Post 60' Times, Manual Transmission

You would be shifting after the 60 foot mark I would think(not positive). The thing to compare for manuals would be the 330.

I launch in 3rd gear, Watching vids, I shift just after my front tire hits the 60' post. So your probally right 330 would be a good compare!

On a 12.55 @108 slip i have here,
60' 1.801
330' 5.104
1/8 7.985 @ 87.04
1/4 12.55 @ 108.59
Im not saying im smarted than anyone becasue im far from it. im just saying i seen it happen. thats all there is to say. Matt will be at diesel dawgs and everyone san see if he can repeat or if it was just a one time thing. There's no since in getn pissed over this. Until you see it you wont believe it. I understand that. Ive heard of things that i dont believe. if you run in the 12's then yes at the end of the day you will beat him! but they wanted to know 60' times so i told what ive seen. I dnt see how it did but i just know thats what the slip said. If you dont believe the 1.48 im pretty sure b4 that he ran around a 1.6 to 1.7 consistently.
i was lookin at your slip 05_LLY. Both your 1\8 and 1]4 are faster than ive seen matt run. His fastest 1\8 ive seen is 8.1 and the fastest 1\4 ive seen is 13.2. There's no doubt you would beat him. I have a ? about your turbo. I was thinkn about running one on my 12v. Do you like the Gt 40?
The 40 would be a laggy pig as a single on 12v.
05_LLY is running a different setup know.

I think you would be much happier with a nice s300.

But everybodies tastes are different. I run GT4202 and like it alot but my motor is built for it.
right now i just blew my hx35. i just put 215's in. im waitn on 370's. A kid i go to college with said he had gt40 that i could use. Even with the 370's, 181 dv's, 100 plate and 4k gsk you still think it would be to much? i have a hybrid coming. its a hx35 with hx40 compressor housing. i dnt think it will hold long but maybe until i can get what i want.
I can do a rolling burn in 5th gear so what?

Not quite the same as barking the tires, eh? :umno:

I cant sixty like that, neither can most 800hp trucks of the face of the earth.

I agree!
Your 60' is a bit slow...

Now all the sudden you what me to beleive a 500hp truck with single disk can?:bang

Your belief isn't relevant.

You can use big words and try to explain it way all you want.

Which words were too big for you? :doh:

All your doing is trying to baffle me with BS.

... and how did I BS? :poke:

I am not some 20 something young guy. It been racing in some fashion for over 15 years.

I'm happy to match my 30 years of experience to whatever you can muster...

Frankly I can see right through that.

Hopefully you CAN see that shooting the messenger is :badidea:

I'm merely passing along what news I have from my 2nd home... please feel free to ignore it if you wish.
Where's the love Johnboy?
I Have Seen It

listen i have seen it in maryland, they are not lying, i no i am new but i seen this thread and no its true. he dont have much but is running high 12's low 13's i hate being cocky, but its just what i saw.:tree::shake:

BTW if VALAIR is so (fairair) then why is there single disc holding up to 550hp on a single that is rated at 500hp. from what ive been hearing we have got the best customer service and clutches out there, and DAN is the best guy to do buisness with !!!!!
I Have Seen It

I know he may not be able to do it all thie time but he can drive like a SOB, he knows what he is doing trust me!! He dont care to get beat he just wants to know what his top time is. And yall just went and got pissed off for some reason!! sorry yall dont know to drive yalls trucks :bang:bang:bang
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Let us know

When you people learn how to drive your trucks let me know so I can see it instead of wasting my time on you like always. You dont know me but I am from north a lil ways fron Pittsburg and join more then you think!! So lets meet you!!! We are all in in for the fun and could care less whe has the fastest truck but I am just sayin it aint a Lie!!! I have see it!!!
This truck cuts a 1.4 60'.
i was lookin at your slip 05_LLY. Both your 1\8 and 1]4 are faster than ive seen matt run. His fastest 1\8 ive seen is 8.1 and the fastest 1\4 ive seen is 13.2. There's no doubt you would beat him. I have a ? about your turbo. I was thinkn about running one on my 12v. Do you like the Gt 40?

ITs a nice turbo, its no recored setter though! was the cost of it worth the 3mph and.40 it gained me....hell no. Its a 68mm compressor turbo i think it would be a bit much for 12v cummins as a street turbo, but mayby with a tight ar exhaust housing and a external gate put in it would be fine, also the gt40's are t4 flange?

If he has a gt4088 that one might be resonable turbo to run but its still t4 flange so you might need an adapter or a diff. manifold if you dont allready have one!
I believe I originally posted the 60 ft time. Its all in good fun though right? I hope to see yall at the track
I can do a rolling burn in 5th gear so what?

Not quite the same as barking the tires, eh? No. I have enough HP to keep them spining after they break loose. It takes that same kind HP to 60' like that. I can "bark" like you describe in my 95 Chevy K2500 with SBC and a NV4500. So what. The mass of the rotator is simply not enough to propel a truck through the 60' lights like you describe. Darn Newton biting you still.:umno:

I cant sixty like that, neither can most 800hp trucks of the face of the earth.

I agree!Well then why can you agree that it is awful fishy that The only trucks that 60' like that are at or very near 1000hp. But this one truck with half that can do the same
Your 60' is a bit slow...
Now all the sudden you what me to beleive a 500hp truck with single disk can?

Your belief isn't relevant.
How so? I beleif in the laws of physics that is not relevant either.
You can use big words and try to explain it way all you want.

Which words were too big for you? They are not to big for me. That is the point I can see what your trying to do.

All your doing is trying to baffle me with BS.

... and how did I BS?
Where is the proof? We have none. The BS is that 500hp 5000lbs+ truck can break Newton's law. That is total BS. Newton always wins. You and I both know that.
I am not some 20 something young guy. It been racing in some fashion for over 15 years.

Frankly I can see right through that.Swell!
I'm happy to match my 30 years of experience to whatever you can muster...

The way you post you sure don seem like it it. How quick is your truck?:poke:

Hopefully you CAN see that shooting the messenger is
The messenger is shooting of at the mouth with out the facts to truely back it up. No vid, no timeslip. Preaching that it is true when the simple laws of phyics say it is not. Am I supposed to sit here and just beleive what ever the great XLR8R posts? You might sell more traction bars if I did but I dont.
Where's the love Johnboy?
No love for a 1.48 60'. You can get past Newton. It takes Horsepower to 60' like that plain an simple.:bang Stuckey and Jess Spruil both do it it with light weight trucks, slicks, and well over 1000hp. A 500HP truck would need to be very light to pull that off. Under 4000lbs. Can he run a 129 1/4 and 8.1 1/8 sure. A 1.48 60? let me think about it:umno: A high 1.6 maybe. A 1.7 sure.

PIR will be interesting for sure.:rockwoot: If I tow down there and He does not show or does not at least 1.5 60' I think some should refund at least my entry fee.:poke:
ok i do believe that 1.48 would be inaccurate info, but he is really fast for no more than he has, he told me that a 12.9 is the fastest he ever ran and i talked to him yesterday.
If i remember a 1.48 60' usually goes around high 6's in the 1/8th.....7x's or so. I run in the mid to high 1.3x's on a foot brake and tight convertor, and im darn sure no 1000hp. But it takes wayy more than most think to get the 60's down under say 1.45 or its hard on parts too.