smoke em dvs vs sdx comp dvs

FMLACFFOCD or 42, which ever yields the highest return with a stock 1st Gen turbo with a batmo wheel.

Im not sure there is a question there but I would just go to the machine shop and have the ones you have full cut $10 around here at the local shop.
No but everything else that you put on I have about got rid of so you may sleep well at night knowing your less than quality work is soon all gone for my truck Thanks for nothing
No but everything else that you put on I have about got rid of so you may sleep well at night knowing your less than quality work is soon all gone for my truck Thanks for nothing

Maybe I'm the negligent one here or ignorant, which ever word fits better... But, you are who?
Just curious because for being so new he sure is... Ummm mouthy.

To keifercummins or what ever your name is, are you a member of any other sites?
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i need to get hip with the new lingo i guess. btainlwictmmftc(but then again im not lazy when it comes to moving my fingers three centimeters)

more of a 'fun' thing than shorthand

none of this "r u goin w/me 2nite?"

i love seeing people that speak ebonix type. u no wut i sayin? u koo wit dat bludd! da answer b fody too!