SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

They would scare me too if it didn't make the truck run so good. Like I said not rattle up high or down low. Smoke is minimal also with low egt's. Marco must have really smoothed out the tables for us to be able to run these settings and them work so well.
so. the 1.6b that's on the site is not the same 1.6b I had. I wonder if the rail pressure issues were affecting me and are fixed and I never got an updated file.

Running the piston melting numbers from paul (kidding, of course) things run well. Little on the smokey side initially getting on the throttle. Rattling is about the same as with 1.5b with the converter unlocked. can't find a rattle locked, there used to be two or three rattles. Making boost on the brake is smokier, but cleans up once I reached target boost.

I'm going to start over with this 1.6b and the change from paul's will be dropping the duration numbers down to 40 since I really can't use 100% over worth of fuel at WOT once on top of the charger. For sure the LLD will stay high and I bet the HLD will end up lower numerically (we'll see)

So all in all, it's better then 1.6b-beta-that-was-emailed-to-me for sure.

HOWEVER, 2nd gear, locked, tires spinning. Couldn't get over 3800rpm, the power fell off at about 3600. 1.5b would pull right past 4000 in this situation. So still no high RPM power.
. 6000rpm programming?

I'll see about going back to m old settings with this 1.6 soon to see if the rattles come back. I'm curious about the duration numbers, being to low on the low end creating a rattle, and not high enough on the high end creating a lean condition, creating too much heat?

with the original 1.6, On the high end, HLD 18-22 was clean, but hot, went to 14, I lost heat, but went slower at the track. ended up at 16... so, not sure how 50 will help things :) heh.. could it be a lean condition in my case?
Hey!!! Is this pick on Jason day?

How come nobody let me know!?! LOL

Christian, you've got a really nice looking truck. I saw it in Boise a couple weeks ago.

Wicked, I haven't seen yours (I don't think), but the launch looks good in your avatar.

Jason, Good looking dog... LOL


Thanks Paul...was hoping to stop in at Ultimate while you were here...buut got to slammed at work and a water heater rusted out and flooded one of my rentals...

Jason...all of those symptoms can be explained....has timing/injector/turbo related.

Cold advances net timing...denser air in cylinder....goes bang sooner. So if you had too much timing have even way too much now.

Hot retards net timming....less dense air in cylinder....goes bang later. If you had to much timing might have just the right amount now....hence no rattle.

Cruising down the have no boost with that turbo....different spot in the fuel map than step on the skinny and have rattle because you are commanding more timing than you have boost to handle....if your boost ramped up faster the "rattle" would be too quick to hear. I used to have the same issues with my A5k turbo....VERY hard to tune the timing on a big single. They love NO timing at all to get going and love TONS of timing on the top end. A far more complicated and broader range timing curve than a medium sized single or properly matched set of twins.

Your going to be hot on low rpm cruise with zero boost...period. if you are adjusting timing to lower egt at cruise you are doing it all wrong....wrong wrong. I would cruise at a couple psi...5 max under 2200 rpms an 1000 egt plus with my A5k...did it for 1000 miles. Egt would stop at 1500 no matter how much fuel I threw at it.

My last couple sets of twins...because I have kept my secondary at 2000 rpms has at least 10 psi and cut egt temps in half. 85 mph in my truck is 2250 rpms....egt is 600 on flat....boost close to 15.

The 5 to 10 psi difference is a huge amount of air flow and a way different location on the fueling map.

Your injectors are not timing friendly IMHO...if I could loan you a set of FLUXs...I would so you could see the difference....but all my stuff is the wrong spray angle.

Sell your twins....or...swap your injectors....or become better at tuning and ACCEPT the driving limitaions of a large around it.

Lol....I never used the first half of my tach when I had my A5k.
I'll get my gopro out and point at the boot gauge. This 66 comes up quicker then the 64 I had. Cruising EGT is about 800 at 70, give or take 50 degrees if it's up or down a slight incline. Boost is about 5-ish at 70mph. tough to tell exactly with a 0-100psi gauge on the low end.

My point about zero boost on the low end was say, 30mph city driving kinda stuff. That's actually minimal now. lemme start over as I said before. So far it's promising with exeception of the 3800rpm power. Sure my stock cam isn't making power up there, but 1.5b was able to turn rpm's up there.
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Okay, a little voice of reason here, and this is not pointed at anyone in particular. If you are running the same fueling I am, but only 2/3rd's the air, don't run my settings. :bang My settings will have way to much duration and timing.

I would also change one thing at a time. For example, changing duration will also change timing. Basically reducing duration shrinks the fuel delivery from both ends. Less early fuel and less late fuel. Change one thing and then test.

Getting the correct timing is free hp. No additional fuel required and can be easier on the engine. The down side is if you get things way out destruction will happen. It's very easy to tell on a dyno when you have to much timing, or for that matter not enough. It's not so easy to tell on the street. If you run consistent at the drag strip you can also tell.

Rail pressure. This topic will be beat to death no matter what I say. IMO, you do not need anything besides the SSR to control rail pressure. If you want in cab adjustable power use the POD settings. The SSR's logic for rail pressure control works very well. The Smarty uses an active logic schema, instead of most devices re-active. This is my description, so it maybe somewhat vague. IMO the rail should be capped, and for daily driving set the SSR's rail settings to 1. When you get to the track/dyno, then set it to your "performance" setting.

I hope this helps...
So far it's promising with exeception of the 3800rpm power. Sure my stock cam isn't making power up there, but 1.5b was able to turn rpm's up there.

Jason, what do you have the rev limiter set to? The ECM will basically start to defuel about 300 rpm before the limit. Kind of a soft touch thing.

Are you hitting a rev limit, or is it just down on power above that? Does your boost and EGT's start to drop?

yeah. Umm, like, don't get into the throttle in OD and run out OD with 2/3's the air. :)

The problem; the values have been dramatically rescaled but to what exact extent?. If you were running say 30 for the duration and now you're at 50. In theory, my old 16 should be closer to 30 as a starting point.
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Jason, what do you have the rev limiter set to? The ECM will basically start to defuel about 300 rpm before the limit. Kind of a soft touch thing.

Are you hitting a rev limit, or is it just down on power above that? Does your boost and EGT's start to drop?


Set to 6000 for giggles. free reving in park it'll spin over 4000 easily.

Power falls off sooner with 1.6b-offical-from-mads-site. more of a feel right now, rpm's I'll check the gauge later to see if the heat falls off to. 2nd, locked, cold roads, tires spinning peddle floored, that's rather close to a free rev. :) I could test with it on jack stands next.

I need to get a datalogger setup. argh.
Set to 6000 for giggles. free reving in park it'll spin over 4000 easily.

I would set the limit more realistic. Like maybe 4200. If you do a launch and break something in the drivetrain, you will be surprised how quick it will get to 6000 rpm, and leave a big oil spot on the ground....

I would set the limit more realistic. Like maybe 4200. If you do a launch and break something in the drivetrain, you will be surprised how quick it will get to 6000 rpm, and leave a big oil spot on the ground....


I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something else, so I went 6000. 4200 is what I'd agree with as well
Jason...66 or 64 doesn't mean squat...was it a 12 or 13 housing? Nope.

5 psi is not 10 or 15 psi.
Ur on drugs My compounds do infact cruise with about 15-20 psi at the intake $hit even my 95mm makes about 2-5 psi cruising.. You said your setup was the same as mine your setup is WAY different!!!!.. Dood your on a big single? lol no wounder your getting rattle with that injector size.. Your beating a dead horse bro..

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I don't recall the stock turbo ever running 15psi at cruise. at like 95mph it did, not at 60-70, that was close to 8.. it's been a while tho.

Since when was a 66 "big" for a single? heh.

WickedCumminsCO, I was referring to the injector SIZE and a few CP3's behind it the entire time. Didn't realize you'd actaully cruise at say 70mph at 15psi, stock turbo's wouldn't do that. that's different. What about at 30mph, you making 10psi?

Alright, i'll stop beating the dead horse on the boost thing, but there has to be a away to tune to make boost quickly and make power with that boost. We'll see what I come up with this next approach with 1.6 an huge duration numbers.

so 2 quick short trips at lunch, playing with the LL numbers. I did like LLD50 and how it drove on the way into the office. Lowered it to 40 was a little smokey under the turbo, lower it to 30, the rattle got big time worse than my 1.5b tune. LLT was left at 45. So back up to LLD50 and start to lower the LLT and see what happens.
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We used to use, 6psi, 60mph, 600 degrees, as a standard for a stock turbo. I have no idea if that still pertains or not. It'b been awhile since I've even seen a stock turbo. :hehe:

We used to use, 6psi, 60mph, 600 degrees, as a standard for a stock turbo. I have no idea if that still pertains or not. It'b been awhile since I've even seen a stock turbo. :hehe:


That was my thinking too! :)