Monster vp's, Any world record results yet??

DZLGRL said:
I guess no answer to my question so that must mean nothing. Don't say it if you don't do it.

What would you like to know..... Mike makes camshafts, roller lifters, I believe rockers, injectors, many hard parts for the Cummins engine. As for what I tried and and did not like I am not going to go into that. I have tried and tested many components from many manufacturers, some worked and others didn't.
chrleb1 said:
Wow, 24 pages of nothing............... except for some good laughs.

Best thing so far is:

A....... C...... FLEM........

Thanks for the number Doug. Seems like he's 5 hours away from me.
First TJ....
Fred's pump on his Silver Dually is a SO not a HRVP.

Next "Toot" or Gus as you guys call him....
As far as I'm concerned, you're one of the most ignorant people to have ever posted in a public forum.

Hmmm......Nicest words anyone has ever said to me,thanks.IF calling you out on your BS story means I am ignorant,then so be it.

Get your facts straight before you go running off at the mouth - makes you look even worse.

"Fact=A fact is something that is the case, something that actually exists, or something that can be verified according to an established standard of evaluation".

I think that about sums it up and since we all know you have no way to verify any of your facts,nuff said.

Only buringing going on here seems to be your screwed up facts and puny ego - no bridges in sight.

Here is that perfekt spelin witch yu called sumone out on,sheesh.

Beware of the burnt bridges,its not the fall that hurts,its the landing below.I screwed up no facts,just used what you tried to feed us and called your bluff.Your attack on me shows all here that you have zero facts to back up your spewing and you do not like those who can see through you and your BS.IF you would have been up front with your trip to the track and how you achieved your results then those here would not have disputed how the outcome was.Again,no one would take away how quick you went,but,it certainly would have been nice to have the real facts.

I have spent countless hours at way to many tracks all around the region testing with many different types of performance related vehicles.While they differ at times in their approach to how they make power they all apply it to the ground the same way.When someone says he did it one way and the video facts show reality,its hard to hide them.You say two runs-one with and one without electronics,I say two runs,one hooked,one didn't,both with electronics.Those here could care less if it happened that way,but they would have rather had you be up front with it instead of vainly trying to feed them all a line.

Ignorant you say......Nope,you may even learn a thing or two from me as I could bet that I have alot more knowledge than you'll ever give me credit for.

One last thing and its for Don...
Along time ago I used to wonder why you wanted hard data like you did and after all this crap here I now understand why.Thanks for my lesson for the day....................Andy
i just watched thoes videos like 20 times each and honestly it looks like he hooked up great both times but thats jsut my opinion.

My truck - I was driving and I know what I was running at the time - electronics and TST on level 3. Makes no difference to me what you think. I really enjoy that fact that you're so concerned about me and what I do. Thanks.
Hammer said:
First TJ....
Fred's pump on his Silver Dually is a SO not a HRVP.

Next "Toot" or Gus as you guys call him....

Hmmm......Nicest words anyone has ever said to me,thanks.IF calling you out on your BS story means I am ignorant,then so be it.

"Fact=A fact is something that is the case, something that actually exists, or something that can be verified according to an established standard of evaluation".

I think that about sums it up and since we all know you have no way to verify any of your facts,nuff said.

Here is that perfekt spelin witch yu called sumone out on,sheesh.

Beware of the burnt bridges,its not the fall that hurts,its the landing below.I screwed up no facts,just used what you tried to feed us and called your bluff.Your attack on me shows all here that you have zero facts to back up your spewing and you do not like those who can see through you and your BS.IF you would have been up front with your trip to the track and how you achieved your results then those here would not have disputed how the outcome was.Again,no one would take away how quick you went,but,it certainly would have been nice to have the real facts.

I have spent countless hours at way to many tracks all around the region testing with many different types of performance related vehicles.While they differ at times in their approach to how they make power they all apply it to the ground the same way.When someone says he did it one way and the video facts show reality,its hard to hide them.You say two runs-one with and one without electronics,I say two runs,one hooked,one didn't,both with electronics.Those here could care less if it happened that way,but they would have rather had you be up front with it instead of vainly trying to feed them all a line.

Ignorant you say......Nope,you may even learn a thing or two from me as I could bet that I have alot more knowledge than you'll ever give me credit for.

One last thing and its for Don...
Along time ago I used to wonder why you wanted hard data like you did and after all this crap here I now understand why.Thanks for my lesson for the day....................Andy

Wow you where not at the track nor do you even know the truck and you are calling the man a lier.. Sounds like your an Idiot to me.. But that is just my uneducated opinion like the one you are giving this guy...
Jetpilot said:
What would you like to know..... Mike makes camshafts, roller lifters, I believe rockers, injectors, many hard parts for the Cummins engine. As for what I tried and and did not like I am not going to go into that. I have tried and tested many components from many manufacturers, some worked and others didn't.
There are a lot of people on here saying a lot about nothing. I was just wondering if you knew what you were talking about. If you knew more than me. I didn't believe you had tried anything he had made. I'm pretty sure you didn't. Mike doesn't make any of the above except rockers. You got that one right.
Everyone has to remember its a small world. You never know who knows who.
I also think Hammer has too much time on his hands.
Sounds like your an Idiot to me

Thank You,those are the nicest words anyone has said to me recently.
Remember the old saying,it takes one to know one because it may fit here.

I also think Hammer has too much time on his hands.

Quite Possibly could be on to something there....:bow: :bow:

or hammer hasent found the real reason for the internet *whispers it's for porn!*

How can a person who is "Lost in Walmart" know anything about porn????.
oh dear not an insult on my user name ahh im so hurt im going to go cry in the corner now, and they have the dirty magazines there u jsut need to knwo the right people =D
I have only met Hammer once and it was at Muncie a long time ago (with Keith L.). While he might come off a little arrogant at times I know its because he knows his drag racing. He definetely calls it like he sees it, and I think he seein it right here!

Until Gus gets his loops done and gets on down to the track, I am on the same side of the fence as him and Jetpilot.
BS! I will be sure to let WJ know that you can tell if a vehicle is using electronics or not by a video from 100' away.. Hell maybe we can get our palms read at the same time.

Maybe he can help nascar out while he is going, they are not alowed to use electronic devices and he can save them money and time by not haveing to inspect for these items at the race. Just sit back in a booth and watch the race and say he has one and he doesn't...LMAO

I have been drag racing for th epast 16 years. My dad has been since 1976. Everything form drag bikes to 10.5 cars to the dixie pro stpckers... Trust me when I say this that there is more than one person in this world that knows a thing or two about drag racing.
andy does pose a logical situation, yes he wasnt there but none of us were so how can we tell. logic would tell me with the amount of fuel that this pump is said to put out (volume and pressure wise) there would have to be some amount of added timing in the motor to account for the amount of fuel being dumped. just think about it, this pump requires huge injectors, oversized lines, big tubes, so where is all that fuel goign to go, it needs more room in the cylinder or 1 of 2 things is going to happen. 1. fire is going to get put out. or 2. in some sense hydro lock. seems to make sense to me. on another note, andy is no idiot. there is enough of them on these boards and he is by far not one of them, he isnt arrogant, he just says it the way he sees, isnt afraid to say it and gets tired of rambling BS fast!
TurboMini said:
BS! I will be sure to let WJ know that you can tell if a vehicle is using electronics or not by a video from 100' away.. Hell maybe we can get our palms read at the same time.

I'm glad you have been racing for 16 years, but I seriously doubt that you and "The Professor" are puttin back some cold ones. But then again maybe you are. If so tell him good luck next year. I mean I have heard of crazier things in this thread.
oh dear not an insult on my user name

But I am guessing that you spend alot of time there and believe what Walmart tells you then if you feel I am insulting your user name.Actually since I need to explain myself since its too deep for you,it was a play on Walmart and their self-righteous Walmart will clean up America attitude.You know the one which only sells censored movies and music,makes adults use ID for paint or chemicals and then tells you how much better the world is with them.I can remember a Walmart which would only sell products made in the USA and that Walmart has long been forgotten.Guess now I will return to the topic at hand.........

Glad to see you still around and thanks for the words here of support.Its one of those leading a horse to water and can not make him drink deals with this bunch at times.Their thinking I am arrogant is a vain attempt to cover up the BS they are trying to feed everyone.

Ah Yes Turbo Mini....
You and WJ good friends,hmmmm....
Make sure you tell him the Hemi gang from PA says hello.
IF you really know WJ and spend anytime with him then you would understand what I see in that video,its all in front of you and plain as day.

BTW...Nascar is not racing anymore its just like pro wrestling,a hand chosen sport.See racing here is NOT the NASCAR engineers telling you how to set your car up,which shock to use,how much preload to have or how much left side bias you can use.Racing is when a team works all week to go to the track with what they have learned in the shop and testing and may the best man and car win.NASCAR is now nothing more than a glorified version of IROC,a series which they killed.Off topic again,ooppsss.......

Logic will never been seen here and they do not understand what is right in front of them.Its doesn't matter how far away the video is as its still clear and easy to see.You right on the following her around deal too BTW...:rockwoot:..............Andy
I will se if I can get him to take a look at Gus's video when he gets back in town... I still call pure BS on this..
If what I heard today is correct, we should have some new graphs soon.......