I'm not bullying anybody...but saying it was clicked at 1.78 is bullsh!t and the slip proves it. I'll call anyone out...especially friends.
I just looked data and I had this and another run confused. We did not shut down or in other words flat line the clutch. This run the boost sensor fitting broke loose at 1.78 into the run and we completed the run from there on the gates @ 10lbs of boost.
If you want to call bullsh!t then talk to Chase. he saw the data after that run as well as the broken fitting.
Fact of the matter is we work damn hard on a very limited budget and take this very personally. This is not just a hobby to us, this is our life! We have set SB records that you can read about. Wild Bill has been around this stuff longer than we care to think about. Stop by sometime and maybe you can learn something. This man helped Jason Betwarda run 7.30's in a convertible Fox back in the early 90's for christ sake! Try a little HP to CI calculation and see why no one can bash what we are doing here.
Without Bullseye Power and the help from that company we would not be able to accomplish half of what we do on a daily basis. Their dedication to this team is unconditional and genuine. They are here for us through thick and thin.
I have personally seen what can be accomplished with the technology that BEP has applied to the the turbo world and can tell you with no doubt in my mind that there is no smoke and mirrors here. This is real world tech.
Finally. You have this thread so far off track that I am ending this conversation here before it gets further out of hand because I don't have time for a looser such as yourself. You aren't even on the Moyer team. What have YOU done lately?
Next time maybe think before you post total irrelevance because you have a hard on for a certain company. Now clean the sh!t off your shoe and go back to whatever you were doing earlier.