Monster vp's, Any world record results yet??

all i have to say about this thread is wow, I personly have never had a problem with dealing with gus and have a stage 2 pump and love the living crap out of it, i strongly belive that it is the main reason why my truck runs as well as it does. i would have dyno numbers however the dyno i was planning on attending was pushed back to dec 15th and i would be glad to swith a so pump on here if i could get one to do it with however being in collage makes that a lil rough to buy an extra $1000 + part, so ill see if i can steal on off a different truck or some thing to make all this usless bickering stop. and gus pm me with a good time to get with you about those inj.
9 LIVES said:
A '53' block tends to do this cracking stuff *bdh*

I helped load up the old block...cross hatching was in fantastic shape, bearings looked great & everything checked out to be in great standings with the cummins specs...... wore out? :what: Far from it.

Just needed a new BLOCK due to the cracked ol' 53:ft:
I don't claim to know everything but I do know that a engine block that is cracked is flexing. This will cause huge power loss. Just my .02. Thanks Steve B.
Jetpilot said:
What did you use to measure this volume? Gus you have NO IDEA what is going on inside this pump. This is what I am talking about, don't run your mouth off about things that you have no substantiated proof. Sounds like you have a problem if the truck won't even start with a SO pump. I have run .120 lines, enlarged tubes, and BIG injectors on a SO pump and it would run just not smooth. All guys are asking for is actual proof not magic pixy dust.

As for the F1 Logo..... Seems like false advertising to me.
Manufacturer states 630cc from a stage 3.
I just wasted 15 mins of my life i want back, i didnt learn anything at all from this thread, jr
Jetpilot said:

I never claimed to know anything about the pump. I am just pointing out the discrepancies in regards to actually determining the pumps performance gains. I have tried several parts that Mike makes and some have worked and others really didn't. My problem is not with you or the pump its with the claims being made, there has been no definative proof of more fuel delivery than an SO pump from a monster pump.
Just wondering what other parts Mike makes? What did/didn't you like?
jr22 said:
I just wasted 15 mins of my life i want back, i didnt learn anything at all from this thread, jr
Actually, it was 17 mins counting the 2 minutes you took to make us aware of that fact lol. Come on Gus you have to be home by now... what happened? You really should remove the F1 advertising before you get a nastygram from an attorney ;)
ctd8999 said:
I don't claim to know everything but I do know that a engine block that is cracked is flexing. This will cause huge power loss. Just my .02. Thanks Steve B.
not true, a STOCK 53 block will crack just as well. it had a casting defect in the block and thats why they crack, all in the same spot. has really nothing to do with flexing in a sense, just a bad block
inline6power said:
not true, a STOCK 53 block will crack just as well. it had a casting defect in the block and thats why they crack, all in the same spot. has really nothing to do with flexing in a sense, just a bad block
Know all about 53 blocks I HAD ONE !!!
inline6power said:
not true, a STOCK 53 block will crack just as well. it had a casting defect in the block and thats why they crack, all in the same spot. has really nothing to do with flexing in a sense, just a bad block
Gus changed his block because it was cracked. A block that is cracked will have flexing thus distorting the cylinders. My personal opinion is that 53 blocks in general will not make as much H.P. as others due to the thin casting cracked or not. The casting is shifting, the main reason alot of gasser drag race engines are partly filled with a ceramic filler.
jr22 said:
I just wasted 15 mins of my life i want back, i didnt learn anything at all from this thread, jr
:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: what are ya, new to Forums or somethin?
ctd8999 said:
Gus changed his block because it was cracked. A block that is cracked will have flexing thus distorting the cylinders. My personal opinion is that 53 blocks in general will not make as much H.P. as others due to the thin casting cracked or not. The casting is shifting, the main reason alot of gasser drag race engines are partly filled with a ceramic filler.

If it was distorting then, it's sure as hell looking like a pretzel now. Cummins states - 53 blocks are thinly casted at the particular site where they crack. Now power loss on that one.

Driveshaft loops didn't get finished. Long story short, fella that was helping me didn't get back to work Sat morning, long Friday night, so he didn't get them finished. Truck was on the lift, lights were out and doors were locked and his cell phone was off so my plans got screwed. Not happy but stuff happens. Anybody have Dave Dunbar's number??
jr22 said:
I just wasted 15 mins of my life i want back, i didnt learn anything at all from this thread, jr

Ooooh..... So much to be learned from nothing young grasshopper.
Best 15 minutes you've ever spent, come on.... admitt it.
farmboysdiesel said:
If it was distorting then, it's sure as hell looking like a pretzel now. Cummins states - 53 blocks are thinly casted at the particular site where they crack. Now power loss on that one.

One of your cheerleader stated that your block looked fine - cross hatch was like new - bearings looked good etc ect. I simply stated that the block being a 53 a cracked one at that WILL NOT MAKE AS MUCH HORSE POWER AS A BLOCK CAST TO CUMMINS SPECS. What don't you and the California Flash UNDERSTAND ????? PS I think your driveshaft loops not getting done is BU-- SH-- !!! Thanks Steve B.
Jetpilot said:

I never claimed to know anything about the pump. I am just pointing out the discrepancies in regards to actually determining the pumps performance gains. I have tried several parts that Mike makes and some have worked and others really didn't. My problem is not with you or the pump its with the claims being made, there has been no definative proof of more fuel delivery than an SO pump from a monster pump.
I guess no answer to my question so that must mean nothing. Don't say it if you don't do it.
ctd8999 said:
I'm getting alittle off topic.

I thought that the topic was BS claims with no proof?:hehe:

farmboysdiesel said:
Mine is awesome.

farmboysdiesel said:
I'm just getting started. Who cares about a dyno?? I don't - how fast can ya go. PERIOD>

farmboysdiesel said:
Find me somebody close to me who wants to sponsor some dyno time and it'll be done

farmboysdiesel said:
Even when it happens nothing will be made public.

farmboysdiesel said:
Hang on a sec Doug while I pull those dyno sheets out.....

Sorry, couldn't find them - guess it's my job to keep up with everything and worry about what everybody else is doing like most folks are doing. The 11.49 was done in NH at Northeast Performance Diesel's open house and dyno event. Dyno testing was done in OH. That's all I know.

farmboysdiesel said:
Have I ever claimed a number Doug?? NO NO NO - didn't think so.

farmboysdiesel said:
Would have been an 11 flat the in 1/4.

farmboysdiesel said:
I'll be making some 1/4 miles passes this weekend in R'ham.

farmboysdiesel said:
I posted some times I run to prove that it's doing more than just an SO pump ...................................... Done posting on here. You guys have fun.

farmboysdiesel said:
Truck wouldn't spin on fuel only with the AT's - blows these Proxes off on the street with Cal Tracs.

farmboysdiesel said:
One more note - trucks with stacks can't dyno today in Durham nor do I even care to be there. ET will taking place this afternoon.

farmboysdiesel said:
No good dyno around. I'm gonna say this again and I've said it before - don't care if these things sell or if another one is sold to anybody ever - that's not what I'm trying to do. I'll be making a dyno trip soon.

farmboysdiesel said:
Driveshaft loops didn't get finished. Long story short, fella that was helping me didn't get back to work Sat morning, long Friday night, so he didn't get them finished.

Now Gus...............

While we are on this "would have been an 11 flat".............What will your excuse be when you run 11.3-11.4??:hehe: I challange you to show us one 11.0 or faster timeslip from ANYBODY that has an 1/8 mi. mph less than 100:kick::poke:
Greg - just gonna laugh and say - still faster than you're running now. :poke: Can't wait for your transplant to be done - you'll have a great time with it now.

BS on the loops?? Call 704-888-5241 and ask for Chad. I'll be home tomorrow.