Monster vp's, Any world record results yet??

jkretzer said:
well since i dont try to sell anything i only spend my money on other peoples products i will say it Gus you are an idiot. the attacks and claims you make certainly take your credibility down in my book. sorry you live your life that way.

Mike D- i agree with you.

Hey Doug, can you post that on this website, i cant watch youtube on my secure computer.

The statement was directed at someone who has continually posted the same thing over and over again after I have already made myself very clear after he keeps on and on and on about the same thing. I'm not posting about or for my business - this is personal. As I stated before, if you knew everything that was going on you would understand but you don't.

MikeD - think what you want but every one of my customers are satisfied and I make it a point to keep every single one of them that way and that list continues to grow every day.

Furthermore, NO - ABSOLUTELY NO HP claims have been made by me about my truck. NONE - so I would appreciate it if claims that I have said this or that will stop RIGHT now. :thankyou2:
gus i would love to see your truck in action, that motor is absolutly beautiful and actually i would like to see it in person or more pics of it. i know that everyone would like to see the true results of these pumps since we have been hearing about it for so long. i never claimed to know much of anything about this subject, it has just been an interesting read.
I really appreciate that - Thanks. It turned out great and was a true labor of love - blood, sweat and some busted knuckles. I'm sorry to come across as a prick about some of this but I just feel like I'm getting harassed about putting this truck on a dyno and proving this pump when it's really not mine to prove ya know. I really hope you guys feel where I'm coming from on this. I'm not making any claim or it being the beat all to end all of the most hp making thing ever - it just works good on my truck for me and the setup I have it in - that's it. I'll get it on the dyno as soon as I can find one locally that'll do the job.

Again - I do apologize if I came across rather rude in my earlier posts but my tolerance for people coming at me about this dang pump just ran a little thin today. This pump really pushes some fuel but I'm still in the learning process trying to figure out the right injector and several other things. A little time to get everything figured out and we'll see if it's worth it in the end. Nuff said.
Gus are you running the Stage 3?
I'm sure you've mentioned that plenty of times in this thread already but I didn't see it.
Good post, Gus. I can respect what you said in the above post.

I realize you feel like some of us are bashing you but that is not my intention. I appologize if it came across this way. The issue is what I have seen and heard does not support the gains to be had from this pump. I could be wrong maybe a different pump would work better than what was at FB this last weekend.

My personal belief is to accuratley gauge this pumps potential back to back runs on a dyno need to be done running a SO pump and a monster VP, until then we really don't know what or how much gain is made using one.

I am glad you are happy with how your truck runs, thats really all that is important.
farmboysdiesel said:
I really appreciate that - Thanks. It turned out great and was a true labor of love - blood, sweat and some busted knuckles. I'm sorry to come across as a prick about some of this but I just feel like I'm getting harassed about putting this truck on a dyno and proving this pump when it's really not mine to prove ya know. I really hope you guys feel where I'm coming from on this. I'm not making any claim or it being the beat all to end all of the most hp making thing ever - it just works good on my truck for me and the setup I have it in - that's it. I'll get it on the dyno as soon as I can find one locally that'll do the job.

Again - I do apologize if I came across rather rude in my earlier posts but my tolerance for people coming at me about this dang pump just ran a little thin today. This pump really pushes some fuel but I'm still in the learning process trying to figure out the right injector and several other things. A little time to get everything figured out and we'll see if it's worth it in the end. Nuff said.

Right on Gus- I hope you can get her dialed in :ft: