Monster vp's, Any world record results yet??

Know kidding 4:00PM to 5:00PM the stress level there cant be that bad!
Thanks for the numbers, Gus - very impressive corrected or uncorrected!!

So whos injectors were they running? I assume DDP??
You guessed right. Uncorrected numbers at 807.8. Those guys are night owls - cools fellas though.
Maybe we should ask Gus why the original Dr. Diesel (Nolan) was the one in the truck on the dyno? Maybe we should ask nolan why the numbers were so inflated? Maybe we should ask Gus to run it on Dunbars dyno? Kinda funny , Gus wont run his own truck on the dyno, Gus wont run it on a dyno that his truck was on before that shows a good number or atleast a number to compare to? Kinda funny that it didnt get proved till someone hurt gus's feelings!

No offence ment gus, just need more proof man!
mysterync said:
Maybe we should ask Gus why the original Dr. Diesel (Nolan) was the one in the truck on the dyno? Maybe we should ask nolan why the numbers were so inflated? Maybe we should ask Gus to run it on Dunbars dyno? Kinda funny , Gus wont run his own truck on the dyno, Gus wont run it on a dyno that his truck was on before that shows a good number or atleast a number to compare to? Kinda funny that it didnt get proved till someone hurt gus's feelings!

No offence ment gus, just need more proof man!

You're a joke. I couldn't get my big ass up in the truck that's why Nolan dynoed the thing - I wanted to see the smoke anyways. Keep tryin.:eek:wned:
Well fellas looks like we got some stuff worked out!

Yup, Its true, I'm a joke.... Slowly catching up with our favorite bandit in red as far as the joke status.... No seriously

More than one person swears that it only made 752, Why lie gus?
Lets see it on a dyno everyone knows...thats all im saying, I wasnt trying to offend you!
We also worked out that although he likes to be called Dr. Diesel, gus is not dr diesel, Its true, Nolan is the true Dr. Diesel..... All in good clean fun gus, Lets not go throwing insults , ya say? I wasnt trying to be rude as usual, just saying i wanted more proof....
I'm on the phone right now with Nolan and he's laughing at you. He's says not to worry with you and I think he's right. Bottom line is it made the number and they don't lie. Nothing else to say.
AS I SAID GOOD NUMBER REGARDLESS IF THERE 750 or 800!!! THERE STILL GOOD NUMBERS GUS!!! DONT GET UPSET.... I COME IN PEACE.....NOT WAR......Glad you Learned not to hit girls man :shake:
I'm Glad Gus, I dont Know Nolan, And Dont really care if he's laughing, im glad he got a good laugh! I'm just bringing up a good point? Why cant we see it on a someone like Dunbars dyno? Thats all, Then you can back your numbers up and prove them hardcore, Why do you get so upset, im just asking man!
If anybody wants the phone number, send me a PM and you can talk to him and verify the number. :thankyou2:

BTW - work on your grammar a little Lucas.
I'm not posting my Resume gus, is that all you have to throw at me :D Lets just see it on a real dyno? besides gus wheres all your cheerleaders these days? :cheer: PS Guys dont knock out as easy as girls gus ;)
Hey Mucus Underpants...when you taking your truck down to Dunbars? Maybe gus will meet you there?
Man nice numbers Gus. You know some of you all will never be happy and just want to piss and moan. Congrats Gus.
hehehe Soon Enough.... I do have some mucus built up at this point! Got any great ideas for davids truck next go round :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

Im not moaning, Just running my mouth for the fun of it !

Now gus, Dont go beatin up no more girls bud!
9 LIVES said:
Hey Mucus Underpants...when you taking your truck down to Dunbars? Maybe gus will meet you there?

oh yea, We'll meet, but i find it funny how ya'll are still in high school or somthing ;) :kick: