Hamilton 12V head

Talked to the manufacturer yesterday and as of yet there are no hiccups. Of course there is still plenty of time for delays. Stay tuned. BTW thanks again for the daily bread.

Zach, I'm glad your still making strides in this aftermarket head. Keep up the good work.
I will try my darndest. I am leaning on the manufacturer a little. Let's see if they pull through.

Is anything special going to have to be done for the exhaust manifold? I thought I read the ports were taller? I need to get a new t4 manifold ordered, or make one if need be. Middle of april is rapidly approaching.

No, we were looking at using the 24v style "D"port but went with the OE shape. The exhaust port is slightly larger but nothing a dremmel couldn't fix. We did add a bit more meat around the exhaust port so there should be enough meat to go d-shaped if you want it. I think the T-4 is the way to go on the build to ensure the engine is not choked down.

Well guys good news and bad news. The good news is that the tooling is almost done, the bad news is that a large cummins order was rushed through the factory so our 12v head is postponed for a bit. I will let you know as soon as I hear any updates.

fixed it for ya, Ron ;)

glad to hear the tooling is coming along :cool:

I don't really mind the delay. It will give me time to order a couple of things for the build that will look nice, solve my lift pump issues, and make it easier to change timing. The new head is going to be the icing on my 6.7L cake. :D
This is why I'm not in a rush to get my truck fixed with the valve train problems it is currently having. I'm saving money by not driving it and am looking forward to this head.
Any news?

Once the tooling is setup how difficult is it to cast aluminum instead of cast iron? If it is even possible how much cost would the aluminum add?
I don't think it would be that hard at all except for the fact that the aluminum head would be completely the wrong size. Aluminum and Ductile Iron expand and contract at differeng rates at varying temps. Aluminum expend much more under head so the volume that would fill the casting, once cooled would be the wrong size. For this reason two moulds would have to be made. Once we get a shipment in, I can check on the aluminum potential.
