Adrenaline Q & A!!!!!!!

Hey quad. On the dyno saturday the power fell off at 3000 rpms with the comp tune. I know, I know, should have used the 2000 series, but will the new tunes fuel hard in the upper rpms?

Also can you answer my question on the fittings?
WOW. It's that strong on 75% power? I can't wait to see 100%. How'd you come to find out about the mistake?
Yes, the new tunes fuel much harder in the higher rpms.

If you are missing a fitting you need to call tech. I will never remember to tell someone that.

I found the error because RowJ sent me an email saying his truck was down about 40hp from when we had it on the dyno and all he had done was put a version of the RowJ tune off the website on the box. I was sure it was all the same.

Then today I was working on something and saw the mistake. It basically cut the last 1/3 od the map off so the most anyone could get is 75% of what we meant to be commanding.

On his truck it was about 40rwhp less than what it should have been.
quad could that be one reason it falls on it face hard at 3500rpm? lol and i dont need any more fuel but ill take it, with it on defuel for 1150 i still hit 1700 yikes!, thats with the 64mm turbo, but just got some watermeth installed so that should help till the twins and intercooler....
Well good news, bad news guys.

Not sure how to say this but, we made a BIG BOO BOO in software! The tunes are only letting you guys get about 75% of what we have to offer!

The good news is that tomorrow the website will be updated with tunes that will fully fuel 100% of what we are asking of it!

In a twisted sort of way this is good because we are making good power at 75% capacity, it should be MUCH better come tomorrow!

Sorry to those that want to tie me to a whipping post!

If this thing fuels any harder than it does right now, I'm definately gonna break something. Oh hell, I'll try it.:evil
If this thing fuels any harder than it does right now, I'm definately gonna break something. Oh hell, I'll try it.:evil

yea tell me about it...when i accidently pegged the 60psi boost guage over the weekend on a test run, i decided to hook the waste gate back up. which will go first...the head gasket or the out put shaft in the tranny?? i praying i will make it until the fall...
just going with what rowj lost with the tunes on the website. Heck i would be happy with 10hp more. That makes me want to get back on the dyno.
I'd be curious to see what you guys can put down on a Land and Sea dyno. :pop: 547hp here, but I've never been on a Mustang or DynoJet.
Did the updates get posted yet? Quads website still has the 4/03/08 dates on it, Thanks.
My truck dynos low enough as it is. I don't need any help. LOL

So long as you're using the same dyno, do high HP numbers really matter BgBlDodge? To some it may, I mean as long as you have a baseline hp reading on a specific dyno and can validate changes using the same dyno, that's what really counts IMHO. I'm not concerned with peak numbers, just the spread in HP between mods.
Well considering that I'm down 30-40hp from the last time I was on this dyno and I'm down 80hp from what I was ove a year ago, and I've been going down for over a year with no end in sight, yeah, I'd like to make some good peak numbers and figure out what's wrong.
So long as you're using the same dyno, do high HP numbers really matter BgBlDodge? To some it may, I mean as long as you have a baseline hp reading on a specific dyno and can validate changes using the same dyno, that's what really counts IMHO. I'm not concerned with peak numbers, just the spread in HP between mods.

It is too late for that, he is borderline psycho over this dyno thing. He is goind all the way if it means a remortgage.
Alright, I had to refresh the page for some reason. I got it downloaded, now for the drive test.