Gozillion HP Vp44

I'm gonna be watchin this one!!!

Tim, You were defiantly not being an ass over there. We need guys like you to hammer things like this out so the rest of us dont have to waste our time listing to a bunch of pantie waists brag about their "New" pump.
Dyno sheets dont lie (usually). bring on the proof!

Someone else asked "If hes that good why is he not on here?"

I'll agree with a post a few down from that one.


And I prefer we keep it that way.

I for one believe him...I was around him and the truck last year during beta testing. And u say u called antrim and they have never heard of travis???? He used to work there. I like how everybody on here is just bustin on him, all he sayin is that hes a distributor of this pump and that he was in on the design of it, he didnt single handedly make this. If u knew this kid and realized how much he busts his ass everyday working 2 jobs, going to college fulltime and still working on his 2 trucks. So I'll I have to say is STFU if all u wanna do is bust on him.
silverbullet said:
Gus, once again, is this the pump you dynoed with a couple of weeks ago, when you ran around 518?

Truck wasn't running a couple of weeks ago. This pump has never been in a truck on a dyno.
SledPuller21 said:
I for one believe him...I was around him and the truck last year during beta testing. And u say u called antrim and they have never heard of travis???? He used to work there. I like how everybody on here is just bustin on him, all he sayin is that hes a distributor of this pump and that he was in on the design of it, he didnt single handedly make this. If u knew this kid and realized how much he busts his ass everyday working 2 jobs, going to college fulltime and still working on his 2 trucks. So I'll I have to say is STFU if all u wanna do is bust on him.

I'm glad you believe him that's great. Thanks for sticking up for your bud. And I'm serious about that not bashin ya.

I don't think anyone was bustin him as you put it, all we want is some info!

STFU you say? Not gonna happen. EVER!!!!!

We ask questions here in case you didn't pick up on that, we ask for and demand proof if someone is making claims that are out of the realm of what most of us refer to as normal and we have some pretty vivid imaginations. If they refuse to prove or dance around dropping names they are going to get nowhere with our members.
This is a NO BS site.

Keep that in mind before you pipe up next time.

SledPuller21 said:
I for one believe him...I was around him and the truck last year during beta testing. And u say u called antrim and they have never heard of travis???? He used to work there. I like how everybody on here is just bustin on him, all he sayin is that hes a distributor of this pump and that he was in on the design of it, he didnt single handedly make this. If u knew this kid and realized how much he busts his ass everyday working 2 jobs, going to college fulltime and still working on his 2 trucks. So I'll I have to say is STFU if all u wanna do is bust on him.

I have no doubt that Travis works hard, I just think he may be confused when it comes to what the capability of the VP44 is. Furthermore, Travis only has himself to blame if his credibility has taken a hit since several of the things that he has claimed have proven to be untrue. From what I understand, Travis did not play the design role in that pump that he would have some believe, and this is evident in his lack of knowledge about the product. Gus can probably tell you a bit more about Travis than I can.
Hey guys.. play nice with that bunch over there. They want to make power as much as the rest of us do.
Timbeaux38---you may be wrong on what the kid knows---basically there is at least one stage 3 pump that has been dyno'd and it's impressive to say the least-is it from the kid?? or is it from some other company?? the bottom line is it's out there and who really knows in how many different forms---there's always more than one way to skin a cat!!!

guys need to wait and let things play out before jumping on band wagons and bad mouthing people---young or old----there's bad info on this site regarding what's been said as much as there's missing info on the other site, but if you piece everything together you can maybe figure stuff out---I've seen it happen so many times before where guys go gah, gah over something either in a positive or negative manner, before getting all the facts---now with that being said Travis is excited about this and has been holding it in and has been told to see what the response is---HP claims are not proven beyond the stage one pump that he's dealing with, so who really knows ---he basically said they thought that the possibility may exist that big HP #'s are attainable-----guys need to read everything and remember everything instead of just looking at the big HP # and then going ape doo, doo over it---whether positive or negative-----chris
csutton7 said:
Timbeaux38---you may be wrong on what the kid knows---basically there is at least one stage 3 pump that has been dyno'd and it's impressive to say the least-is it from the kid?? or is it from some other company?? the bottom line is it's out there and who really knows in how many different forms---there's always more than one way to skin a cat!!!

guys need to wait and let things play out before jumping on band wagons and bad mouthing people---young or old----there's bad info on this site regarding what's been said as much as there's missing info on the other site, but if you piece everything together you can maybe figure stuff out---I've seen it happen so many times before where guys go gah, gah over something either in a positive or negative manner, before getting all the facts---now with that being said Travis is excited about this and has been holding it in and has been told to see what the response is---HP claims are not proven beyond the stage one pump that he's dealing with, so who really knows ---he basically said they thought that the possibility may exist that big HP #'s are attainable-----guys need to read everything and remember everything instead of just looking at the big HP # and then going ape doo, doo over it---whether positive or negative-----chris

Hey Chris, I know what the pump did. I have talked to many peole involved and know pretty much what the deal is. You make some very valid points as well, but you know as well as I do that if we didnt have stuff like this to argue about, then we would not have crap to shoot our mouths off about LOL

Anyway, I think this new pump stacked with a TCB box could really turn some heads :hehe:
I talked to the maker of the pump today , I'm very very tempted to try a stage 2 , he said the 3 is mainly for twin trucks that have alot of air , these guys pull alot and he said it was built for pullers in way so so, said on the dyno it made 125HP over a schied pump , now he said he likes to to sell this as a kit pump,lines,tubes,and injectors . I got quoted just a pump sence i have the lines and tubes now , dunno on the injector might have the check the sack hole with his to see if there campatable , there was a truck @ schieds event last year with a stage one on it was in the top 5 of qualifying
Most of you guys dont know me. My name is Ben I own Northeast Performance Diesel. There seems to be a lot of bad information here. I am a personal friend of the manufacturer of this pump. I just got off the phone with him and he cant believe what I had to tell him. There are only 3 distributors of this pump. Antrim isnt one of them. They supposedly only have sold and tested a stage 1 and have no idea about the stage 2 or 3. People are saying that the stage 3 isnt even built yet? I was testing one last summer. Gus does in fact have one. I also hold dyno sheets comparing a stock pump to a stage 2 and 3 on a mustang dyno on the same day.
The truck was running a single HTT 64/14, 7@.019 inj. and no electronics.
Stock:424 h.p. 892tq.
stage2: 520 h.p. 1081tq.
stage3: 551 h.p. 1099tq.
The manufacturer feels that more air will make the difference in #2 and #3 more significant because it flows alot more cc,s of fuel.
I will try my hardest to find time to post the dyno sheets on my website over the weekend northeastperformancediesel.com
I hope this helps
Must be hard to find trucks with enough charger to test these things properly...I never realized that was a problem if you know where to look! I think they might have found the right place;) :hehe: :hehe:
Thank you Ben for the info---

do you know if the truck had stock injector lines and crossovers??? or ???

any motor mods--pistons, cam or head work???

just would like to know how stock this thing was----chris
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ben@npd said:
Most of you guys dont know me. My name is Ben I own Northeast Performance Diesel. There seems to be a lot of bad information here. I am a personal friend of the manufacturer of this pump. I just got off the phone with him and he cant believe what I had to tell him. There are only 3 distributors of this pump. Antrim isnt one of them. They supposedly only have sold and tested a stage 1 and have no idea about the stage 2 or 3. People are saying that the stage 3 isnt even built yet? I was testing one last summer. Gus does in fact have one. I also hold dyno sheets comparing a stock pump to a stage 2 and 3 on a mustang dyno on the same day.
The truck was running a single HTT 64/14, 7@.019 inj. and no electronics.
Stock:424 h.p. 892tq.
stage2: 520 h.p. 1081tq.
stage3: 551 h.p. 1099tq.
The manufacturer feels that more air will make the difference in #2 and #3 more significant because it flows alot more cc,s of fuel.
I will try my hardest to find time to post the dyno sheets on my website over the weekend northeastperformancediesel.com
I hope this helps

First off, welcome to Comp D:welcome:
Secondly, do you have any knowledge about how these pumps run with electronics? I ask this because it would be useful to those who want P-pump capability with VP adjustability. I think all 24v owners would agree that if this pump can produce 125 more hp with the use of electronics over stock then it will indeed be something that we all would like to purchase. :woohoo:

That being said, most of the #'s I have seen with this pump have been "no electroinics" comparisons, and 551 is well within the reach of an SO pump with the mods you have mentioned. If you dont wanna post specifics, PM me. thanks for your insight again. We appreciate having you here. :thankyou2:
Chris, the truck runs stock injector lines but drilled tubes. Engine is completely stock.

Tim, Unfortunately I was not there the day the truck ran on the dyno. I sent the guy that works for me and he never ran with the box on. All I can say at this point is that with the electronics on, the truck fuels very hard on the street. It actually takes away some low end because it feels as though it is choking the engine with fuel. Once it gets going the top end is unbelievable!

I daily drive a stage two pump on a bone stock truck. It runs flawlessly day after day. It goes like hell and smokes like hell. No worry of tailgaters. :)
Rick told me that they used a Redline box only just for added RPM the fuel was set to 25%
Ok, so I'm sure some of you still have ill will towards me but I talked with Tim yesterday and he posted on the other site he has no ill will towards me and I none towards him. We discussed many different things from the pumps to common knowledge to even having a drink if we meet up sometime. I'm sure there will be people that will say I should not be here and what not but I wanted to apologize about some of the confusion. I stated many times on the other post "As I am sure you have looked over the thread and as I said, have admitted no real numbers to this pump and only told what I had been told by the guys" I am a supplier and supplied people with information about my truck to people interested about information to gather. I had HRVP and discussed it with Tim. It was only more information people could use. As I said, and I have stated before the "20 yr old reinventing the pump" was not ture and I hold no ill will towards Tim for posting it because form what some people read, they thought that is what happened. The original post was aimed towards seeing what people, if they even knew about them, and if in fact people had or hadn't heard of them, would there be a market for them with such a bad rep these pumps have had in the past with design changes to the pump. The numbers posted for 1000hp, where ever people say are saying they see them, which I think I know, was taken way out of proportion. I stated I wanted a 1000hp truck VP or P, whether or not it was possible with a VP was yet to be seen but I just want the truck. I stated no where that I was building a 1000hp truck with a VP. These new pump have my interest and in the future if and I say IF it is possible, I will try and build one, but as I discussed with Tim, this has yet to be seen so the P7100 pump is mroe or less what I'm looking at but will watch these pumps to see what the real world numbers are. I know some of you think I'm just a kid blowing smoke and I didn't try to come across like that as I have also discussed with Tim, but I couldn't figure out why no one was interested in these pumps with them coming out so soon and a few people already having them, so I asked the questions and saw what people thought of them. Again, I apologize for coming as though I might have built it, or something else down the line, that was not my intention and those that I talked to knew this when I talked to them in person, Tim did also. For now I will jsut sit back and watch and learn a few more things and see what happens with these pumps. As I said, I take full responsibilty for any misconception brought on by all this and it was not my intention but as Tim said, "Its the internet, its going to happen." and I understand you guys saying the things you did, this industry is very large but also very close so for something to come out and be out of the norm, people are going to question it and say things. Again, I hope you can have respect enough for accepting this apology after everything has happened and I think Tim has. I will be talking with Tim later this weekend hopefully about some more information on how things are going. I'm sure Tim or Gus will be the first to update you on the progress. I also hope there is no ill will towards DieselRam. We are all just trying to have fun in a way.

Travis Kropp