$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

Should I enter the wife in this just chits and giggles? Got her a redline yesterday. Was gonna put twins on during my few days off around christmas. Maybe just a 66 and run in this?
That's a brilliant quote. So your saying that all 100 (maybe) trucks are going to be running a 2.6 charger from Scheid?

No. What I am saying is the creation of the 2.6" rule allows a company to sell a $1000 turbocharger, with a clipped wheel and additional machining done to the compressor cover for $4625. This race was formed around a budget friendly class to be fun yet competitive, the turbocharger rule sent it down another path.
Should I enter the wife in this just chits and giggles? Got her a redline yesterday. Was gonna put twins on during my few days off around christmas. Maybe just a 66 and run in this?

If she races like you return PM's, she doesn't stand a chance! bif
No. What I am saying is the creation of the 2.6" rule allows a company to sell a $1000 turbocharger, with a clipped wheel and additional machining done to the compressor cover for $4625. This race was formed around a budget friendly class to be fun yet competitive, the turbocharger rule sent it down another path.
So your choice is simple: race or don't race. Just remember, you can't win if you don't enter.
a 16 in a 100 chance at winning some money is fuggin awesome. Ive been along ways to be in races for way less chance at winning. And first place was worth less than the top 16 is here
Ill be looking for a cheater 2.6 Turbo about the time this race is over and I live about 40 miles away from the track and will be there spectating so anyone wanting to ditch a nice 2.6 charger after this race lemme know!!!


Lets just make headers and take the turbo's off completely and all on welfare can compete. Maybe we can get a fuel sponsor and a motel sponsor and a food sponsor! News flash RACING = MONEY.
Lets just make headers and take the turbo's off completely and all on welfare can compete. Maybe we can get a fuel sponsor and a motel sponsor and a food sponsor! News flash RACING costs MONEY and WINNING = MONEY.

Fixed it for ya Jeff.
Fixed it for ya Jeff.

The old adage of how you make a little money drag racing or any racing for that matter is spend a lot of money still applies. Even if you had a full field and the winner got it all I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't cover the cost of building the winning truck. And for all the DIY'ers your time is money, and it is worth something. Still not many opportunities to race for this kind of purse and who the hell ever got into racing at our level for the money anyway?:lolly:

Entry fees & ladder payouts won't be an issue for some folks - they're in it to win it and the money doesn't have to make sense or be practical.

Even for the inaugural Super Stock race, the $25K 1st place prize won via raw performance wouldn't cover the cost of building such a truck to the rules (not that $$$ will be the deciding factor in Bradenton, since attrition from the Pro tree & on-track carnage will definitely thin the herd)... so it's not like this event is going to make fiscal sense as far as hard cost are concerned.

I don't expect the winner to be the fastest truck there.

X2 from 5 weeks ago...
If there are not 100 entries I would like to see the prize money split into at least the top 5 spots. I don't really agree with the winner take all idea. There are a lot of people building trucks for this race and it would be nice to see more of them having a shot at some money.
If there are not 100 entries I would like to see the prize money split into at least the top 5 spots. I don't really agree with the winner take all idea. There are a lot of people building trucks for this race and it would be nice to see more of them having a shot at some money.

If there are not 100 entries I would like to see the prize money split into at least the top 5 spots. I don't really agree with the winner take all idea. There are a lot of people building trucks for this race and it would be nice to see more of them having a shot at some money.

very valid point...
why race for first then...let the last 5 guys decide if they wanna split it..jus like we do on sat nites
If there are not 100 entries I would like to see the prize money split into at least the top 5 spots. I don't really agree with the winner take all idea. There are a lot of people building trucks for this race and it would be nice to see more of them having a shot at some money.

I would be in favor of something like that too instead of just one guy making out. Maybe it could be figured on a percentage of how many trucks enter compared to the 100 entries. Say if 50 trucks enter maybe something like this 12500.00 1st 5000.00 2nd and pay the rest to 10th place which would give the other 8 places 937.50
I would be in favor of something like that too instead of just one guy making out. Maybe it could be figured on a percentage of how many trucks enter compared to the 100 entries. Say if 50 trucks enter maybe something like this 12500.00 1st 5000.00 2nd and pay the rest to 10th place which would give the other 8 places 937.50

I would be in favor of something like that too instead of just one guy making out. Maybe it could be figured on a percentage of how many trucks enter compared to the 100 entries. Say if 50 trucks enter maybe something like this 12500.00 1st 5000.00 2nd and pay the rest to 10th place which would give the other 8 places 937.50

That idiot Rich Christensen gets 400 people to show up to race for a chance at $10,000 and some round money, your idea is a pretty good one. I think the guys who actually show up to race should get together with the promoters and decide how they'd like to see it done.
It could be split by the same percentage as if 100 trucks show up. So whatever showed for paid entry's would be split amongst the top 16.
I will be sending my entry in this week. I would also like to see it split up. Jeff

Jeff, would you like for Jeff and I to split your entry up between us :lolly: or was you implying something else? LMFAO Rest easy fella's, Jeff and I will make the call on the purse if we need to. Just remember though, the rules where posted in the very beginning as to how the payout would be. I'm reasonably sure that we are going to fill all 100 spots though. You know, thats why our racing associations are so weak. Post up the rules for the year, then abide by them. It's VERY difficult to change rules after you have accepted money from folks based on the rules you started with. Jeff and I came up with this race to make it unique (mission accomplished) and bring some life back into our sport. I am very PLEASED at the direction and progress that WE have all made since this race was announced. Please visit the track's website often for our race for some exciting news that will be released shortly. The Gamblers race after Super Stock should be a VERY good race. So, lets quit worrying about money that NOBODY has won yet and get our trucks done. I'm looking VERY forward to February in Florida. Gary