some tech help plz.....

mcrat is right, it is a 100% risk game. if all you have done is the manifold, the tst, smarty, and new turbo, i would pull it all back off (which sucks since you just put it on) take everything drivetrain related back to stock as much as possible, get it towed to the dealer. unless you are going to build a motor that has a cam, good pistons, etc. just my $.02
feelmecummin said:
mcrat is right, it is a 100% risk game. if all you have done is the manifold, the tst, smarty, and new turbo, i would pull it all back off (which sucks since you just put it on) take everything drivetrain related back to stock as much as possible, get it towed to the dealer. unless you are going to build a motor that has a cam, good pistons, etc. just my $.02

That's pretty much out of the question. We all know the dealer will never let it fly. They will find the reason or some reason the not honor it.

Sootman ..... I think I'd be cheaper for me to tow the truck to Texas. If you really meant what you said, I sure will consider that option. :bow:

I just talked to a Cummins repair center and the cost of labor alone is 5K.
The problem with them and if a dealer were to fix it is, they'll only do it to stock specs.

Since I'm looking at a rebuild.... it's gonna be with as many performance parts as I can get in there. Cam, springs, pistons, rings...etc. I'd like to continue going to the track and maybe even do some sled pulling so, I'd like an engine that won't peter out on me.

If you guys can direct me to someone that really knows there %$#^, it would be much appreciated. If I'm gonna do it.... I definitely want it done right. I'm in western NC and will obviously need to tow the truck somewhere.... hopefully closer than farther.
McRat said:
Concerning "staying in it":

None of these diesel engines were designed for what abuse we put them through.

Most "tuning only" engines will survive a long time, but there is no guarantee. Some will even blow up stock. It's a statistics game. The more HP you run, the bigger risk, but there is no 0% risk, only a 100% risk. In other words, there will be a small percentage of engines that fail at stock power, 50% will fail at XXX HP and all engines will fail at XXXX HP.

I agree with all of the above. But if someone told me they were going to run a Smarty and TST with a stock turbo at the track, I would tell them no F'n way are you going to do it without a meltdown. I would see 1600degrees with a 100hp tune with one programmer and stock turbo in around 7 or 8 seconds. It just won't work. I wish someone woulda told him that in the first place. He coulda waited for his bigger turbo and his temps would've been much more controllable. And no carnage.
and a faster ET. as far as engine builders there are alot of good ones out there, you need to know what you want to spend, and have some extra on top of that (we all know we will go overboard on everything) and go from there. before your builder, whomever yu decide to go with, builds it get an estimate and post it up. I hate to see people get screwed over as soon as they walk in and say that they want to spend xxxx dollars. there are some shops around here that do alot of that. even on just parts, a shop not that far away charged a friend of mine (thats a girl and they know has money) 1700 dollars to purchase and install 100 hp injectors in a vp44 truck. that was before i became a dealer, now she gets all her stuff from me.
csutton7 said:
he was drag racing, so of course his foot needed to be planted, only prob was his turbo imploded---sounds like the exhaust side let go--hopefully that is what happened---diagnose the turbo and do what's necessary and slap the new one on and get back after it---chris

cumminatya-----again he was racing---POINT OF RACING=GO ALL OUT, last time I checked this was still what one did---if you go to a different beat then fine, but don't come here pissin in my lunch box---if he didn't know what he was up against that's not my fault, he didn't ask us/me/you before did he??? if so I missed it and I think you did too---so he's payin' for it, which sucks for sure--even though it seems odd that something would happen in such a short time, but maybe it was way hotter than thought(which is probably the scenario) or he's not telling us the full story(which I doubt), but anyway it happened---at the end of my above post I tell him to fix it and get back after it---I would bet he wouldn't be putting another stock turbo on it---but maybe that's what you think I meant--but I didn't--see where I say "do what's necessary"---to me that doesn't mean put a stock turbo on it means fix the problem the right way!!!! sorry you didn't understand or maybe you did and like I said you race or whatever to a 1/2 throttle beat---

McRat--is dead on---again you play you will pay at some point---

triton--did you pull #4 injector yet--that's the next step if you've pulled the valve cover and all looks good---if the motor sounds fine except for the funky idle, that's where I'd head next--after that you will need to pull the head or scope it---but please refer to cumminsatya for advice because mine is no good----chris
I don't know... If he's still pumping oil out of the exhaust, I think it's more than an injector issue. I'm sure we've all seen first hand or pictures of the carnage that can occur from too much heat. :ft:
triton said:
Since I'm looking at a rebuild.... it's gonna be with as many performance parts as I can get in there. Cam, springs, pistons, rings...etc. I'd like to continue going to the track and maybe even do some sled pulling so, I'd like an engine that won't peter out on me.

we i have to agree with you there if your going to have to rebuild it might as well rebuild it right than have to do it again down there road.
--maybe it's diesel and soot mixed together and not oil--either way the injector has to be pulled for the head to be removed --I just don't recall this happening much, as oil out of the turbo usually means the turbo is shot, next injector is toast and then after that head gasket, cracked/warped head or piston I would think, but those last three don't usually involve oil pouring out of the exhaust--it shows up elsewhere----I'm now hoping for the injector to be toast---I'd also think heavily about having them all checked if it does turn out to be such---keeping my fingers crossed for you....... chris
csutton7 said:
--maybe it's diesel and soot mixed together and not oil--either way the injector has to be pulled for the head to be removed --I just don't recall this happening much, as oil out of the turbo usually means the turbo is shot, next injector is toast and then after that head gasket, cracked/warped head or piston I would think, but those last three don't usually involve oil pouring out of the exhaust--it shows up elsewhere----I'm now hoping for the injector to be toast---I'd also think heavily about having them all checked if it does turn out to be such---keeping my fingers crossed for you....... chris

Thanks Chris !

I don't understand the motor well enough to see how an injector could cause the oil if it even would. I will be changing all of them either way. It was in the works when this happen.

I put a temp gun on the manifold. #4 is a little cooler than the rest. 5 to 10 degrees so I assume it is building the heat and staying cooler because of the oil flowing in it.

With some good advice and opinions I believe my next step is either pulling #4 injector and scoping it or, just going ahead with removing the head. I'm figuring I might as well pull the head. That will tell all.

Sounds like we all will learn something here. Oil obviously doesn't just flow in the exhaust when a turbo goes.
diesel fuel and soot mixed together makes a nasty black substance that can look like oil and maybe feel like it also---so if that injector is toast and it's spraying tons of fuel in there and it's not getting burned then it should be pushed out through the exhaust valve into the exhaust manifold through the turbo and out the exhaust pipe---the other option is that the injector is cracked/broken in some form and oil is leaking down it from the top of the head into the combustion chamber ---unless of course you've cracked the head majorly and oil is getting into the exhaust port(s)----I don't recall but did you take the exhaust manifold off??? if you did then did you see oil in only #4 exhaust or in others also??? I remember you talking about some god awful smell--guess I need to re-read some of your posts to see what/where you encountered this----chris
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yes, I took off the manifold and #4 & #5 were wet. It very well could be both injectors there and the HG with the amount of oil I'm seeing.

I guess the fuel/soot could be a part of what I'm seeing. I'm sure that injector is toast.

The fact that I filled up the oil and then the dipstick showed nothing told me to oil was draining to somewhere. I have a straight pipe with a Aero muffler and stacks. Some much oil has gone through I have it dipping from my bed where it came out of the stack plumbing!

I suppose when I get the head off, the true story will be told. Everyone seems mystified about the oil so, maybe will all learn something new.
Hey I just picked up on this thread, and I'm sorry to tell you, its melted or scored a piston. You really should get it to a dealer. Stock. What do you have to lose. They say no? Your right back where you are now.
Too much fuel not enough whistle. Hot bad.
here's the latest update.....

Got all my injectors out and here's a pic of #4. I obviously still need to get the head off cause I'm sure there's some nasty damage under there :eek:wned:
the red lint is from my rag.

looks like burnt oil build up. did you check for cracks? have you scoped it yet?:pop:
Ouch... That's the biggest picture of the ugliest injector tip I've seen...
sootman said:
looks like burnt oil build up. did you check for cracks? have you scoped it yet?:pop:

I need to try and find a scope. I getting ready to call a couple auto parts stores.

The mechanic that lent me the temp gun won't let me take his scope. Claims it to be a 4K tool.

I'll report back tomorrow. From what I can see looking down in there.... it's pretty black but, maybe that's just burnt oil ??

I think that's melted metal and not burnt oil on the tip. It doesn't come off!
holy crap 4k?!!! mine was only 500 dollars. his must be like the hubel telescope????:hehe:
Those pieces of metal on the injector tip are most likely from the hole in your piston. Where else could all the oil be coming from???