SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

Well that answered my question, guess its back on the list lol. I had forgotten about Dockboys results.
Thanks again

I think you definately could use more air. I have Exergy 105%'s and my 64/80 setup still hits 1600.... I am thinking of just steping up the primary just a hair... That 69 has to be workin it's balls off... LOL
I am sure he will be releasing an update for this soon. My last email to him this morning was on the release for the next SW update; it is not my call but his.

I went through a couple revisions with raychem. To make it easier to see that it's the latest software I went with revision 14A.
Here's the link to this latest tune:

We will load it as a regular update on our website later today or latest tomorrow. In the mean time you can use the above link for downloading it.

Hey raychem, did I say THANKS???

I went through a couple revisions with raychem. To make it easier to see that it's the latest software I went with revision 14A.
Here's the link to this latest tune:

We will load it as a regular update on our website later today or latest tomorrow. In the mean time you can use the above link for downloading it.

Hey raychem, did I say THANKS???


Any input on what was tweeked?

Sent from my DROIDX
I went through a couple revisions with raychem. To make it easier to see that it's the latest software I went with revision 14A.
Here's the link to this latest tune:

We will load it as a regular update on our website later today or latest tomorrow. In the mean time you can use the above link for downloading it.

Hey raychem, did I say THANKS???


Thank You my friend!!
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Loaded up the latest version. Rp climbs alot quicker now. Still seems to be limited at 25k, which is fine by me. Still have the slight drop on initial stomp but really thinking this is just the norm with a single pump. Loaded the same settings as before and smoke is up, not sure if this is in the new file or being its considerably warmer here than weeks past. Gonna try lowering the rp down from 25 and 40 and see if the smoke lowers.

Being 25Kpsi seems to be the cut off exactly what are we adjusting on the rp? Ramp rate, a starting pressure point? Cruising rp doesnt seem to be higher regardless of level, I have been able to reach 25K on any setting Ive used so thats why I ask.
so 50 on hlrp is 25k? iam only running it at 30 right now. Part of that is my cp3 is hateing life
oooh my. nice work. yeah, it's more smokie if you're in the throttle. timing rattle on LLT 32 is not infrequent, it's there now at light loads moving that back to 30. pulls like crazy on the low end.

well report soon. my starting values for things on 1.4a: 30/40/24 32/40/26
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Loaded up the latest version. Rp climbs alot quicker now. Still seems to be limited at 25k, which is fine by me. Still have the slight drop on initial stomp but really thinking this is just the norm with a single pump. Loaded the same settings as before and smoke is up, not sure if this is in the new file or being its considerably warmer here than weeks past. Gonna try lowering the rp down from 25 and 40 and see if the smoke lowers.

Being 25Kpsi seems to be the cut off exactly what are we adjusting on the rp? Ramp rate, a starting pressure point? Cruising rp doesnt seem to be higher regardless of level, I have been able to reach 25K on any setting Ive used so thats why I ask.

Homewrecker, smoke will be up a bit with the new SW so you may have to re-tune a bit. The dip you see initially will always be there for you and me. When you accelerate it will take some time for the pump to catch up with demand again. It is more noticeable on single pump trucks.

The higher RP numbers affect ramp rate the most from what I have seen. I know that Marco was conservative with max RP since it will hurt more than help. Personally with the new SW my RP setting drop 15 points from my initial settings.
I like this version better, but also noticed its a bit more smokey using the same settings as 1.3 ..

I'll retune to work out the smoke..
yes. the duration numbers have to come down! the pressure comes in well. so far on boost it's even cleaner.

I'm down to lld 22, from 28... heh. this will be fun. I'll have to get on a dyno again soon. this software feels much stronger.
scratch that. more live street tuning ideas and results. if you had a high rail number, cut it back. that extra 5,000psi is a nice kick in the pants. if you run up pressure to soon, you get power plus smoke. i thought it was getting into high-level range...but at 2000rpm and nowhere near WOT? I watched the rail gauge and after just enough throttle the pressure ramp and you go!

id run the same timing and duration but cut the rail in half then work it up.
so i did the update and i find on the stock rail setting it still dips a bit so i went to 30 on llr and hlr and it dosnt have the dip any more but smokes more . now should a guy turn down lld a bit or tune it out with the rail settings ?
Anyone test the Cruising speed "surging" issue yet?

I tired it quick at about 82 and it was a little surgy. I wanna smooth out the throttle first. I'll try soon as I use the cruise alot. seemed fine on v1.3a under 75 with the duration and timing set better.
so i did the update and i find on the stock rail setting it still dips a bit so i went to 30 on llr and hlr and it dosnt have the dip any more but smokes more . now should a guy turn down lld a bit or tune it out with the rail settings ?

Guys, with the revised SW you WILL have to re-tune your SSR. Version 1.3A had a small issue in how load vs. rpm was mapped and hence why so many of you including myself saw the RP not rise and fall off while you were accelerating while under load(cruising). This was taken care of with this SW revision and I am sure Marco made a few tweaks on this SW....Power feels smoother in delivery vs 1.3A.

SO, your timing may have to be adjusted some but your duration and rp setting will change. I would probably start with TQM on stock or 1 and tune from there.

Anyone test the Cruising speed "surging" issue yet?

I posed about this here:Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together - View Single Post - SSR New Release Info and Results Thread....

Surging issues an be tuned out via timing ad duration.

My best advise is to start from the stock settings and work your way up LL first and HL second. I have had small bit of surging issues but just a number or two more or less in timing or duration has taken care of it (i run 70% larger injectors so not really small). Write down on paper your changes and make one change at a time. Also, make sure your motor is up to temp!
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Are injection events being turned off sooner too? say, 3rd gear,35mph is around 2600rpm, the motor is sounding like a vp motor. not really a rattle, just meaner. sounds and runs clean under boost tho. timing is at 32 on the low and high end.