SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

I don't see how "injector size" or right hard parts matters under 20psi of boost. someone explain why that matters? The guys running 200% over or stock injectors have the same "air" if it's a stock turbo or 495/66 while cruising along at 8psi@65mph and need to accelerate to 70mph. I've been all over the board with LL numbers for the past 6 months...

As lows get closer to 30 and highs never get over 45, I'm getting more and more rattle even with 1.5. Virtually no rattle while coolant temps are under 140. I've starting calling this tempature related thing out when the lows started to get to the 60's, I had to back the timing down to reduce/eliminate the rattle.

Les seems to have the only logical explanation as to this rattle for me. We'll see what he can do with EFI live for my rattle when it's available I suppose.
It has to do with rate of burn of your injectors...extrude hones dump too much fuel too fast. Crazy timing advance at low rpms.

Question....what does your truck do with ll timing and pressure set to 1? Bet it does not rattle much.

Try some different injectors and will be surprised.
Jason you said you have the rattle even with no programmer in the truck.. The must tell you something

It's there, every very slight, less then anything the SSR does. I'd expect that because the stock tune is expecting stock injectors. If this is in fact a pilot duration rattle, then I'd expect the SSR to tune out that out.
It has to do with rate of burn of your injectors...extrude hones dump too much fuel too fast. Crazy timing advance at low rpms.

Question....what does your truck do with ll timing and pressure set to 1? Bet it does not rattle much.

Try some different injectors and will be surprised.

Rattles less on LLR1, but others say to raise the rail really high. i've never run LLT on 1.. should try that.

edit: I'll be sending these injectors in this winter I hope.
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Thats why I was saying your sticks are too big for your needs currently and your beating a dead horse trying to make it go away. Only way your going to get it to go away is high firing pressure and retarding timing and less duration!
Thats why I was saying your sticks are too big for your needs currently and your beating a dead horse trying to make it go away. Only way your going to get it to go away is high firing pressure and retarding timing and less duration!

Didn't I try your settings? higher pressure and less timing resulted in no change with 1.6. Rattle was just there with 1.6.

Under low low low boost conditions, we are on the same exact playing field, I don't care if you have triple s495's. crusing at 30mph we both have like 1psi boost. Pretend I have set of twins to make 1000whp., how is that different at 1psi?

I'm not trying to solve a problem at 1000hp. I'm trying to solve a drive ability problem at 100hp. Like in some other thread. i'm not planning on buying a new set of injectors every time I wanna upgrade a different part. We need to tune around the injector, they are expensive and I bought HUGE so I can avoid 2,3,8 upgrades of the nozzles.

I give up. this is retarded
We are not on the same field. I have high dollar exergy injectors I also run a ton of pressure with alot of fuel volume and pressure. I also am not trying to run a larger high pressure charger. I am running a 60mm stock unit with a lovefab manifold. I make boost just about instantly witch does change things a whole hell of alot. I am also messing with my fueling tables via different map sensors.

There is no need to get all heated what I am telling you is ur rattle is something you got going on.. I believe your trucks the only one with the issue take that for what it is !
We are not on the same field. I have high dollar exergy injectors I also run a ton of pressure with alot of fuel volume and pressure. I also am not trying to run a larger high pressure charger. I am running a 60mm stock unit with a lovefab manifold. I make boost just about instantly witch does change things a whole hell of alot. I am also messing with my fueling tables via different map sensors.

There is no need to get all heated what I am telling you is ur rattle is something you got going on.. I believe your trucks the only one with the issue take that for what it is !

The chargers, cams, head flow i thin have little if anything to do with my rattle that appears to be affected based on the software (SSR 1.5, stock, 1.6). Heck, ya now what I think even the TNT/R didn't rattle any either, I forgot, it's been a while.

You watch my video's? all under 30mph. cruise, move foot, rattle. short of a supercharger already making 8psi, nothing's going to make enough boost to solve that rattle with air, like when I hit about 20psi and the rattle goes away as I can tell.

Fueling, dual stage 2 floor-it's in an ATS setup. Injectors, are high-dollar extergy's as well. as I said before, I think we are rather close on the fueling. The fact that the software tuning has such a huge affect on how things sound run tells me it's more of a software issue then hardware. For some reason, I'm the only one that couldn't revert back to 1.5 with out a recovery file? weird, how's that injector, pump, turbo related? I bet Macro missed something in the software that runs my truck since he's gota edit 50+ for every revision. It could be as easy as something in the pilot tables that was over looked and the problem goes away.

Now your map sensor changes, dunno there.

I'm not the only one. there are several with reports of it, I'm sure they just don't care like I'm not anymore. I's minimal, it doesn't restrict drive ability, it doesn't sound like it's coming part anymore, If it blows up, so be it.

(few edits, re-read)
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Well on stock software I get no rattles. I have show how over sized high pressure chargers will create rattles. We spent a month on this on a truck and in the end with the stocker has a high pressure no rattle. Every other charger on there had rattles.

I run twin air dog 150s on turns on at 75 throttle. There ran into a large fuel log that both cps feed from. Im running two Dmax pumps on my truck with modifed FCAs and 6.7 rail and lines and feed tubes that have the edge filters removed
How can you expect the SSR to tune out a condition of your injector design?

Try smaller injectors or a less laggy turbo or twins setup....or tune it out.

Retard the timing....and lower the pressure....try it.
less laggy turbo? it's not the turbo. the the moment you move our foot. Short of a super charger.... how about this situation. At a stop light, light goes green, if I give it maybe 1/2 throttle, i get rattling. you saying I should have 20psi with in a fraction of a second?

Ambient temperature affects the rattle, if the injectors are broke explain how this changes things? the warmer the less rattle.

If I lower the timing to say, 15, cruise EGT at 70mph on flat road is like 1000 degrees, performance sucked. heh. that's no good. I'll try 1 for giggles tonight if I get a chance.

There are to many other factors that change, improve and almost eliminate the rattle to suggest it's hardware.
Hey!!! Is this pick on Jason day?

How come nobody let me know!?! LOL

Christian, you've got a really nice looking truck. I saw it in Boise a couple weeks ago.

Wicked, I haven't seen yours (I don't think), but the launch looks good in your avatar.

Jason, Good looking dog... LOL

I was having poor performance with ok drivability with 1.6 and some rattling right off the line if I was some what aggressive with the throttle. After reading Paul's post I changed my settings to LLT30 HLT45 LLR25 HLR25 LLD40 HLD45 TQ1... Let's just say I blow my 35's off when I punch my throttle now doing 45mph and I have no rattles at all. Not even off the line. Top end is fantastic and my smoke is very minimal. Not to mention EGT's improved by 200. Don't see higher than 1200-1250 at wide open. I guess with my setup the higher duration and timing really woke it up. My cp3 holds 27,000 psi through all gears so rp stayed at 25.

I know weather definitely plays a part in how these pigs run. I mean it will affect any engine when it's cold out. Mine smokes more when it's cold. Once it warms up fully it's not bad. I do agree it would be nice to know what each version changes so we can compare data. I mean if Jason is saying 1.5 doesn't rattle as much as 1.6 then I guess there is something in the tune that his truck favors. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems the good results are coming from people with 05 and newer trucks. Hopefully all this will be addressed soon. By the way I agree Jason great looking dog..Akita?
I got rattle too. But I'm dealing with what I've been told is a mapping issue causing a surge/bucking at light of off throttle cruising. So I'm experimenting with 1.6 and lowering timing back to 15, duration at 30, Rp at 0 and using an mp8 for pressure. Any thoughts on this experiment? Lol I'm open to all criticism and or help