SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

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this is my latest run
I dont see where it is hitting the rev limiter? Sounds like a bit much timing...

I will get a video up tonight of my test hook this week end, it does not bounce off the rev limiter. It will just hold steady at 4000rpm. EPA approved clean run untill the end when the RPM dropped down to 3800.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself..

This is my video of this weekend Did a little popping at the bottom and a lot on the top end of the track any suggestions I think my rail pressure is too high pretty sure that's what I did not win too
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I dont see where it is hitting the rev limiter? Sounds like a bit much timing...

I will get a video up tonight of my test hook this week end, it does not bounce off the rev limiter. It will just hold steady at 4000rpm. EPA approved clean run untill the end when the RPM dropped down to 3800.

You may be right, That was the settings I ran on the dyno that made the most power, I'm unsure of how thats a too high of timing noise? ( not thats its not im really asking) I would think if its too high of timing when its what i call missing( or kind of sounds like RPM limiter) it would be doing that the whole run but it spools fine up to 3,000 then i launch it lock it up and shift and it does it then it smooths out and seems to run good? Idk guess I'm at a little bit of a loss. Thanks
You may be right, That was the settings I ran on the dyno that made the most power, I'm unsure of how thats a too high of timing noise? ( not thats its not im really asking) I would think if its too high of timing when its what i call missing( or kind of sounds like RPM limiter) it would be doing that the whole run but it spools fine up to 3,000 then i launch it lock it up and shift and it does it then it smooths out and seems to run good? Idk guess I'm at a little bit of a loss. Thanks

It is definitely too much timing making it stutter/pop not the rev limiter. Back it off a bit. If you didn't reach the rpms you have the limiter set to on the ssr, it is not the limiter.

Listen to this video. It was breaking up at 3500 because of the timing set to high. I tuned the stutter out of it on the dyno.

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Greg that truck is really running nice.
Are you sticking with one vs, or updating on latest releases and starting over?
anyone have any guesses on which end the timing will need dropped out of ( HL or LL)? also where does the RPM switch from LL to HL ive tried searching and i know its in this thread but thats also 168 pages. thanks

I just loaded the latest release on my 04. LLT28 HLT24 LLDR3 HLDR5 LLRP1 HLRP1 pre inj off. With the preinjection off I was starting to get to haze instead of black. Be carefull the rail pressure spikes full pressure for some reason and will not come down until idle. Blasted the top off an injector. I will remove SSR programming 17 didnt work either.
If I turn preinjection on I get to much fuel but the rail pressure does not spike.
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What are your guys's settings that are running big singles like useing a s488 and 75 liter per minute injectors
We found the opposite with 1.7 to the point that we had to start the dyno runs later and end them later as we went up.

Our numbers were iirc (don't have my notes with me) HLD45, HLT35, HLR16. HLT may have been high as 40, but like I said just going off memory. Oh yeah and TQ 2, RPM 6000

HLT 42 (tried going to 45 not good)
HLR 45 (went to 50 on the dyno made no differance) this is a single pump with 75lpm injectors
HLD 35 or 40 i would have to look at my paper.

TQ 2

Posted just one page back....
thanks you full pull gust trying to fix the poping I have going on the top end but is hard to hear cuz the GF lol

on fridays pull i had is on HLD25 LLD35 LLR25 HLR35 LLT15 HLT35 and TQ 3 and i had a hard time getting the RPMS up. So saturday night i when to LLD15 and HLR 40. and as u seen in the vid of my truck is was poping a lot on the top end.

thanks for any help cus is 400 miles way one. For all the rest of the hooks for me.
Ignore the correction factor, only uncorrected numbers mean anything (and even then that is debatable).

The owner of the truck has okay'd me to release this dyno graph, as the truck has done a couple local dyno events now, and been out to the track. It was dyno'd in 3rd gear, converter locked (which we now know was slipping). Speeds are in km/h

There was no tach pickup on the dyno so the dyno rpm is out from the autometer tach recall. It also turned out we were on a hurt converter (was discovered the next day at the track.)

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I just loaded the latest release on my 04. LLT28 HLT24 LLDR3 HLDR5 LLRP1 HLRP1 pre inj off. With the preinjection off I was starting to get to haze instead of black. Be carefull the rail pressure spikes full pressure for some reason and will not come down until idle. Blasted the top off an injector. I will remove SSR programming 17 didnt work either.
If I turn preinjection on I get to much fuel but the rail pressure does not spike.

My #'s are very similar to yours if i recall without looking through my notes. Mine is a 64/71/14 over 480 and flux 6.2s
To be clear though.. you blew a injector with these settings in vs 17B (pre inj off)??
Those fuel only numbers??

No, there is a little bit of spray to mimic the sort of boost numbers we see on the track on fuel only. The setup is capable of making that kind of power fuel only, we just didn't have the time on the dyno to get it there. This fall / winter we plan on spending some real dyno time getting things worked out.
If you don't mind telling were are you guys dynoing at as I have been looking for a place in central Alberta and have had no luck.