EFILive Beta First Impressions

Right now I can say we are stuck in the 4100 and change area. There is one tester in particular that has been working with EFI on primarily the RPM limiters and they are still working on it.

There are magical tables buried within the computers somewhere that are providing the limits above and beyond what we are able to easily 'set' right now with the software as is. However, I do expect that they will have it cracked by the time the 5.9 Tuning is released to the public. It is also possible that it is not just a simple 'table' that needs to be changed, but rather a part of the program of the truck itself - but right now everyone is thinking it's still in a table somwhere....

I'm sure the second it gets figured out, the boards will blow up with the news..... stay tuned :) lol
Right now I can say we are stuck in the 4100 and change area. There is one tester in particular that has been working with EFI on primarily the RPM limiters and they are still working on it.

There are magical tables buried within the computers somewhere that are providing the limits above and beyond what we are able to easily 'set' right now with the software as is. However, I do expect that they will have it cracked by the time the 5.9 Tuning is released to the public. It is also possible that it is not just a simple 'table' that needs to be changed, but rather a part of the program of the truck itself - but right now everyone is thinking it's still in a table somwhere....

I'm sure the second it gets figured out, the boards will blow up with the news..... stay tuned :) lol

Rev limiter is 3,500rpms in my truck. The tuning we have goes up to 4,000rpms, but something is still pulling fuel at 3,500. Have you gotten more than 3,500?
I have gotten up above 3500, but like you say it does seem something is pulling fuel. I have another tune that has no problem pegging 4k, but these are stock motors and not gonna be on my head :) I don't have a single built motor in the group i'm testing.... just some mods on a couple of them.

The tester that i know is trying for 5000 has a very built truck he's working on. I have one that i'll have to drive 3+ hours to get to that is built and ready to rev - but been hoping on them cracking the RPM boundary first. This is also a truck i'm having on a dyno all day to try and see if i can make any difference at all in the fuel hang issues since it's got big sticks and pumps, and lots of air....

It would be nice to make progress in that arena too... Even though i know some people haven't had a bad problem, i want to get it isolated on one of the 'big' builds and see what has an effect on it, if possible.
I have gotten up above 3500, but like you say it does seem something is pulling fuel. I have another tune that has no problem pegging 4k, but these are stock motors and not gonna be on my head :) I don't have a single built motor in the group i'm testing.... just some mods on a couple of them.

The tester that i know is trying for 5000 has a very built truck he's working on. I have one that i'll have to drive 3+ hours to get to that is built and ready to rev - but been hoping on them cracking the RPM boundary first. This is also a truck i'm having on a dyno all day to try and see if i can make any difference at all in the fuel hang issues since it's got big sticks and pumps, and lots of air....

It would be nice to make progress in that arena too... Even though i know some people haven't had a bad problem, i want to get it isolated on one of the 'big' builds and see what has an effect on it, if possible.

Too bad there isn't support for the SCI trucks, yet. I'd let you spin mine (or at least attempt) to 4500 all day! For now, I'll just be patient.
Right now I can say we are stuck in the 4100 and change area. There is one tester in particular that has been working with EFI on primarily the RPM limiters and they are still working on it.

There are magical tables buried within the computers somewhere that are providing the limits above and beyond what we are able to easily 'set' right now with the software as is. However, I do expect that they will have it cracked by the time the 5.9 Tuning is released to the public. It is also possible that it is not just a simple 'table' that needs to be changed, but rather a part of the program of the truck itself - but right now everyone is thinking it's still in a table somwhere....

I'm sure the second it gets figured out, the boards will blow up with the news..... stay tuned :) lol

With an efi only tune 3500 is the fueling limit under load. EFI added to anther aftermarket tune and you can fuel above that. I'm trying for EFI only rpm limit release. Right now I don't have tables to do it.
I just wanted to 'officially' answer a few of the questions popping up.

Right now the RPM limit is not being worked on beyond what we thought would be enough tables to provide the solution. Once we get the scan tool working and we can see what is happening with torque, rail pressure, commanded mm3 etc it's going to give us a direction in hunting down the problem. Until then it's just speculation as to the cause, this is why the RPM limit is on hold for the time being. But again, only until the scan tool is functional.
We also hope the scantool data will allow the tuners to get rid of the 'fuel hang' 100%, once and for all.

There was also mention of switchable tunes for them (like the Dmax DSP5). It is our intention to do something like this for the Cummins as well. However, before can figure out how many tunes we can squeeze in to the ECM we need to know what tables are needed when switching.
If there is only 10 tables needed for a switchable tune, then we can probably get more tune options in the same ECM, but if there is 30 or more tables needed (hopefully not), then that is going to take up more space in the ECM which at some point will hit it's limit.
So for the moment, until everyone gets a handle on just what is needed to be modified for a good tune we will hold back on development of a switching tune.

I just wanted to 'officially' answer a few of the questions popping up.

Right now the RPM limit is not being worked on beyond what we thought would be enough tables to provide the solution. Once we get the scan tool working and we can see what is happening with torque, rail pressure, commanded mm3 etc it's going to give us a direction in hunting down the problem. Until then it's just speculation as to the cause, this is why the RPM limit is on hold for the time being. But again, only until the scan tool is functional.
We also hope the scantool data will allow the tuners to get rid of the 'fuel hang' 100%, once and for all.

There was also mention of switchable tunes for them (like the Dmax DSP5). It is our intention to do something like this for the Cummins as well. However, before can figure out how many tunes we can squeeze in to the ECM we need to know what tables are needed when switching.
If there is only 10 tables needed for a switchable tune, then we can probably get more tune options in the same ECM, but if there is 30 or more tables needed (hopefully not), then that is going to take up more space in the ECM which at some point will hit it's limit.
So for the moment, until everyone gets a handle on just what is needed to be modified for a good tune we will hold back on development of a switching tune.


So happy with the upfront, honest answers...and forthcoming with info.
This has been needed for some time and is going to become invaluable!!

Keep up the awesome work!!!

With an efi only tune 3500 is the fueling limit under load. EFI added to anther aftermarket tune and you can fuel above that. I'm trying for EFI only rpm limit release. Right now I don't have tables to do it.

You're right Rob... The tunes i'm messing with are a mixture.... the one's i'm running in all the trucks are EFI only tunes at this point, but in playing around we've definitely got a tune that will tap the 4000 mark that is built from my overlay on top of tables we can't touch yet...

Seems like alot of people waiting for the RPM news... :)
So happy with the upfront, honest answers...and forthcoming with info.
This has been needed for some time and is going to become invaluable!!

Keep up the awesome work!!!


Yes!!! I agree!!

Keep up the good everyone!
You're right Rob... The tunes i'm messing with are a mixture.... the one's i'm running in all the trucks are EFI only tunes at this point, but in playing around we've definitely got a tune that will tap the 4000 mark that is built from my overlay on top of tables we can't touch yet...

Seems like alot of people waiting for the RPM news... :)

Hold the phone, so the "way around" the rpm at the moment is by say loading a "box" tune and using its high idle setpoint, and then modifying it with EFI.........I thought this was a sacrilegious act punishable by banishment from the sacred tuners guild........LOL
Yes very bad . very bad indeed.

However, it proved a theory..... that we didn't have access to all the tables we needed to in order to rev higher (under load). That was the big question. We thought we had the tables we needed, tried them, achieved 'some' results, but not what we were intending so tried some other things to make sure it wasn't just something we were doing wrong, and it wasn't - so..... just have to keep plugging away until we figure it out.

and, if i get banished... I guess it's my fault for sharing info :) I think our testing has proven most useful to getting 'to the point' of what people are hoping for and expecting to be able to do with EFI Live when they finally get their hands on it....
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Hold the phone, so the "way around" the rpm at the moment is by say loading a "box" tune and using its high idle setpoint, and then modifying it with EFI.........I thought this was a sacrilegious act punishable by banishment from the sacred tuners guild........LOL

I just wanted to add that, at the time of testing on the particular truck, the owner of the truck OWNED the box tuner and has been using it for 2+ years. There were LOTS of comparisons we did on that truck. Driveability. Spool Up. Etc etc. Nothing was illegitimate. Nothing was wrong with what we were doing. He owned the hardware and wasn't interested in giving it up, which was fine with me - I simply was proving out that we could build a better tune and more drivable, quiet tune, with EFI Live. Along the way there were some snags so yes we did some direct comparisons. Maybe i crossed an invisible line and if that gets me beaten, so be it. I seem to remember this whole thread STARTED with screen shots of a 'boxed' tuner as it was viewed from EFI.... so......*bdh*

I'm curious if there's anyone with EFI Live who hasn't seen or messed with at least one boxed tune??
Of course!....LOL I posted already I seen no issue with it providing you own the hardware and tune.

I was going to poke Rob with it, since it was him that made the initial comment about loading "other tunes". But he was to clean about it noting the waiting for a efi only high idle setpoint.

The scan tool looks like the shiznit, still can't believe the Cummins guys are finally going to have this.

LOL if I had shelf stock of the other box tuners.....I'd be moving it.

A safe bet would be most have played with the boxed tunes.......
..... But he was to clean about it noting the waiting for a efi only high idle setpoint.

Dang it! I guess I glossed over that and jumped to feeling like i had made someone angry or crossed a line....

I'm glad i didn't violate any taboo, cult rituals, seances, local or federal laws, etc. yadda yadda :cheer:

As for the scan tool list, I am stoked to get my hands on it and start seeing what's really going on in these trucks! I think there's going to be a few things that we're not 'expecting' them to do and as a result, we'll be able to hopefully help EFILive isolate things like the fuel hang (as they already mentioned), rev limiters, etc....

I'm a lucky guy to be on the beta and enjoying every step of it. Hopefully somewhere along the way I can be a benefit to the Dodge owners, instead of just a smack talker (pretty much all the guys i go to the track with, etc. are Dodge owners - so you can imagine how deep the smack talking gets LOL)
As for the scan tool list, I am stoked to get my hands on it and start seeing what's really going on in these trucks! I think there's going to be a few things that we're not 'expecting' them to do and as a result, we'll be able to hopefully help EFILive isolate things like the fuel hang (as they already mentioned), rev limiters, etc....

This is the part that's got my attention. We currently use the EFI scan tool on the duramaxes more than the other diagnostic equipment we have in the shop. So far it out performs anything else for speed and simplicity of access.
I have had a couple of small shops actually come have me plug into vehicles in their shops and try to help them isolate problems with the cars that their scan tools just weren't doing. Usually it's been on gas motors..... but i've logged and looked at so many logs from trucks that i'm excited to start seeing the Dodges myself....

They've got a great list of items put together in their other thread that we will be able to see and log.... just a matter of time!
This is the part that's got my attention. We currently use the EFI scan tool on the duramaxes more than the other diagnostic equipment we have in the shop. So far it out performs anything else for speed and simplicity of access.

We've got a GM tech II and I still use EFI for 99% of scanning and data logging. $399.00 vs $3,800.00 and the choice is easy.