G.M. Performance Parts Dragster Vs. Power Services Funny car at NADM’s Spring break n

No it was all my Idea , trying to surpport diesel racing.

and I didn't forget the new one eather I will be doing a few radio spots as well. while you all want to fight over which group you like, or don't lke the sports is hurting. I have been doing this longer then most on here have had a drivers lic. and racing longer then most have been alive

bottom line John has been calling me out for a long time. there is a diesel event. 40 miles from his shop. lets see if Power services driver John robinson is really about racing and growing the sports , or only racing with those that he and his little faction like.

I'm not speaking for the man, but it seems like HE'S the one doing the racing, and you are busy kissing your own ass and telling everyone how awesome you are.

How many events have YOU missed in the last 5 years that were less than 100 miles from your shop?
I love it.

"CLEAN" Diesel above Greg's photo
Robinson spewing smoke in his pic.
I love it.

"CLEAN" Diesel above Greg's photo
Robinson spewing smoke in his pic.

I noticed that as well, i went and linked in his last two threads on turbobullet so they can see how bad it flopped over here.
I will be in Kennedale on march 14th & I would love to line them up then , or april 5th in denton, would be a great place as well. Or anyplace else on the continent as long as Larry, Moe & Curley aren't putting on the race.Lets face it, the only reason you are getting so big for your britches right now is because you know I will not support that conglomeration of thieves that you run with in that org. Its a win win for them if I show. Im not turning my back on my diesel brethren, Just choosing my friends wisely. Maybe you should try it sometime. I would however love to come out & see Gregs idiot ass limp around like hes hurt while he sucks up my tax dollars. And for that matter, im calling you out Greg, not your driver. There is a diference there kiddo :owned:
You and a few others that have said this. I hear the same about the other, but until someone gets on her and says “insert diesel organization didn’t pay me”. Then you are spreading rumors and hearsay.
So who on here is owed money by either diesel organization? Name it here are consider its all rumors and hearsay


Sit back and take a deep breath. It's not me and a few others. It not a few but more like a few hundred so let's get your numbers corrected. Seems you want to select your numbers as to what best fits your program at the moment. Pick up your pants and do what you should have done long ago. I have personal experience with the BS the said organization has pulled over the last several years. I have voiced it, as that's my right. The others have also voiced there own feelings.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I will be in Kennedale on march 14th & I would love to line them up then , or april 5th in denton, would be a great place as well. Or anyplace else on the continent as long as Larry, Moe & Curley aren't putting on the race.Lets face it, the only reason you are getting so big for your britches right now is because you know I will not support that conglomeration of thieves that you run with in that org. Its a win win for them if I show. Im not turning my back on my diesel brethren, Just choosing my friends wisely. Maybe you should try it sometime. I would however love to come out & see Gregs idiot ass limp around like hes hurt while he sucks up my tax dollars. And for that matter, im calling you out Greg, not your driver. There is a diference there kiddo :owned:

LOL oh snap!! I can't imagine the crying pm and response racinduallie would send me or the mods if I posted something like that.
I call BS! I do not believe for one second anyone has not been paid by the other organization. I know I have collected winnings from them several times..

Have to totally agree with this, sometimes one the contingency sponsors might take a bit to pay but I've always been paid. When I was racing in 2012 a win would net around $1400 in contingency payouts plus whatever the purse was. Super diesel doesn't pay as well as the fast classes, but the contingency is the same for everyone.

Sit back and take a deep breath. It's not me and a few others. It not a few but more like a few hundred so let's get your numbers corrected. Seems you want to select your numbers as to what best fits your program at the moment. Pick up your pants and do what you should have done long ago. I have personal experience with the BS the said organization has pulled over the last several years. I have voiced it, as that's my right. The others have also voiced there own feelings.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Well said. Most anyone that's been around long enough to race with DHRA or NADM would understand and get it, if you were watching from the stands or reading about it here... then you wouldn't. Pretty simple really. It's prob. several hundred peoples word not a select few. Come on if W stepped away from the gravy train wouldn't that alone tell you something, can't believe G is stepping right in those dirty shoe prints, it's going to be funny when he's supporting NHRDA next season and coming up with excuses . Just save your self the trouble and come race the competition now, not yourself duh. lol
LOL oh snap!! I can't imagine the crying pm and response racinduallie would send me or the mods if I posted something like that.
Keep me out of this. I have NOTHING to do with this call out. :thankyou2: carry on
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Keep me out of this. I have NOTHING to do with this call out. :thankyou2: carry on

Zip it creeper. I'll bring ur name up whenever I want chump. Robinson said something negative about nadm. Go ahead and tell him how stupid and wrong he and all the others are. LOL loser
Zip it creeper. I'll bring ur name up whenever I want chump. Robinson said something negative about nadm. Go ahead and tell him how stupid and wrong he and all the others are. LOL loser

FYI - I already spoke to John Robinson and told HIM my answer.

Now stop bringing my name into chit where I am not involved??? I know that is very much too hard for you- but try to make an attempt......
FYI - I already spoke to John Robinson and told HIM my answer.

Now stop bringing my name into chit where I am not involved??? I know that is very much too hard for you- but try to make an attempt......
U need to be included since you care so much for the sport and all. And before I drug your ass around on here u seemed to be their voice and ran to their defense. So defend away. So u will stay mentioned. Especially since u want to trail me on every thread to check up. I can only assume to report back LOL. Loser
U need to be included since you care so much for the sport and all. And before I drug your ass around on here u seemed to be their voice and ran to their defense.

Damn Typos!
Duallie I told you three years ago when you had that other website you formed after you were butt hurt with NHRDA what I thought of the current leadership of the other racing organization. You were on my ass then and now it looks like maybe I knew what I was talking about, or at least most all diesel racers ageee with me. It seems you are destine to back losers, your website, NADM, PDRA and I'd almost bet I'll be 80 before your race truck sees any track. Not picking on you, just stating fact.
You and a few others that have said this. I hear the same about the other, but until someone gets on her and says “insert diesel organization didn’t pay me”. Then you are spreading rumors and hearsay.
So who on here is owed money by either diesel organization? Name it here are consider its all rumors and hearsay

Not so fast Eddie Haskell ! The other guy has always done what he said he would do , when he said he would do it & I'm not talking about money alone. I have seen that org give sponsors extras if for some reason things didn't work out and do what he could to get them their money's worth .
the boys you are representing have a " screw you pay me" attitude.
Oh it rained? .." screw you pay me!"
Didn't have enough people in your class ? " screw you pay me"
You didn't get everything promised on your sponsorship contract? " screw you pay me"
Your banner blew away in the wind & didn't get put up ? " screw you pay me"
there's only 200 people in the stands & I promised 10,000? yep you guessed it. "screw you pay me"
And if you don't pay me I'm going to get my sister in law who knows an at tourney to give you a call!
So tell me Greg ? why would a org make a name change ?