SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

Just because I felt like it...I hit some open highway this morning to blow the cobwebs outta my junk.
I dunno how fast it got before I thought better of my stupidity but in OD I hit 3750 rpm's...this bish was Rollin'. LOL

Oh yea....just shy of 1350 on the pyro.
Well tuned fuel and twins FTW.

Anyone know off hand where that program is to figure mph from final drive ratio and tire size?
This Sux!!

I freakin blow my truck up and have to part out and now 1.6 is out where great safer gains are being made...


Take a deep breath and get back into it but not so hard! Know you can but don't! I'm sure there is a block and spare parts in the back of the shop Just dig a little Sh$t happens You've gone further than many have dreamed of!
David I'm running the SH!T outta that same issues.
I don't think your last explosion was tuning related...I think you just found another weak part.
David I'm running the SH!T outta that same issues.
I don't think your last explosion was tuning related...I think you just found another weak part.

Oh yeah!! Wow!

I didn't mean I blamed the tuning.. Sorry guys!

I always thought it wasn't tuning.. I feel as though I found the limit of the rods, rods bolts, or that crank.. Especially after those two back to back over revs when the tranny parts broke..

One of the three has to be the cause... It was just the extra power I made those two nights with the SSR that was the straw on the back... And it broke!
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Just because I felt like it...I hit some open highway this morning to blow the cobwebs outta my junk.
I dunno how fast it got before I thought better of my stupidity but in OD I hit 3750 rpm's...this bish was Rollin'. LOL

Oh yea....just shy of 1350 on the pyro.
Well tuned fuel and twins FTW.

Anyone know off hand where that program is to figure mph from final drive ratio and tire size?

google :)
I'd put "some" blame on broke/pre-worn injectors in tuning, that's about it. CR trucks have had to deal with rail hang for too long and magically, it's fixed??? :)
1015hp, with version 1.6b. This is a new best for my truck. The best before was 925hp, so a really good gain. This is going to be a long post, so bare with me.

First thanks to Marco and everyone at Source Automotive. I got the pleasure of being able to spend the week at Source Automotive while Marco was there. It was a once in a life time learning experience.

When we started I had the version 1.6b installed with the same settings I had been using with 1.5b. Those settings were:
LLT = 24
LLD = 8
LLR = 1
HLT = 28
HLD = 30
HLR = 1

We used this for a base line pass and made 923hp. Very close to my previous best of 925hp. Marco suggested that I change my settings to the following:

This is what the graph looked like:

Marco looked at it and said that it looked like we were blowing the PRV open. I installed a rail cap, to fix that problem. The next dyno graph shows three runs. The first one shows with the rail cap and the above settings. You can see the "chop" in the run. The second run I decreased the timing to 45 on both the high and low. The third run we started the run a little soft (operator error), but I wanted to carry the rpm out farther. Here is the graph:

Just to verify that the high timings values were indeed what the engine liked, I lowered the HLT to 30, and LLT to 20. Here is what the run looked liked:

It ended up with a nice curve, but the power was down. I probably would never have tried that much timing on my own. I have a timing phobia... LOL

In all we made about 30 pulls on my truck most in the 900 to low 1000hp range. Not only is the hp up in my truck, but the power band is much wider. I ended up with settings that net me an AVERAGE hp of over 1000, in a power band that is about 700rpm wide. I can't wait to get it to the track for testing.

The settings I ended up with using version 1.6b are:
LLT = 45
LLD = 50
LLR = 25
HLT = 45
HLD = 50
HLR = 25


Do you feel like he should open up the window a little more on Timing and Duration? Being that you have it maxed out right now, possibly a little more in it if there was a little more room?
Yeah dave. Take a break. drive the TDI around. Pay down the credit cards and start over. It's only money. :)
Do you feel like he should open up the window a little more on Timing and Duration? Being that you have it maxed out right now, possibly a little more in it if there was a little more room?

In a word. No. I can't use more timing. You can see that in the graph when I went to 50 on HLT. If I need more fuel, I can still add a lot of rail pressure. If I still need more fuel then it's time for larger injectors. At some point (50 in the case of the SSR) you reach a max safe duration. Increasing duration past that point causes early/late fuel which can melt pistons. You might make more hp, but for how long? Instead of increasing duration past this point, if I decide I want more fuel, I'll contact Don M for a larger set of injectors.

Would be great if bob or marco would hop on here and give us some more information on what the hell we are changing other than guessin.. Eh it drives me crazy... Guess only way we are gonna know is wait for EFI live then make the switch to it!
Would be great if bob or marco would hop on here and give us some more information on what the hell we are changing other than guessin.. Eh it drives me crazy... Guess only way we are gonna know is wait for EFI live then make the switch to it!

Yes I agree more info would be nice before I get too crazy with some timing #'s.
My email to Marco stated that I was getting request for 1.6..

He sent it with a note on warnings to share and instructions for requested RPM's...

So I took that as I could distribute...
He know helped distribute most all the versions
I know I've shared 1.6 a couple times. Was never told I couldn't. Maybe he wants to work on it more before its released to everyone.