Adrenaline's new 4000RPM box!

Yeah, they've had my box for 2 weeks waiting on the new boards to arrive. Jeremy promised me that I would get one from the first batch. :hehe:

Wait for the second batch! I just got a new box and it wont rev over 3k and keeps locking up and tripping the alarm system! I have spent HOURS trying to update these damn things and after waiting on tech support forever they had to send a special fix program for the last box, now I cant update this one either! *bdh* I am SO sick of this! I have a drag comp coming and if this ADR isnt fixed I'm pulling it out of the truck for the LAST time! I have been a long time supporter of this box and got one of the first available and for the $$ took it in the shorts, then for the pulse and again on the fuel pressure sender that was NEVER fixed, and now the "latest & greatest" doesnt even work for more than a day?
Ask me if I could recommend this product to a friend, or anyone for that matter.:umno:
Yeah, they've had my box for 2 weeks waiting on the new boards to arrive. Jeremy promised me that I would get one from the first batch. :hehe:

Wow. I never knew empty promises were so readily accepted by the general public, but for the last couple years its been happening and yet people are still lining up for the next "biggest thing". I'm all for moving forward, especially with a VP, but with all the R&D every other company has done BEFORE their stuff went to market to figure this stuff out, I would think that after just the first few major complaints, they would pull their stuff from the market and figure out why nearly 50+% of the owners of these boxes still have some kind of gripe about them in some way, shape, or form. Just my $.02, which apparently isn't worth much.

UHHHH. I have a Redline box. It isn't hurting me to wait & see what happens with the Adr. If I didn't see Quad spank the Redline on the dyno, I would have given up on the 4k stuff. Maybe I'm a dummy waiting this long, but I have had zero issues with the Quad on the street.
take his redline away and see how long he waits!:hehe:

I just want a box that WORKS. I was sent an all new unit, that locks up and sets off my alarm system. And this one is the "better model with no issues"? how about fixing the download issues so it doesnt take a IT dept an hour to load a tune only to have the box freeze up the next day, AGAIN. even when it is working 2900rpm is all it can muster.:what:
My adrenaline is gone, i really dont think that adrenaline will compete with the redline in sled pulling!
I have an ADR. and have had good luck with it for bout a little over a year now but what is the deal with QUAD.... blue chip has had the red line out for a few years now...they figured out how to fuel above 3000 that many years it that blue chip is magic or smarter???? LOL
I have an ADR. and have had good luck with it for bout a little over a year now but what is the deal with QUAD.... blue chip has had the red line out for a few years now...they figured out how to fuel above 3000 that many years it that blue chip is magic or smarter???? LOL

It isn't that Quad doesn't know how to get to 4k. The problem is that Quad is trying to do it without codes. He knows how to do it the way chip does it, but he wants to build a streetable box which can tow, DD & sled pull.
I have an ADR. and have had good luck with it for bout a little over a year now

You don't have 200hp + injectors do you? The problem is with those that are running large injectors. I know a lot of people that don't have any issues what so ever...but they have smaller injectors too (100-150hp).
Yeah...your wright, i have 100HP injectors. But how does that effect the ADR. box? Im pretty sure my box don't know what size my injectors are! LOL....
Yeah...your wright, i have 100HP injectors. But how does that effect the ADR. box? Im pretty sure my box don't know what size my injectors are! LOL....

:poke: Yeah the ADR is to dumn to figure that out for sure. Thats another down side to running it. :hehe:
Hey Joel

Hows yours still running.

I picked up redline to play with for a while. I still want to try the quad but im not one of the chosen ones that gets the new stuff.

I just dont think my truck likes 4k+. I can get it to about 4100-4200 and it kicks out about like the quad did. Guess its time for a different pump.
Hey Joel

Hows yours still running.

I picked up redline to play with for a while. I still want to try the quad but im not one of the chosen ones that gets the new stuff.

I just dont think my truck likes 4k+. I can get it to about 4100-4200 and it kicks out about like the quad did. Guess its time for a different pump.

I'm still waiting on the latest and greatest 4k box. I have one of the non-4k boxes on it now and it gives me the same old problems. I still have my old trusty Drag Comp though...just waiting to jump into action when needed. :evil

BTW...send me your cell #. My old phone took a dump and I didn't have all my contacts backed up. :bang
My Quad Adrenaline is great for daily driving, towing, and occasional blasts down the 1/4 mile. I, however, have small Jammer 5 injectors and honestly run the box on level 2 most of the time. Occasionally I turn it up to about 6-7 but only run 8,9, or 10 at the track.

I'm don't have a super high performance truck so for me, it works excellent at the 400-499 HP level.
I turn it up to about 6-7 but only run 8,9, or 10 at the track.

I didnt like taking the time to flip the numbers up so i made it were i only had 2 levels. Its a good box with all the features but i only want an all out max power box. My injectors (like most others that are having probs) are big enough that when i turn any box on, its just to much on the streets.

My quad box would shut the truck down at 31-3200 rpm's, on the beta tunes. On the 2000 tunes it was ok, just not the power.

QUAD or ANY company. I will beta test any box you have for the vp's:rockwoot: (not that that will help)
Apparently it does. :hehe: You can't drain the pump dry with those itty bitty sticks. :poke: :hehe:

Sooo if the ADR. is fueling enough to drain the pump...then it's doing its job! Looks like to me your pump isn't keeping up with the ADR!
Sooo if the ADR. is fueling enough to drain the pump...then it's doing its job! Looks like to me your pump isn't keeping up with the ADR!

Your just not draining your pump of fuel. Get bigger sticks and try it. them little 100 hp inj. just isnt big enough. your pump can keep up with those.

Like said before get some 240's + and see what happens.

U going to be down in north vernon at the pulls tomorrow. Ill take ya for a ride.
You guys having issues with big injectors.....ever try the 70% 4k tune? It has zero surging & absolutely no issues on my truck. Its the only tune I run. PM me