Bad DTT tranny problems...HELP

but there is no drive until about 10 sec...then it will move if you give it a little throttle...

takes the converter that long to charge? no bueno.

Yea, its more than linkage based off the recent description
Yeah and it used to give a nice solid jerk when put into there is nothing. You have to mash on the throttle pretty good before the truck will move. Almost as if there is no 1st gear.
Might as well sell the truck as is...needs a little tranny work...:hehe:

naaaahh....tranny is an easy fix. its called HTS. You know where my old HTS is right now....powering a school bus all over the state. LOL

Now if you start having bad luck like blowing injector lines at a stop light or having coolant in your floorboard on dyno runs, you may want to consider to sell LOL LOL LOL
Yeah that would deffinatly not be good...just hope that it is not to expensiveor it looks like I will be without a truck for a while.
Yeah that would deffinatly not be good...just hope that it is not to expensive or it looks like I will be without a truck for a while.

I know what you mean.....I had my cummins for 2.5 years....and it spent a total of a .5 year sitting broke down waiting on parts, funds, etc. I still put 72,000+ miles on that truck in those 2 years while being enrolled as a full time student :hehe:
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973604x4 said:
I know what you mean.....I had my cummins for 2.5 years....and it spent a total of a .5 year sitting broke down waiting on parts, funds, etc. I still put 72,000+ miles on that truck in those 2 years while being enrolled as a full time student :hehe:

I know what ya mean there too. The truck has 92k on it. I just hope it is an easy fix or I am up a creek without a paddle. :hehe:
It sounds like the tranny is toast. Good chance it is in limp mode, but by having to give it lots of gas to get it to move is not good.
HOw many miles are on the truck?? If the tranny is toast what are your plans for the truck?
The truck has 92,000 and has alot of money into it. Don't know what I am going to do just yet. Gotta take it in and see what they say first.
Shouldn't be too expensive to fix either way.... a DTT builder can do a complete refresh for around $1600 thats all new frictions and steels, you basically will have a brand new transmission. Just be very sure to get a price quote IN WRITING when dealing with the shop in Canada! I have had better customer service working with Tim Barber in VA.

Well it will have to go to either James at James Tans Tech or Chris at relentless. I will most likely call both of them and see what they say. James is the original builder of the tranny.
LAmiller said:
Shouldn't be too expensive to fix either way.... a DTT builder can do a complete refresh for around $1600 thats all new frictions and steels, you basically will have a brand new transmission. Just be very sure to get a price quote IN WRITING when dealing with the shop in Canada! I have had better customer service working with Tim Barber in VA.


So are you saying im looking at $1600 at the most? If it is close to that I might as well have the whole $1600 dollar job done if it is basically getting a new tranny.
So are you saying im looking at $1600 at the most? If it is close to that I might as well have the whole $1600 dollar job done if it is basically getting a new tranny.

Thats not a Texas price from my experience....well it could be a Chris price but not everybody in Texas $.02
It sounds like you need $37 worth of frictions and steels for the rear clutch pack. You probably wore the friction material off the frictions and welded it together.
Chris is no longer a DTT official builder so if you want to have a chance at warranty take it back to james.
joefarmer said:
It sounds like you need $37 worth of frictions and steels for the rear clutch pack. You probably wore the friction material off the frictions and welded it together.

There appears to be a few of us who "been there, done that" . :hehe:
Tim Barber has told me that as long as no hard parts are damaged he would pull my transmission COMPLETELY refresh it and the most it would cost is $1600.
