Maryland and PA Pull Dates

I made a mistake on my times, we are gonna start everything at 12:00 noon, then pull some tractor classes. Trucks should start with gas classes at about 2:00. I am used to all our tractor pulls having a 10 reg and 12 pull, so I thought we were starting earlier. Sorry for the mixup.
if i am gonna pull diesel do i need to be there for any registration at 12...or can i just show up closer to 2 so i am not sitting around all day?
no registration, just pay before each hook at the sled. We are gonna have the distance meters up and running, but may not have a recording secretary, so you may have to get someone to watch your distances.
I would have to talk to the sled operator, but i would say at least till 5 if we have people wanting to hook. Might take some intermissions inbetween too. Would like to pull the trucks mixed in with tractors kinda alternating classes. That way everyone gets a chance. I have no idea what kinda turnout this will be so we may run later.
No I mean as a gasser how long to i get to pull with the sled set up for gassers. one hour two?
I would have to talk to the sled operator, but i would say at least till 5 if we have people wanting to hook. Might take some intermissions inbetween too. Would like to pull the trucks mixed in with tractors kinda alternating classes. That way everyone gets a chance. I have no idea what kinda turnout this will be so we may run later.

yea, good idea to alternate classes, i want time to be able to cool everything off and make adjustments between hooks.

i just want to make sure the sled is set the same each time I hook so i can get a rough estimate of how the changes I make are working for me.
we are gonna run it in classses with 2 passes per class. That way everyone gets a chance to get some runs in. Once everyone has had a shot, we will run whatever the pullers want. The sled man has made some changes in ratios, and diggers, so i think he wants to do some experimenting too. This is gonna be very informal, should be a lot of fun...
ok is some one going to be at the scale most of the day? I need to play around with my weight. I know how to make 6800 easy its that 6500 i need to figure out.
Scales have been certified for the year by Fairbanks Morse. One of the few certified scales used in pulling, even at the professional level. They will be on all day, you all are welcome to play with weights, just make sure you weigh going away from Easton. That is the direction we always weigh, it shakes the scales the least. Probably will not have someone at the scales, but you can usually get out of your truck, and stand on the edge and see the meter. (unless the suns in just the right spot)
forecast is showing heavy rain from now til saturday night? rain date or just cancel the T&T and see you at the May 17 show?
Yeah. Big 10-4 on the rain date.?

Hey TJ, how come all that cool **** doesn't show up in ALL your posts?
As of right now everything is a go. If it is raining at 12:00 noon we will cancel the event and rain date Sunday at 2:00 for trucks and tractors. If it is at ALL POSSIBLE WE WILL RUN SATURDAY. Any questions let me know I will log in early tomorrow morn.
which number do we call to get a definite answer tomorrow? I will try to call around 11 or so and see if the decision was made...looks like the storm track could be right up the western shore and spare you guys over there.
I will check one last time when I'm done rotating my tires and finishing polishing them up.
Its Partly cloudy and about 57 right now in Milford DE. says rain tonight cloudy durring the afternoon, I think we lucked out.
yep weather now says slight chance for spotty showers, but other than that cloudy but I have sunshine here in Baltimore. See you guys at 2!
Thanks to everyone who made the trip down. Track was good, and we had a real good mix of trucks. Hope Everyone had a good time, and made some adjustments. Hopefully we will see everyone on May 17 at the Truck Show and Pickup Pull. Later