your cams is in my truck, remember?
Second...I'm not promoting nor swinging on anything....I'm just not gonna sit quiet while you try to pull the wool over peoples eyes with another big claim.

CHINESE HEADS, Greg....admit it.

Funny that cam came from Michigan,
No you’re the liar here, there I said it you are a petty liar, that uses your position on this forum to prorogate you agenda. I have spent enough money on the dragster to buy a fairly good house. The shop you speak of is just a hobbies shop, with the remnants of most of the programs I do for the last 15 years. But you will promote anyone that can farther you vendetta against me,

And Yes I have worked on getting head castings for the Cummins, I redid the water jacket cores and sent them back overseas. Your buddies wouldn’t have a clue on how to do this. But keep on posting, and ruining the threads . Im done on this thread

come on the rest of the dog pack, mess up a good thread ,

So if it's not you and ZZ Fab doing it, it's wrong and someone has a vendetta against you ?
I have no such thing...just tired of you acting like you reinvented the wheel here when in fact it was reinvented in China and is readily available on Ebay...and others have already turned out heads with all the tricks you talk about.

That's all...you can put your tinfoil hat back on now...

Oh yea....I wouldda answered your call but I'm at the Apple store ordering a new phone. I don't have an hour to listen to a commercial...try me later....
Boy did this thread get derailed or what?????

In my own experience with gasser, there is nothing better on the street than a good flowing set of heads or head. I am definately thinking about this in the future I just need to do my homework first.
This is just like Cumminsforum....

So if it's the same, just go back over there;)

CNC ported would be nice, but the better option would be a CNC machined head, as in all new, made right, with airflow in mind. 12v BTW;)

So if it's the same, just go back over there;)

CNC ported would be nice, but the better option would be a CNC machined head, as in all new, made right, with airflow in mind. 12v BTW;)


If it's a CNC'd head it won't have water jackets so it will only work for a very small market. I'd love to see a new casting. Maybe even an overhead cam to give it more room?