SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

1.5b FTW

the rattle is there, but it's just a moment, like 5 rattles and only when super aggressive. accompanied with a black puff.

This is defiantly a tempature thing. IIRC. it should get warm today and rattle should go away. I could lower the timing and solve the problem for now aswell.

TM 1
LLT 22
LLD 12
HLT 34
HLD 16

The street fun it back, need to re adjust the wastegate looser. to bad I can't get to the last track day, might squeeze another 10th out of her!
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Got 1.5b loaded and ready for tomorrow.

How do you like 1.5 in comparison to 1.6? There's a dyno day local to me this weekend I think I'll try 1.5 on it. Never been on this one before so it's not going to mean anything.

Edit: should've used the refresh lol
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1.5 is quiter all the way around for me.

Light acceleration, 1.6 was smoother, but I said from the get go, lacked top end power, couldn't make it to 3800rpm in 3rd (1:1). 1.5b will run right to 3800 and beyond if I don't watch it.. I did enjoy the surge-less drive with 1.6, but If I had to drop a gear and go, hooolly crap did it sound bad!!!! It did make better power at 2000-2400rpm range. (the surge zone) I know this cuz my MPH and ET didn't suffer at the track when I couldn't shift at 3600 when the power really started to fall, so I shifted around 3400 but the gear change dropped it into a rage were 1.5 didn't seem to pull as hard.. pulling to 3800, the shift would fall to 2700. something like that.

I wish I could get back to the track tomorrow! :( I think the posts with Les and others about getting the durations numbers lower really helped improve the power with 1.5b, that and it clicking with how I had my waste gate setup with big duration numbers vs smaller ones, then 1.6 comes out and I get stuck on that release due to some bug. :( Thanks Bob for that file to fix things up!

ohh well. Next year! Besides, I really shouldn't beat on the drive train anymore anyways at the track. u-joints and what not are getting lose, there's a tiny twist to them now.
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LOL at all the doom and gloom about capped rails.
Will it cause issues if you're stupid? Yes
Will it absolutely cause issues? Hell no.
Mine has been capped since day 1 and doesn't even have a valve in it since I went to dual pumps. Holds 27,500 all day long and I'll even give it 100% on the MP8 sometimes. If you chop the throttle you'll have problems...if you roll out of it you're fine.
Myself and several others had run PRV free for years through a large range of injector sizes and pump configurations.
Even Todd's modded PRV's are blowing off and causing people to lose power on an otherwise good pass. Use your head and quit believing everything you read.

I ran dead even with a known 11.20 mustang cobra the other day from 50-120ish mph with everything wide ass open including the MP8. Zero issues.
1.5b was the first programing for me that could bust up my Ultimate Trans...

Broke the hub right off the good news thugh....Dave has a super special one going in.

Paul has the same converter as me....must be the tire size/weight difference that did me in.
LOL at all the doom and gloom about capped rails.
Will it cause issues if you're stupid? Yes
Will it absolutely cause issues? Hell no.
Mine has been capped since day 1 and doesn't even have a valve in it since I went to dual pumps. Holds 27,500 all day long and I'll even give it 100% on the MP8 sometimes. If you chop the throttle you'll have problems...if you roll out of it you're fine.
Myself and several others had run PRV free for years through a large range of injector sizes and pump configurations.
Even Todd's modded PRV's are blowing off and causing people to lose power on an otherwise good pass. Use your head and quit believing everything you read.

I ran dead even with a known 11.20 mustang cobra the other day from 50-120ish mph with everything wide ass open including the MP8. Zero issues.

haha i agree with you 100% I run capped PRVs in all my trucks and never been a issue. Capped PRVs FTW:tree:
The only problem with a cap rail is bad software... I can roll off my throttle if I have the 1.5b Rail settings above 10 and it will keep pulling for a moment.
1015hp, with version 1.6b. This is a new best for my truck. The best before was 925hp, so a really good gain. This is going to be a long post, so bare with me.

First thanks to Marco and everyone at Source Automotive. I got the pleasure of being able to spend the week at Source Automotive while Marco was there. It was a once in a life time learning experience.

When we started I had the version 1.6b installed with the same settings I had been using with 1.5b. Those settings were:
LLT = 24
LLD = 8
LLR = 1
HLT = 28
HLD = 30
HLR = 1

We used this for a base line pass and made 923hp. Very close to my previous best of 925hp. Marco suggested that I change my settings to the following:

This is what the graph looked like:

Marco looked at it and said that it looked like we were blowing the PRV open. I installed a rail cap, to fix that problem. The next dyno graph shows three runs. The first one shows with the rail cap and the above settings. You can see the "chop" in the run. The second run I decreased the timing to 45 on both the high and low. The third run we started the run a little soft (operator error), but I wanted to carry the rpm out farther. Here is the graph:

Just to verify that the high timings values were indeed what the engine liked, I lowered the HLT to 30, and LLT to 20. Here is what the run looked liked:

It ended up with a nice curve, but the power was down. I probably would never have tried that much timing on my own. I have a timing phobia... LOL

In all we made about 30 pulls on my truck most in the 900 to low 1000hp range. Not only is the hp up in my truck, but the power band is much wider. I ended up with settings that net me an AVERAGE hp of over 1000, in a power band that is about 700rpm wide. I can't wait to get it to the track for testing.

The settings I ended up with using version 1.6b are:
LLT = 45
LLD = 50
LLR = 25
HLT = 45
HLD = 50
HLR = 25

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Nice paul! How does it drive with those settings on the street? Clean? How are the rattles?

With 1.6b I ended up with 44 on the HLT, but more HLD netted me a slower ET and hotter everything. On the street, the really high LL numbers was just a bunch of smoke. Never mind the crazzy rattling under 20psi boost (shouldn't matter how big the turbo(s) are in this case!)

I might give 1.6 another try with your timing and rail settings for giggles one of these days. :) don't think the high duration numbers will do my turbo any good.